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Another Lewes nutter?

On 2 Feb 2007 at 11:26pm MC wrote:
Has anyone seen that bloke in the well pressed, ill fitting shiny suit and red shirt and tie? He's got short dark hair and eyebrows and has gone a little bald on top. He *appeared* to park his old but tidy red estate in the carpark by the new(ish) pet shop and then walked around looking like he was on the way to a business meeting talking very loudly into his hands free mobile about "business". He didn't appear to get to his meeting, preferring to walk around the Cliffe High Street talking very loudly about "business".
Has he been made redundant?
Should someone give him a job?
On 4 Feb 2007 at 9:19pm Chav wrote:
My dad's back then !!

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Bill Lewes 10:132
Bill Lewes

There’s a certain charm about window cleaners—the way they seem to float between households, brightening views while carrying... more
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John Adams