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£1.2m for Southerham travellers

On 10 Feb 2007 at 10:20pm Smiler wrote:
I don't ****ing believe it!!
The East Sussex County Council has just awarded 1.2 million to upgrade the Southerham travellers site, what the **** are they going to do with all that? put in a sauna, pool, jacuzzi, tennis courts, snooker hall, private heli-pad, poodle parlour, private health clinic, flood defences???
What about our ****ing flood defences, why the **** don't they think thats important, we pay their ****ing wages we put them in their jobs! Its as if they don't give a **** about us!
I'm a bit cross about this in case you hadn't picked up on that.
On 11 Feb 2007 at 9:26am Marlk Rolfe wrote:
prehaps they couls spend it on educating you in english,in that way you could get the point across without all the swearing.
On 11 Feb 2007 at 10:45am Smiler wrote:
prehaps!!!, couls!!!, english with a small e!!! no space after the comma!!!
At least I can spell ****
Maybe you could teach me the grammar Mark or maybe I should get someone who knows what they are talking about instead.
On 11 Feb 2007 at 5:08pm Marlk Rolfe wrote:
At least you got the point without swearing idiot.
On 11 Feb 2007 at 8:24pm Smiler wrote:
You can't spell your own name and I'm the idiot?
On 11 Feb 2007 at 9:16pm Northern Bigot wrote:
I agree with your comments smiler, the powers that be including the Police,appear scared of them. So they buy them off with grants and such like for a quiet life! Lucky heather selling and scrap metal dealing appears profitable? They drive around in Mercs, 4x4etc, naturally without insurance, road tax or MOT!
On 11 Feb 2007 at 9:29pm eric wrote:
well said mate to true the councils raving mad
On 12 Feb 2007 at 10:12am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Like everyone else travellers have rights.
IMHO they should not be living in a Southerham layby.
Much better to give a sizeable portion of County Hall Lewes over to them where they could live happily amongst the staff.
Indeedy-do... charity begins at home.
On 12 Feb 2007 at 8:26pm me wrote:
What makes me chuckle is the fact that 90% of the year there is maybe the odd one or two tatty caravans staying and fly tipping in southerham. But now with all that valuable machinery etc in and around the building site for the new bridge, southerham is packed to the rafters. Like flys round S**t. Perhaps the 1.2 million would be better spent on catching the thieving scrotes and prosecuting them for all the fly tipping that they do.
On 12 Feb 2007 at 9:34pm SHS wrote:
£1.2m could buy a bus station for Lewes. A cattle market. Even a zebra crossing ....... Anyway, we'll all be fly-tipping once the council start charging £10 for every rubbish bag we put out, blaming us for their failure to implement a sustainable (word-of-the year 2006) re-cycling scheme.
On 15 Feb 2007 at 11:01pm MC wrote:
And taking about flooding. The Ouse flooded between Barcombe and Isfield yesterday... so Lewes can't be far behind. :-)
On 23 Feb 2007 at 3:09pm di wrote:
Regarding the site at Southerham and £1.2 million-do the travellers pay Council Tax and will they now keep the site tidy if the investment improves conditions?
On 23 Feb 2007 at 3:48pm The Super K wrote:
No and No
They do not pay council tax, and once the improvemnets are done they will just rip them up and move on laughing at all the stuff they've just nicked.
Our only hope is that the site is closed whilst the improvements are done and then closed down due to lack of funds to reopen it.
On 24 Feb 2007 at 2:59pm Di wrote:
I feel really annoyed about this! I live in Newhaven which is supposed to be undergoing regeneration-I don't feel much has been done other than now to use us a dumping ground for everybodys rubbish(the incinerator). Taking a simplistic view-do you get more if you don't pay council tax! I sometimes think Newhaven could fall into the sea and LDC wouldn't notice for about 6 months-or until they missed our Council Tax payments. Sorry to rant on as I know this is a Lewes site.
On 27 Apr 2007 at 5:43pm Traveller hater wrote:
Burn them in the vans,its the only way!

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