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A27 Speed cameras

On 18 Oct 2007 at 8:59am Dean Walker wrote:
Just thought I'd let you all know there are now 2 speed cameras between ashcombe roundabout (kingston) and falmer sliproad.
both are covered up as of yesterday.

On 18 Oct 2007 at 3:04pm Smiler wrote:
Thanks very much Dean thats really valuable info, are the on bosth sides of the road?
On 18 Oct 2007 at 3:37pm Dean Walker wrote:
They are in the center It looks like they face each direction but are covered up at the moment.
On 18 Oct 2007 at 3:41pm Landport loony wrote:
They both face east ie towards Lewes and they're temporary during the roadworks. I don't know what is going on with the roadworks but i came into Lewes from Brighton about half an hour ago and a section of the road had already been tarmacked.
Do you think that ESCC has seen the light and is doing the works at night ? Maybe the speed cameras are just on at night during the works time.
On 19 Oct 2007 at 9:05am Geoff wrote:
I havn't been to Lewes for a while. Does it have speed humps? which I think are worse than cameras. And if so, why hasn't someone gone out seccretely at night and melted them off the roads
I find for me, the best deterent with speeding are those little faces that smile when your speed is good and go sad when your'e just over it. i find they have more effect on me than cameras themselves. Something scycological perhaps there.
On 19 Oct 2007 at 10:01am Dean Walker wrote:
Yes there are a few speed humps southover high street has some. I must agree cameras dont really stop speeding as people
speed along and slow down just before then speed up after.
if you ever drive with sat nav and check your speed on the sat nav and also on the speedo on the car they will differ. norm car speedo is a few mph slower than actuall speed. one of my friends bought a car second hand and the previous owner had changed the wheels from 13" steel wheels to 14" alloy wheels but didnt change the tyre so he was always over the speed limit even when the speedo said he was under. 3 points and a fine and not even his fault.
On 19 Oct 2007 at 3:32pm The Super K wrote:
Yes Geoff I prefer the faces as well, cause they don't come with £50 fines!!!!!!
Do they really smile as well ?
On 19 Oct 2007 at 4:25pm Geoff wrote:
Some do The Super K. I think because its a visual thing, that it gets you to slow.
On 21 Oct 2007 at 10:30am andy wrote:
Speed cameras are a bloody joke
On 30 Oct 2007 at 10:36pm Dave Mercer wrote:
The two cameras between Falmer and Kingston have gone and the road markings burned off! What is going on? Seems like a lot of effort for a temporary situation. Did someone realise it was a crazy place to put them, i.e. no kids playing by the roadside, no school run on either side, no shops etc? Perhaps they were in the wrong place! How much did all that cost I wonder, as much as the £40k a pedestrian crossing costs?

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