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What does 'London DFL haters' mean, and childcare?

On 21 Jan 2010 at 9:00pm greenwelly wrote:
just read London DFL thing what does it stand for?
But mainly is there a website/forum where can post messages regarding childminders/nannies available in Lewes?
Many thanks
On 21 Jan 2010 at 9:12pm LTR wrote:
DFL is an overused expression that actually refers to idiotic out of towners (down From London) who move to Lewes, and then expect it to change to suit the specific needs of their family (kids: marjoram and cobalt, with Chocolate the labradoodle) yet do nothing to contribute to the town other than moan about the locals dislike of wonderful modern buildings, whilst they live in a Listed georgian townhouse. There is an equivalent exp[ression for LDC Council officers LFD which stands for Lewes Failure Dump because we can only afford the interview rejects of other Councils....apparently.
On 21 Jan 2010 at 9:21pm resident wrote:
God you'll bore the poor guy to death. Depressing or what!!!! Sounds like your describing half of Lewes residents. LTR if you were to put your comment on the front of a newspaper it's sure to put off anyone outside Lewes moving in. Im so glad i made my own mind up of this wonderful town.
On 21 Jan 2010 at 11:37pm Sherlock wrote:
I thought DFLs did not 'moan about the locals dislike of wonderful modern buildings' but were active in the attempt to prevent the late unlamented Angel Property building 750 'modern' flats on the Phoenix floodplain.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 12:15am Eh? wrote:
Isn't that why it says "overused expression" There are people that fit the bill, and they are very vocal. luckily they are pretty harmless.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 12:24am Amo wrote:
Are the people who produce Viva Lewes DFLs? It's always seemed very un-Lewes to me and more like something that just sells ads with a few DFL stories in between.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 12:39am Eh? wrote:
What is "Lewes-ish" if something can be 'un-Lewes' I think Viva Lewes is pretty pointless, but no more so that the Sussex Depress which has been around for centuries. And the Sussex Express Lewes office closed. I think the DFL cliche is funny, (as described above) but when it starts getting all 'them and us' Yikes! back to the dark ages.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 8:33am Prick Stein wrote:
Viva Lewes, surely u mean our esteemed local, communistic, free trade produced, organically grown, hemp printed free rag known as VivaDFL. A load of tripe but cracking reading if you want to find out what restaurants and pubs to avoid coz they'll be full of DFL's who have just read the reviews.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 9:14am Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
The editor of Viva Lewes was born and bred here
On 22 Jan 2010 at 10:09am Amo wrote:
Viva Lewes 'communistic'? If only. I can't imagine a more middle class, consumerist and conformist piece of gush.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 10:47am Down and Out wrote:
God isn't it depressing how these small-minded a_holes just slag off everything that they're too lazy to contribute to themselves?
I think Viva Lewes is remarkable - that a guy can start up a succesful monthly mag with excellent full colour production quality in a town as small as Lewes, then distribute it free and make it work is really impressive. And they make enough money to sponsor the Rooks.
If you want to live in a town where nobody puts any effort into anything for fear of annoying the banal masses, move to Burgess Hill.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 10:55am Prick Stein wrote:
"Communistic" because it's always the middle class who think that communism is a 'good idea'!
On 22 Jan 2010 at 12:28pm EH? wrote:
D&O Just because I think Viva Lewes is pretty pointless (and an environmental waste as it goes straight in my bin) doesn't mean that I don't admire the skill of how it has been achieved, or realise that many people like it.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 12:40pm Amo wrote:
Down and Out wrote: 'God isn't it depressing how these small-minded a_holes just slag off everything that they're too lazy to contribute to themselves?'
You miss the point. Who would want to contribute to a piece of middle class crap other than the middle class themselves? Viva Lewes is simply an advertising vehicle. Have you seen the pages of ads for 'counsellors'? If you went by Viva Lewes you'd think the town consisted of holistic counsellors counselling one another.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 12:49pm Eh? wrote:
each to his own. maybe the advertising says something about the readers? At least the covers are nice.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 1:00pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Good lord, not this crappy divide thing again. It's so yawningly black and white. Amo, I can't believe I'm having to say this to a grown-up, but it's obviously news to you that not everyone who is middle-class thinks Reiki and holistic counselling are marvellous things. Similarly, not everyone who is working class loves nothing more than a good old knees-up down the Bull & Bush. Actually most people tend to be slightly harder to categorise - though maybe not you?
On 22 Jan 2010 at 1:51pm sashimi wrote:
Well said WW. I'm fed up with all this class war drivel. Newhaven consists of just five working class families who have been interbreeding for centuries and look where it's got them. The great thing about Lewes is that it consists of both old blood and new blood. The natives would be nowhere with just bonfire and without some fresh ideas and the injection of DFL cash into the economy. The DFLs may make lots of mistakes but the indigenous population are not backward about putting them right.
On 22 Jan 2010 at 2:04pm Amo wrote:
Interesting you're against 'class war drivel' Sashimi - and then give us the good old middle class line about 'five working class families' interbreeding in Newhaven. Do they keep coal in the bath by any chance. Do you also think all black people have a natural sense of rhythm and that all women are incapable of rational thought because they have periods?
On 22 Jan 2010 at 3:48pm PC Plod wrote:
No, it's not because they have periods!
On 22 Jan 2010 at 9:51pm Efflic wrote:
The blow ins have come in and taken over the town.
Viva Lewes, Bills, la Magazine the Guardian and last and by means least a Lib Dem MP. All these things indicate a high DFL presence .
Thank God for the Bonfire Boys ( except those in the Islington Bonfire Society SBS ) as long as we're still around theres still a chance this town can get back to normal.
On 23 Jan 2010 at 8:22am steve watts wrote:
The Viva Lewes people are not DFLs i have lived in Lewes for over 20 years, th ough i have to admit being born in Barnet which is very close to London!
On 23 Jan 2010 at 8:58am sashimi wrote:
Amo (amas, I love a lass?), I am not quite sure how you can get from an attack on the class war to women being incapable of rational thought. I certainly don't think it and it seems to me to be one more pointless generalisation. Unlike Herr Flick, I think the Town is made by having a dynamic mix of Viva Lewes, Bills etc and Bonfire.
On 23 Jan 2010 at 10:06am antipodean wrote:
I think Lewes is a darling little town.
I bought a sweet little place in Keere St for only 1/2 million, it is rather small but, as I am up in town from 7am to 8pm and then eating in a simply adorable restaurant till very late, I really only have time to sleep, in my 8' x 8' bedroom.
I get what comestibles I require delivered from F&M.
I enjoy having a latte on Saturday arvo before going up town to the opera or a gallery review.
We did once go for a very long walk to a sweet little village called Kingston, however the pub was full of oicks - I shall NOT be going back there.
I have to admit that, when we do get some time off, we take the RR to Chambery for some skiing etc or fly to Martinique for the beach.
BTW, Bills is so helpful, I was unable to get Balsamic Cashew nuts elsewhere!
The soup is such wonderful value at only £7.50 as well.
I do know the wonderful people from 'Viva', some of the young men are indeed from London but I think they have done a super job in raising the standards of the town, which I am told, was rather a rough place until the Lib Dems came here.
On 23 Jan 2010 at 12:52pm ArYaLocal wrote:
How many of you are actually from this town? original, true towns' people...
just curious cos you all sound like DFLs in denial.
On 23 Jan 2010 at 2:18pm country boy wrote:
I'm from Heathfield, is that local enough or would I have to be born within the town walls?
On 23 Jan 2010 at 2:31pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Yeah, but ArYaLocal, what's it really matter? If you trace your ancestors back far enough, the evidence suggests they'll be from East Africa, as we all are.
I lived in North Wales for years and they were a lot more welcoming to outsiders than some people here. So it's official. Lewes: Less Friendly Than Wales.
On 23 Jan 2010 at 5:05pm ArYaLocal wrote:
Yes history would agree with you WW but for the sake of this thread, all these muppets seem to know in this town are the DFL favourite places and publications.I think that Mr.P.Stein has got the idea. Herbal hippies and property price pushers. In Sussex we wunt be druv. (but it's bloody hard work.) :|
On 23 Jan 2010 at 9:11pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Is it really hard work, though, AYL? We live in one of the wealthiest parts of one of the wealthiest countries in the world. It's not like we are, generally speaking, pawns in someone else's master plan. By and large, in this town, most people pretty much do what they want without too much interference. Or don't they? If not, who is it who is always trying to push us around, what exactly is it that they are trying to push us into, and why do we feel the need to not be druv all the time?
On 23 Jan 2010 at 10:32pm colin the cont wrote:
My children are from round here, even if their parents aren't.
On 23 Jan 2010 at 11:15pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
Isn't it true that most places area mix of locals and incomers ? if you want a place to be truly 'local' you'd have to go back before the dawn of the railway and the industrial revolution when there was no mass transportation or migration from the country to the cities. But I think most people would want to live in the here and now. I'd be interested to know who is driving the "transition town Lewes" and the Lewes pound, which is all about keeping things local - bet there's a few DFL'S involved !
On 24 Jan 2010 at 10:01am Ivana wrote:
Definite DFL activity. Doesn't mean it is good though.
On 24 Jan 2010 at 10:35am ANON wrote:
This is gettin so spiteful !!!
On 24 Jan 2010 at 1:03pm Prick Stein wrote:
The Lewes pound is a crock of s@%t! It only works in hemp related stores! And as for the Transition Town mob, i bet they all drive 4x4s and work in IT!
On 24 Jan 2010 at 5:33pm steve watts wrote:
Just wait until we are in the National Park only DFLs will be able to afford houses in Lewes then !
On 24 Jan 2010 at 7:40pm DFL wrote:
Roll on that happy day!
On 24 Jan 2010 at 9:14pm ArYaLocal wrote:
"ARtists" that can't sell their work unless it is in Viva Mr P.Stein. All organic paint and recycled materials naturally. Bored DFL housewives.
On 25 Jan 2010 at 10:58am Papaver wrote:
If I move to London would I be a UFL?
On 25 Jan 2010 at 6:30pm brixtonbelle wrote:
No, you would be a Londoner and too busy to think about such crap
On 27 Jan 2010 at 12:57pm Ed Can Do wrote:
I'm local, lived here all my life except for three years at uni. My parents are from London and Sheffield though and I suspect there are very few people in Lewes who can trace more than two or three generations back as Lewes residents.

The editor of Viva Lewes is from Lewes and inf act it was him who coined the phrase DFL in the first place.

I agree as much as anyone that certain people moving to the town and expecting it to change to suit them is an annoyance but as was mentioned already, Lewes as a community is remarkably resistant to those people and more often than not it's them who change to suit the town. In the mean time, the vast sums of money that communters earn (Relative to local wages) is a huge boost to the local economy.
On 27 Jan 2010 at 11:29pm Britxonbelle wrote:
I first heard the term DFL in whitstable about 15 years ago...
in lewes seems it's just a general term of insult and can encompass anyone who is middle class, liberal, posh, drives a 4 x 4, has kids with posh or weird names (ie not john and mary), is arty, is hippy, like string, likes coffee, works in london, yummy mummy, eats at bills, drinks at lewes arms, wears wellies, wears jumpers, is a member of southover bonfire....or just expresses an opinion that annoys someone else !!
a true local meanwhile is the salt of the earth, shops at tescos and can do now wrong (unless you are from landport estate and are a single mum)
On 28 Jan 2010 at 8:34am Prick Stein wrote:
Exactly, although theres nothing wrong with Landport.
On 28 Jan 2010 at 5:41pm SG wrote:
Lewes can be intimidating to outsiders. I moved here from Seaford and was lucky enough to get a bar job and meet quite a few locals along the way; but it's very easy to feel alienated. I expect Viva Lewes is a good way of finding things to do and people to meet in the area, for newcomers.
On 30 Jan 2010 at 11:17pm moi wrote:
went into neros last week and there was ten pushchairs by the front door, honestly i can count..the mothers and sprogs were everywhere but none were teen mums just the 'Camden town Lewes' brigade, kids called Tarquin and barbour jacketed twenty-somethings,
rant over.

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Why not start another one


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Thomas Paine