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On 21 May 2018 at 4:42pm Rich wrote:
New to lewes. Looking for a weed contact if anybody can help
On 21 May 2018 at 4:45pm Ivor Eric Twilley wrote:
Troll, goady fecker
On 21 May 2018 at 4:53pm Rich wrote:
Excuse me Eric Ivor
On 21 May 2018 at 5:16pm Smokey wrote:
Lots of weeds around Winterbourne.
On 21 May 2018 at 5:26pm Jonjo wrote:
Loads in my garden if you want them and room for a nice big hole if you want it
On 21 May 2018 at 7:26pm Pedro wrote:
Discussing marijuana on this forum is viewed as a bit mischievous from certain parts. Seems that despite being a pretty liberal town, there are still a few people utterly out of touch with reality, who believe in decades old anti-drug (and anti-science) propaganda to the extent where they feel so threatened by a plant. Had some pretty amusing encounters on this forum as a result

Can't help you with a contact i'm afraid, but I don't think its too hard, especially in Brighton. Just follow your nose.
On 21 May 2018 at 7:56pm Tom wrote:
When it comes to out of touch Pedro is the most anywhere
On 21 May 2018 at 10:22pm Jonjo wrote:
Let's hope Pedro that none of your children.or loved ones get hooked on this crap and that you don't have to watch the paranoid episodes that come with it .think before you make clever smartarse comments about cannabis and what it has done to hundreds of families in this country
On 21 May 2018 at 11:24pm Pedro wrote:
@ Tom - brilliant contribution.....

@ Jonjo - i'd rather they get hooked on cannabis than pretty much any other drug, including nicotine or alcohol - i may make caffeine an exception. Plus, if cannabis was legalised and properly regulated, you'd have a cleaner supply with even lower risks associated. Its not even particularly addictive anyway.
On 22 May 2018 at 8:44am @rich wrote:
Really interested in setting up a small club for likeminded professionals.. not sure how to safely reach out though.
Ultimately growing ones own if you have the means is preferable.
On 22 May 2018 at 9:44am Tom wrote:
@Pedro if it's not that addictive then why don't you give it up?
On 22 May 2018 at 10:30am Another Tom wrote:
Why should he give it up if he enjoys it and isn't doing anyone any harm? Driving's not addictive, shall we all give that up? Bit of a logical fallacy in your argument there mate.
On 22 May 2018 at 10:55am &Jonjo wrote:
It doesn't cause paranoia or mental health issues where there are none. Check your facts before spouting off, signed a fully functioning, tax payers (with a very well paid job) that has smoked for 30+ years.
On 22 May 2018 at 11:02am Pedro wrote:
@ Tom - I haven't touched cannabis for about 3 weeks now, and not because I'm trying to "give it up", but because my friend who grows it is currently growing a new batch so won't be ready for another week or so. I could source it elsewhere, but I've no urge to, as I'm comfortable with the bud/strain my mate grows and can wait. Not felt any particular withdrawal side effects, although my appetite fell off a bit the first couple of days, and damn food doesn't taste anywhere near as nice without it!
On 22 May 2018 at 11:18am Hamid Barr wrote:
This is what Pedro would "rather they get hooked on"

Check it out here »
On 22 May 2018 at 11:23am Hamid Barr wrote:
Sorry link didn't work.
So - let's be as long winded as Pedro.
Cannabis: the facts

Cannabis (also known as marijuana, weed, pot, dope or grass) is the most widely used illegal drug in the UK.
The effects of cannabis vary from person to person:
•you may feel chilled out, relaxed and happy
•some people get the giggles or become more talkative
•hunger pangs ("the munchies") are common
•colours may look more intense and music may sound better
•time may feel like it's slowing down
Cannabis can have other effects too:
•if you're not used to it, you may feel faint or sick
•it can make you sleepy and lethargic
•it can affect your memory
•it makes some people feel confused, anxious or paranoid, and some experience panic attacks and hallucinations – this is more common with stronger forms of cannabis like skunk or sinsemilla
•it interferes with your ability to drive safely
If you use cannabis regularly, it can make you demotivated and uninterested in other things going on in your life, such as education or work.
Long-term use can affect your ability to learn and concentrate.

Can you get addicted to cannabis?
Research shows that 10% of regular cannabis users become dependent on it. Your risk of getting addicted is higher if you start using it in your teens or use it every day.
As with other addictive drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, you can develop a tolerance to cannabis. This means you need more to get the same effect.
If you stop using it, you may get withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, irritability and restlessness.
If you smoke cannabis with tobacco, you're likely to get addicted to nicotine and risk getting tobacco-related diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease.
If you cut down or give up, you will experience withdrawal from nicotine as well as cannabis.
See tips for stopping smoking.

Cannabis and mental health
Regular cannabis use increases your risk of developing a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia. A psychotic illness is one where you have hallucinations (seeing things that aren't really there) and delusions (believing things that aren't really true).
Your risk of developing a psychotic illness is higher if:
•you start using cannabis at a young age
•you smoke stronger types, such as skunk
•you smoke it regularly
•you use it for a long time
•you smoke cannabis and also have other risk factors for schizophrenia, such as a family history of the illness
Cannabis also increases the risk of a relapse in people who already have schizophrenia, and it can make psychotic symptoms worse.

Other risks of cannabis
Cannabis can be harmful to your lungs
People who smoke cannabis regularly are more likely to have bronchitis (where the lining of your lungs gets irritated and inflamed).
Like tobacco smoke, cannabis smoke contains cancer-causing chemicals, but it's not clear whether this raises your risk of cancer.
If you mix cannabis with tobacco to smoke it, you risk getting tobacco-related lung diseases, such as lung cancer and chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD).
You're more likely to be injured in a road traffic accident
If you drive while under the influence of cannabis, you're more likely to be involved in an accident. This is one reason why drug driving, like drink driving, is illegal.
Cannabis may affect your fertility
Research in animals suggests that cannabis can interfere with sperm production in males and ovulation in females.
If you're pregnant, cannabis may harm your unborn baby
Research suggests that using cannabis regularly during pregnancy could affect your baby's brain development.
Regularly smoking cannabis with tobacco increases the risk of your baby being born small or premature.
Cannabis increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke
If you smoke it regularly for a long time, cannabis raises your chances of developing these conditions.
Research suggests it's the cannabis smoke that increases the risk, not the active ingredients in the plant itself.

Does my age affect my risks?
Your risk of harm from cannabis, including the risk of schizophrenia, is higher if you start using it regularly in your teens.
One reason for this is that, during the teenage years, your brain is still growing and forming its connections, and cannabis interferes with this process

On 22 May 2018 at 11:32am bong wrote:
On 22 May 2018 at 11:48am Pedro wrote:
@ hamid barr - i would and have always added a caveat that smoking/combustion is significantly more harmful than the way I prefer to consume cannabis (which is vaping, and sometimes edibles). If one MUST smoke it though (and I'd still urge against it), its proven to be a lot safer on the lungs than tobacco, and people tend not to smoke 20-40 joints a day, unlike they might with cigarettes, further reducing any damage.

First, on addiction, as with most drugs (bar perhaps LSD, mushrooms and ecstasy which are barely addictive, if at all), and i very much include caffeine, alcohol and nicotine in that, there is a chance an individual can become addicted and dependent on it, but this is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than nicotine (which is above 30%, so over 3 times more addictive than cannabis), and alcohol, and weed doesn't have the same kind of physical addiction that comes with booze or heroin for example. People with heavy cannabis addictions won't have any risk of direct death from withdrawal, unlike alcohol withdrawal.

Secondly, the stronger the strain of cannabis, then the side effects are more likely to occur. I've always argued for legalisation, as then the supply will be regulated and mitigate those risks of side effects mentioned. I use a very mild strain of cannabis, and think only once have I had a mildly paranoid episode which was at the beginning when my tolerance was low. The side effects pale into insignificance to alcohol, which is a glamourised drug, where our society openly applauds drunken behaviour in many cases. A "hangover" is often a source of amusement.

Comments about driving under influence of cannabis is true, however again, its proven that its STILL safer than drink driving and an individual is more likely to take stupid risks in the first place on alcohol to get behind the wheel and drive.

I appreciate you are providing a counter view on it, but of course don't wish to delve into the vast range of effective therapeutic uses of cannabis which help millions of people worldwide as well ranging from mild conditions such as glaucoma to serious illnesses like cancer, chronic pain, epilepsy and debilitating shakes from parkinsons, and avoid requiring using powerful addictive prescription drugs which have far more serious side-effects and long term health implications.
On 22 May 2018 at 1:08pm Hamid Barr wrote:
Pedro claims he's only had one "mildly paranoid episode."
Very amusing. He has them on here at least once a week and they're far from mild.
On 22 May 2018 at 1:28pm Pedro wrote:
very droll Hamid, i figured it wouldn't take long for you to go into personal-dig mode I take that as a ringing endorsement of my previous post. Thank you.
On 22 May 2018 at 2:11pm Hatstand wrote:
I don’t smoke the stuff myself as I grew up and stopped acting like a teenager years ago andI’m not completely on Pedro’s side on this one at all. For instance it’s not really possible to get passively drunk at a party and then drive but you can get passively stoned and drive possibly resulting in an accident. However, throughout the entire paragraph below it’s perfectly possible to replace the word cannabis with the word alcohol and one is legal and one isn’t so I don’t see your point Hamid.
The effects of cannabis vary from person to person:
•you may feel chilled out, relaxed and happy
•some people get the giggles or become more talkative
•hunger pangs ("the munchies") are common
•colours may look more intense and music may sound better
•time may feel like it's slowing down
Cannabis can have other effects too:
•if you're not used to it, you may feel faint or sick
•it can make you sleepy and lethargic
•it can affect your memory
•it makes some people feel confused, anxious or paranoid, and some experience panic attacks and hallucinations – this is more common with stronger forms of cannabis like skunk or sinsemilla
•it interferes with your ability to drive safely
If you use cannabis regularly, it can make you demotivated and uninterested in other things going on in your life, such as education or work.
Long-term use can affect your ability to learn and concentrate.
On 22 May 2018 at 2:54pm Pedro wrote:
@ hatstand, nice mild troll post from you, you knew what you were doing I guess now you're all "grown up", you don't drink alcohol anymore either? Or is cannabis only for teens (although ironically, I'd urge more caution of using cannabis in youngsters as the main bulk of evidence against using cannabis tends impact youngsters a lot more than adults, so you perhaps did it the wrong way round!).

As for passive smoking, that is a reasonable enough point, but usually common sense prevails in those scenarios. The bigger issue of road safety overall is still overwhelmingly with alcohol use, as it clouds judgement, and often gives people a false sense of self-confidence that they are perfectly capable of driving, without knowing their reactions are impaired.
On 22 May 2018 at 2:57pm Hatstand wrote:
Wow. Looks like I trolled without realising it. Thanks for pointing it out Pedro. The world is a safer place now.
On 22 May 2018 at 3:15pm Pedro the troll wrote:
Ffs pedro. Everyone is a troll to you unless they agree with your narrow point of view.
On 22 May 2018 at 3:56pm Pedro wrote:
Exhibit A :Hatstand "I don’t smoke the stuff myself as I grew up and stopped acting like a teenager years ago"

Its light trolling if I ever saw it. Its no big deal, but at least have the guts to take ownership of it. You're implying cannabis is childish.
On 22 May 2018 at 4:12pm Hatstand wrote:
More to the point Pedro is that of all the things I said (which was basically a tacit agreement with your point of view) you still looked for an argument. Now, if I don’t reply then you ‘win’. If I reply then you still ‘win’. I see how this trolling thing works now. Well done Pedro. Well done.
On 22 May 2018 at 4:56pm Pedro wrote:
@ hatstand, i'm not calling you a monster, but it did seem like a bit of a dig at adults who choose to enjoy using cannabis (i presume you may be more lenient in terms of your judgement over people who use it for medicinal reasons). I'm not looking for an argument, you just said something that was a bit patronising and judgmental. You can surely see that from my perspective right?

I'm pleased we share some agreement, and I acknowledged your point about passive smoking, so this is not some ambush. Are we good?
On 22 May 2018 at 5:09pm Hatstand wrote:
@Pedro We’re good. I see where you’re coming from and I appreciate the response. It is by definition a forum after all. Back in my box.
On 22 May 2018 at 5:22pm Pseudo wrote:
Pedro I'm calling you out you druggie twat if you fancy a face to face in happy with that but as I expect you're a coward that hides behind a ficticous name u won't expect a response apart from some smartarse comment
On 22 May 2018 at 5:37pm Pedro wrote:
@ pseudo. Sure, lets meet up and chill out with a vape session. Seems its just what you need, and I'm happy to help someone in need in the community.
On 22 May 2018 at 5:46pm Just say no wrote:
Or you may end up like pedro.
On 22 May 2018 at 6:02pm Snot for everyone wrote:
So. Much. Breeze. Get a room. would be great if a forum post led to a solution or at least aimed to help the original post wtf
On 22 May 2018 at 6:13pm Pseudo wrote:
Saturday 3pm john Harvey tavern in seats outside let's see if you've the bollox as for help in the community your a joke I'll have a green jacket on Lets see if you appear
On 22 May 2018 at 6:59pm Pedro wrote:
@ pseudo. its a date, i'll be wearing a red carnation. Order me a white wine spritzer.
On 22 May 2018 at 7:09pm P. Dant wrote:
It's you're a joke, not your a joke.
On 22 May 2018 at 8:03pm Just say no wrote:
Unless you die before Saturday Pedro and we 'll all go to the jht for a gay spritzer
On 22 May 2018 at 9:07pm Pedro wrote:
@ just say no. Jeez, you're another one with a disordered personality eh. How can such a small, wealthy town, keep producing these circus clowns?

This thread has reached its limit now
Why not start another one


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