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Ads on this forum

On 16 Feb 2016 at 10:26pm Belladonna wrote:
What a weird selection of ads on this forum - generated by some algorithm, no doubt - but why would it think I'm interested in an Israeli news channel, women in their 40s, red hair, Indian stocks and shares, a furniture outlet or a pension ? How can it deduce that from what I post ? Or is it a more general algorithm averaging out all the users of the forum ? Do we all see the same ads ?
On 16 Feb 2016 at 11:22pm elgoog wrote:
Surely they're generated from the weird searches you do on your device.
On 16 Feb 2016 at 11:35pm Jeff wrote:
I just get large breasted Eskimo women.
I did search for information on blue tits once maybe that's it
On 17 Feb 2016 at 3:44pm harry wrote:
These are Google Ads. Google Ads are based on your google profile. Google thinks you're interested in these subjects by looking at your searches and any application data such as gmail. It also may look at the searches done on your computer (if anyone else uses it).
Try it by searching on google for something say, like, new bathroom taps in Google, then visit the website to show genuine interest.... next day re-visit this forum and you'll see ads from a Victorian Plumbing etc...
On 17 Feb 2016 at 4:14pm elgoog wrote:
Harry is correct, as my name suggests. I afraid Belladonna all these weird adverts as you call them, are just the same weird searches that are obviously made of your device. So if it's your phone then it's you, and if it's on a family computer perhaps it's your other half looking for a red headed femail he could take to Israel, spend his pension on on some new furniture and a new life in India on the stock market.
On 17 Feb 2016 at 5:19pm Adblock wrote:
Belladonna, I don't see any ads because I installed Adblock. It makes life far more pleasant.
On 17 Feb 2016 at 7:18pm Searcher wrote:
It's been a great one to watch out for when people complain that they're getting loads of adverts for rent boys or large breasted Glaswegians.
On 17 Feb 2016 at 11:46pm Belladonna wrote:
Interesting. I don't use gmail. And I generally only search news sites on my phone - which accounts for the news channel, but certainly no dating websites ! However they're coming up with ads it's got my interests (mostly) wrong!
On 18 Feb 2016 at 9:49am elgoog wrote:
Nothing to do with gmail....just searches made on your device.

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