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And you think you have troubles?

On 2 Jan 2009 at 12:09pm Rachel wrote:
Ex Lewesian in Ashdod, Israel and wishing I had the same problems as you have! Had three missiles yesterday, none today thankfully
Wishing you all a sniffy and homesick New Year
On 2 Jan 2009 at 12:16pm Nullify wrote:
Don't worry - you've killed over 400 people in Gaza.
On 2 Jan 2009 at 12:25pm Rachel wrote:
Not me personally I assure you - and its worse for them over there
On 2 Jan 2009 at 1:33pm Nullify wrote:
I agree - and you have my sympathies too.
On 2 Jan 2009 at 4:30pm Smiler wrote:
I'll bet you can park where you like though.
On 2 Jan 2009 at 6:55pm Lopster wrote:
Rachel thanks for your kind wishes - sincerely hope things pick up for you, can't imagine what it is like to live under those conditions - keep chatting, a few kindwords from Lewes and some memories could well help...
To wish you a Happy New Year seems hardly adequate under the circumstances - but well. Hey lets hope it gets happier SOON!!
and as for you Smiler - I am shocked!!!
On 2 Jan 2009 at 9:27pm Cliffebimbo wrote:
Shalom Rachel, ma nishma? Hope you are ok. I spent time in a bomb shelter in Kiryat Shmona back in 1993, so I am thinking of you.
On 3 Jan 2009 at 11:06am sashimi wrote:
Rachel, it's good that Smiler can see the advantages of living where you do. It's probably a bit warmer than 3 degrees too. If Northern Ireland and South Africa seem on the way to being sorted, isn't it time for the Middle East and Kashmir to come in from the cold too?
On 4 Jan 2009 at 5:02pm Rachel wrote:
Its well warmer here, and Smiler made me laugh - the place is a ghost town! No queues at the post office, every car park is empty and cheese is half price (go figure!) I have two apartments, one I live in and one I rent out and now, thanks to Hamas, I only have the one we live in as the other was hit by a grad. Its not too serious though, looks much worse than it is. I love the photos and that from Lewes, and you guys are the best. Including Smiler
On 6 Jan 2009 at 3:26pm whatthehellsgoingon wrote:

40 people killed, including children, in a UN run school in Gaza by a direct hit

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