On 3 Feb 2015 at 7:26pm Catherine Charlton wrote:
This place caused me such headache!
I have a group of 15 American University students who are studying throughout the UK, who will soon be traveling to Sussex for a weekend to explore the beautiful town of Lewes and surrounding South Downs landscape. I had booked The Real Eating Company in November for Saturday 14 February, fully three (3) months before the event. The reservation was confirmed in writing and I accommodated by moving our reservation later in the evening since the busiest time is between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. according to the restaurant. I also confirmed in writing no less than three weeks prior to the scheduled event. I received a phone call 11 days before I need to bring my group of visitors to discover that after a “staff meeting” the owner decided to not honour our booking. Presumably this is hedging options where a guaranteed booking of 15 people may or may not be as profitable as walk-in’s.
Such a decision should have been made in November with the original booking. At such a time, I could have easily made other inquires and bookings. On such short notice with a large group of visitors to an area who have no other option is beyond unforgiveable. Suffice it to say, I will never bring a group to this establishment again; nor, would I recommend anyone frequent a place, which has such a distasteful approach to its customers. To renege on a committed booking leaves a bad taste, and this is now how I feel about all of the food, drink and service at this appalling place.
Resident Director
Rutgers University Study Abroad UK & Ireland
On 3 Feb 2015 at 8:03pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
I guess they thought they could make more money without taking in a load of students. Had the 14th not have been a Saturday you may have been OK. Perhaps you could offer to go earlier and vacate the table by 8:00PM or commit to a minimum spend per head?
Stupid of them to take the booking, but if I owned the business I would also have cancelled you. At least you got a bit of notice.
On 3 Feb 2015 at 8:57pm Country Boy wrote:
No Pot Pourri - I disagree. A booking is a booking and should be honoured. The REC has done itself no favours.
On 3 Feb 2015 at 9:38pm dizzydi wrote:
I agree with Country Boy. The fact that the reservation was confirmed in writing, should therefore be honoured, some would argue a deposit should have been made. The REC cocked up, obviously unaware of the date in question, and now realise their mistake. Had it been any other evening, the place would of been grateful for a party of 15. Wish you luck finding another venue
On 3 Feb 2015 at 10:10pm Warden wrote:
Maybe we should all make a reservation, and just not turn up, that way they'd end up wishing they had taken the original party of 15 ! Just saying.
On 3 Feb 2015 at 10:27pm Ben wrote:
Imagine trying to get your leg over on a romantic table for two with 15 excited young people on the next table. A tough decision to make by the management over what was clearly a mistake by one of the booking staff. You'll be fine elsewhere if you go early and leave early. If you really get stuck, you can hire the hall and kitchen at Lewes New School at very good rates, then get a cook in or get a take away delivered.
On 3 Feb 2015 at 11:36pm Old Bloke wrote:
I'm amazed they decided they didn't want the booking because every time I walk by there's next to no on in here.
That's no surprise.
Even in a town loaded with nondescript restaurants the Real Eating Company stands out in it's awfulness - terrible food service and price - unless it's changed of course, Been in there twice - once for the worst (mostly uneaten) meal out I've ever endured and secondly conned to go for breakfast (surely they couldn't mess a breakfast up) and was charged an extortionate price.
Dreadful place.
Go to the Magazine, Snowdrop or Pelham Arms otherwise don't eat in Lewes
On 4 Feb 2015 at 12:59am Oh Really wrote:
Have to agree with Old Bloke
Absolutely dire place, makes its predecessor 'The Long Wait' look like a well run, reasonably priced establishment
Avoid this sh1t hole like the plague
On 4 Feb 2015 at 7:51am lewes resident wrote:
I would look on the bright side and see this as a sign you shouldn't eat there. I had a meal there in December and was very disappointed wouldn't book again.actually ASK isn't so bad and sure they would accommodate you,
On 4 Feb 2015 at 9:43am Oldbutintouch wrote:
Call the Royal Oak, Barcombe - very good, genuinely home cooked food at a fair price. As a bonus, a real local pub.
On 4 Feb 2015 at 10:38am Southover Queen wrote:
The problem is, of course, that this is Valentine's Day when every restauranteur in the country is going to be overcharging for red/heart shaped food, and because it's a Saturday it's a double bonanza. I think this is just disgraceful behaviour, frankly, because it will be really hard to find somewhere.
That said, I think I'd try some of the pubs which aren't going to be doing the candlelight dinner type thing, and perhaps talk to one which has some extra space. Maybe Huw at the Elephant and Castle could help? Not a romantic venue, but a great pub and a much better experience for the students into the bargain!
On 4 Feb 2015 at 10:52am trooper wrote:
I would totally agree with "SQ" that this disgraceful and ignorant behavior,may I suggest that you try John Harvey Tavern they have a large room upstairs and is suitable for groups such as yours. If ever a restaurant was wrongly named this place is the one. Poor food and worse service.
On 4 Feb 2015 at 11:57am Legal info forCatherine wrote:
Regarding the alleged incident. This could be useful info for Catherine, or any of us, including the owners of the REC who may want to contact Catherine, before she contacts them. It is from the Guardian legal advice page from 2002, and should still apply. Obviously Catherine is unlikely to want to go to the REC ever again, so compensation should perhaps be purely financial, rather than compensatory discounted offers to eat there . The two written confirmations are useful evidence, and I would simply send copies to the owners, asking them how they would like to resolve your concerns.
xxxxxxxxinfo belowxxxxxxxxx
"Don't make a booking unless you are absolutely sure you want the table. This is because when you book a table you enter into a legally binding contract with the restaurant. If you change your mind and cancel the booking for any reason whatsoever you are in breach of contract.
The restaurant must make very effort to find other customers to take your place. And this shouldn't be too difficult at this time of year. But if they are unable to do this you could be made to pay the restaurant compensation for their loss of profit on your booking. And if you paid a deposit in advance you will forfeit this automatically whether or not the restaurant finds replacement customers.
It works both ways though so if you booked a table that did not materialise you are entitled to compensation. Obviously you should get your deposit back as well as your expenses travelling to an alternative venue. Importantly though you can also claim for disappointment and inconvenience for each person in your party. You can get more for this if the table was booked for a special occasion such as a Christmas party."
On 4 Feb 2015 at 12:17pm Mark wrote:
On 4 Feb 2015 at 12:20pm Mark wrote:
If I were feeding a group of American students (an unlikely eventuality) I would take them to The Snowdrop for sure. They won't have seen anything like it in their lives. Upstairs clearly.
On 4 Feb 2015 at 12:43pm Barrackroom Lawyer wrote:
You could try Judge Rinder - a TV programme that is actively seeking cases . On ITV. or you could parade outside with 15 burning crosses ( remember remember etc. )
On 4 Feb 2015 at 1:01pm TDA wrote:
I've never seen more than 10 people in the REC at once, they probably couldn't take the stress.
On 4 Feb 2015 at 1:14pm Taff wrote:
You wouldny go wrong wuththe Black Horse either. I dont have their phone number to hand but if you called to check availability if they can they will.
On 4 Feb 2015 at 3:00pm bastian wrote:
Well they will probabley find them selves empty on Valentines day now, which is how it most of the time any way so that's their problem. I would go with requesting compensation, not a credit note.
On 4 Feb 2015 at 4:43pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
Looking at the comments here, they may have done you a favour! How about the pizza place at the bus station?
On 4 Feb 2015 at 6:16pm nevillman wrote:
Good suggestion no pot pourri but I believe the food is a little over done.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 7:59am resturant crisis wrote:
I would say oh well bad luck. Better luck next time and surely it's obvious this is a wind up post yet everyone seems to have taken it seriously!
On 5 Feb 2015 at 8:07am the kronic wrote:
@Restaurant crisis.....please can you justify your comments and explain why you think this is a wind up ?
On 5 Feb 2015 at 12:08pm Googler wrote:
Could be genuine: There's this one on LinkedIn, based in Brighton:
Catherine Charlton
Regional Coordinator, International Recruitment at Rutgers University
Demographic info
Brighton, United Kingdom | Education Management
Regional Coordinator, International Recruitment at Rutgers University, Resident Director, Study Abroad at Rutgers University
On 5 Feb 2015 at 12:10pm Clifford wrote:
I'd be really worried now if I was the REC manager. As LegalInfo says, Catherine has a contract with them, and she has it in writing. Breach of contract could turn out to be expensive, as well as not helping with the lace's reputation.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 1:50pm Trevor Booking wrote:
Yes, the most interesting thing here is the possibility that a restaurant may be liable if they cancel a booking. I did not know that info, and it does make sense.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 2:07pm rex Rochester wrote:
I'll go with other comments on here and just say thank your lucky stars you aren't actually eating there.. for a great lewes eating out experience you couldn't go wrong by trying one of the many (and great) pubs who do evening foods and serve Harvey's, you might suggest your students try the Tom Paine ale (other alcoholic beverages are available) in celebration of his influence on the US (DoI)...
On 5 Feb 2015 at 2:15pm rex rochester wrote:
I have just read trip advisor, as the ms Charlton has written on there also.. I found this response..
ManagerLewes, Manager at The Real Eating Company, responded to this review, yesterday
I am sorry that you feel we have let you down with your booking. However, the booking was not confirmed as you have stated. An initial enquiry was made. This is different to a confirmed booking. I am very sorry that we are unable to accommodate your group on the required date and can understand the difficulty in not having a reservation. However, on our part, this enquiry was not a confirmed booking.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 3:36pm trooper wrote:
Ms Charlton has stated on this forum that she has a written statement of her intent to bring her group to the REC which she states they the REC confirmed.Assuming this to be true the Manager of this establishment is telling complete lies and open to legal action.
If, as he states the booking was NOT confirmed by the REC, why did he consider it necessary to inform Ms Charlton that they would not accept the group.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 4:02pm Local Resident wrote:
The Tripadvisor reviews are interesting. Tripadvisor is not especially reliable, but it is notable how mediocre the reviews are, and what will prompt a manager response. If Ms Charlton did not get confirmation, one wonders why she would mention the busy booking hour, and having changed her booking.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 4:15pm Catherine Charlton wrote:
Thank you all for your supportive responses. I bring a group of Rutgers University students to Lewes 3 times a year, and so was in utter disbelief at this turn of events by the REC. I think all of you are right, I may have lucked out. Thank you for the many suggestions, too, of alternatives. For those who read the manager's response on Trip Advisor, I am unable to respond (it doesn't let you do that) to thank them for apologising for my feelings (odd phrase) and to produce the e-mail trail of how they did in fact have a booking. That said, all is sorted now and I won't be bringing a group there ever again.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 5:06pm Local Resident wrote:
Hooray. I am glad it all worked out, and also that you picked the restaurant up on their unwise, and unfriendly treatment of visitors to our town. Did the REC apologise once they saw your e-mail trail and the advice about breaking contracts? I hope you all have a lovely visit, and enjoy a meal somewhere much better that you would have done. Nowhere is perfect, but it looks like REC need to aim a bit higher.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 6:05pm Southover Queen wrote:
Yay! There are so many brilliant pubs in this town, and they'll have a far superior experience there for sure (and you won't be competing with couples gazing into each others' eyes either!) Definitely a lucky escape.
On 5 Feb 2015 at 7:01pm Tole wrote:
Old Bloke - ha-ha you tit! 'Magazine' You probably mean in your un-educated pro UKIP, Bigotted mindfield 'Le Magasin' This translates from French (that's another language and culture) to 'The Shop' NOT 'Magazine"
On 5 Feb 2015 at 8:40pm gate wrote:
Ohh get you
On 5 Feb 2015 at 9:08pm Funny wrote:
It could be a typo, and I would have sympathy for OB.....
but I haven't, having read endless pedantic complaints from OB about everyone else's literary failings.
On 6 Feb 2015 at 7:13am Historian wrote:
Retailers can some time be just too clever naming their stores, ie 50 Sheep !! So much so that it goes completely over the general publics head !