Lewes Forum thread

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Lewes Forum New message

Advertising blurbs.

On 23 Aug 2023 at 3:56pm Cedric wrote:
This forum is fast becoming one which permits business advertising in whatever shape or form one desires to use.
It may produce opportunities for witty responses from the resident comedians as the members, including me, seem to have run out of local topics of interest to discuss.
Is Lewes news and views now defunct?
On 23 Aug 2023 at 6:08pm Green Sleeves wrote:
This place has become a ghost town. I blame Conspira-TP for all of it.
On 23 Aug 2023 at 11:44pm Tom Pain wrote:
You're absolutely right but how could you be otherwise?
On 24 Aug 2023 at 9:12am Nevillman wrote:
"Business advertising"? I thought it was friendly local residents giving feedback on essay writing services, online casinos and many other local services?

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I've been sat here sh*tting myself, but so far nothing untoward has happened on my various bits of hardware. I don't have a fixed... more
Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.
John Adams