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20mph zones

On 14 Feb 2017 at 10:47am Daily angst wrote:
I can only guess at how many thousands it cost to implement these zones but what a nonsense they are especially Cockshut Rd. where only a fool would navigate the tunnel faster than 20mph anyway. There's little point in having them at all if they are not enforced, just look at Phoenix causeway on a Saturday morning- like a racetrack. Of course I've seen the adverts "at 20mph you are much less likely to suffer serious injury...." but yes at 0mph you won't get injured at all!
On 14 Feb 2017 at 11:15am James Hunt wrote:
Pretty sure that all cars will come fitted with a black box in the next 10 years which will monitor your speed, acceleration, braking and all other aspects of your driving. If you go over the speed limit, you'll either pay more insurance or get 3 points.
On 14 Feb 2017 at 12:07pm The Greek wrote:
^ Many under 25s have that in their car anyway to lower the insurance premiums.
On 14 Feb 2017 at 12:19pm James Hunt wrote:
Yeah, my offspring is 18 and has one in their car
On 14 Feb 2017 at 1:29pm Historian wrote:
Has anyone asked via foi exactly how many people have been involved in motor accidents on Lewes roads in the last 10 years ?
On 14 Feb 2017 at 4:55pm The people wrote:
20 limit not needed in lewes as too many speed bumps etc which slow you down. Also more pollution with the enforced limits......cars no designed for continual stop start gear changes etc. How much has it cost to speed bump lewes and all the signage. Once again council not spending wisely....
On 14 Feb 2017 at 6:26pm A Person wrote:
Except the speed bumps don't "slow people down". You've only got to walk along Southover High Street to see people hurtling along, braking hard for the ramps and accelerating again. Anyone who does drive at the posted speed is likely to be tailgated and sometimes overtaken, particularly on Little East St. As for pollution, yep: braking and accelerating hard is terrible. So don't do it. Driving at a nice steady 20 is fine.

As for people driving through the rail tunnel on Cockshut Lane: any dog walker will tell you that there are plenty of idiots who both drive far too fast, and have no respect whatsoever for any other road user.
On 14 Feb 2017 at 7:12pm lewes resident wrote:
What's really funny is seeing supposed speed campaigners from a residence association hurtling along Southover High st at 40 or 50 mph and sometimes on their mobile phone. Hyprocrisy.
On 19 Feb 2017 at 7:51pm Lewes driver wrote:
The 20 mph limit through town was always a daft idea as many of us said at the time in the local paper. It was fixing a problem that didn't exist and in the evening when the roads are empty was never going to be adhered to. A 20mph limit on the estates would make more sense, but hardly anyone goes faster than that anyway and those that do are not going to slow down for a road sign. As Historian implies I am not aware of any general carnage on the roads over the past few years. The money could have been much better spent.

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