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170 days

On 17 May 2006 at 9:51am CSBS Member wrote:
170 days and counting til this years bonfire night which should be on the 5th but on the 4th. cant wait ha ha
(should upset a few)
On 17 May 2006 at 10:16am mick wrote:
Yep. I am already upset. It is such a major tradition in Lewes that you can't even hold your pathetic parades on the correct day.
Re-writing history?
On 17 May 2006 at 3:48pm Me wrote:
Think you will find it is the fault of the police/authorities that when bonfire falls on a sunday it is held on a saturday.
On 17 May 2006 at 7:23pm northern bigot wrote:
You cant please all the people all the time! Some may put up smokescreens, its their pets, its more than one day a year, its the disruption etc. Youve only had over 150 years notice, since the Cliffe and Borough were formed! The real reason is that cetain societies burn the Pope-1605 edition. Very few Churches or societies have the same support they had 50, 30 or even 10 years ago. Lewes bonfire societies do, many have increased their membership, So they must be giving the people what they want?
On 18 May 2006 at 9:59am mc vicar wrote:
think you willl find it would upset too many if we held it on a sunday. c sew wee rnt all meandatholes
On 18 May 2006 at 12:14pm Pedant wrote:
If you want to go back to tradition, it used (pre 50's) to be held on Monday 6th when the 5th fell on a Sunday, but post-50's it moved to the Saturday so that people could go to work on the Monday.
Of course, tradition is a funny old thing, how long does an action have to happen before it is tradition?
On 12 Oct 2006 at 5:27pm bunnybonfirefanatic wrote:
pathetic parades? you really need to learn the meaning of bonfire before you call it pathetic, you obviously have no idea how much joy it brings to the people of lewes, i know some people complain about the noise and their pets but in truth if bonfire stoped there would be nothing to put lewes on the map, and EVERYBODY would miss it and feel in part empty, even though most wouldnt admit it! not only does bonfire bring happiness to the people of lewes but people all around the country, otherwise why do you think people would travel hundreds of miles just to watch us ? truthfully if noone came to watch us we would still hold our night and do it just as enthusiastically, if most bonfire people saw your coment im sure it would bring a tear to their eyes to even think that someone could be so naive as to think this night which has been going on for more than 400 years is pathetic!! i feel sorry for you!!

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