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Stadium decision Tuesday

On 23 Jul 2007 at 6:28pm Mark wrote:
What ever your views are we should know if it will go ahead Tuesday 24/07
The Albion expect to hear early in the morning and will make an announcement shortly afterwards.
On 23 Jul 2007 at 6:58pm The Super K wrote:
Don't hold your breath mark, The absolute final decision dead line has alredy passed once!
On 24 Jul 2007 at 8:54am zigjim wrote:
Heard that it's a yes to Falmer. Thank God common sense has prevailed. Let's hope the incompetent District Council stop wasting our money with vindictive, pathetic appeals, and let's get the thing built. A day to celebrate in Brighton and Lewes.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 10:04am Deflated football wrote:
disgraceful decision...It will be challenged and delayed further...
On 24 Jul 2007 at 10:15am Andy wrote:
And waste more tax payers money....very clever Deflated football.
Rather see the cash go towards re-vamping the pells area myself.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 10:16am Deflated football wrote:
Saving the countryside from development is not a waste of money.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 10:38am Andy wrote:
It's a ploughed field that would have been built on by the Uni if BHA had applied for it....a totally scandalous waste of tax payers cash that could've been used for much needier projects and something that all Lewes residents (i don't class Falmer residents as Lewes residents) can appreciate.
The whole of England was "countryside" before we built on it....things change. Learn to live with change and move on.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 10:57am Deflated football wrote:
On 24 Jul 2007 at 11:31am Andy wrote:
So where do you live then Deflated football...a nice brick built house i would guess that was built on something that was once known as "countryside". If you're so concerenrd about the countryside, why don't you go and live in a tent for the rest of your life.
Amaizing where all these hypocrites and NIMBY's come from
On 24 Jul 2007 at 12:20pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
Oh dear, we've got to the stage when anybody who disagrees with the development is called a hypocrite because they have the audacity to live in a house!!!
On 24 Jul 2007 at 12:52pm Andy wrote:
In a house built in the very countryside that Deflated ego...sorry football, is whining about.
Make your mind up....you either want buildings or countryside. You can of course have a mix of both providing you don't mind the occasional ploughed field being built on in a similar way that the occasional deralict building site is turned back into countryside
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:03pm Falmer Parish Council wrote:
A great result. We look forward to welcoming all the fans.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:04pm The Landlord of the Swan wrote:
And the fans can expect a free pint and a warm welcome from me.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:05pm Andy wrote:
Landlord of the swan.....is your name Martin....John's "boy" ?
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:11pm JONESY wrote:
>>>And the fans can expect a free pint and a warm welcome from me.
12,000 free pints given out at The Swan.
"does the brewery know your here,
does the brewery know your here?"
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:21pm Deflated football wrote:
Andy..you must have a very simple brain if you think that the issue is as black and white as buildings or countryside...it's not worth discussing the issue with a plonker like yourself.
Have a good afternoon
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:23pm Chippers wrote:
When will Lewes residents see this for the silver lined cloud it is? Brighton is 3 train stations away, Lewes is 1. Many footballing families will probably prefer to stay in sleepy Lewes than rowdy Lewes and only be one stop away on the train.
Hotelliers and Lewes Tourist Board should make the most of this excellent opportunity to really put Lewes on the map for good things within the footballing community. Visiting fans could prove a very nice money spinner for Lewes.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:24pm Goodfella wrote:
Can i just say that all you residents of Lewes should make sure your council tax money is spent more wisely, and hope that no more of it is wasted on appealing again, i'm sure there are much more needy causes in your lovely town.
A big thanks to all those that supported our cause for a new stadium.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:27pm Cloud 9 wrote:
For God's sake. Get over it.
What you rather have there? A stadium that's in use for a few hours about 30 times a year, or a hypermarket in use 24/7 with all its artics?
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:29pm pornomagboy wrote:
i will be in the swan later to collect my free pint.......
new local in 2010.....
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:32pm pornomagboy wrote:
deflated football
get over it, waisting tax payers money.....
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:35pm Melanie Cutress wrote:
I Call for all Falmer & Lewes Residents to put this terrible decision behind them. Its time to move on, so lets all join together and welcome Brighton & Hove Albion into our community, after all we are going to be neighbours very soon and i for one think it will be better to work together than to be rivals. The better team won fair and square. This whole sorry saga has gone on far to long, so come lets be friends !
On 24 Jul 2007 at 1:47pm John wrote:
Yes - good result for all of us Lewes residents.
Now, can our council tax please be spent on Flood defences rather than having it wasted on this ridiculous campaign against the people of Brighton.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 2:16pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
You want your council tax spent on flood defences? What council services would you want to be cut to afford that. Flood defences are the responsibility of DEFRA and central Government, which is already subsidised by the tax payer through income tax and national insurance. Seven years after the floods I certainly wouldn't want another form of taxation used to fill the funding gap, when as a taxpayer we have subsidised DEFRA over the past seven years to enact the changes that are needed.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 2:18pm Spotty Dog wrote:
Interesting that "the whole of England was countryside until we built on it" - this was a time when there was no such thing as football, so consequently an invalid arguement
On 24 Jul 2007 at 2:38pm Andy wrote:
Well that's a pretty feeble response. Having to revert to personal insults has just lost you any pathetic arguement you ever had.
And i'm already having a good afternoon thanks. I will crack open a beer when i get home and toast a wonderful descision for common sense
On 24 Jul 2007 at 2:49pm Pumped up rugby ball wrote:
Wonder how long it will be before Brighton have to flog the stadium due to financial mis-management...i say about 5 years MAX
On 24 Jul 2007 at 3:13pm Witches brew wrote:
Eye of toad, wing of bat
If the stadium is built,
May your balls go flat
On 24 Jul 2007 at 3:56pm zigjim wrote:
Eye of toad, wing of bat
You really are
A f***ing twat
On 24 Jul 2007 at 3:58pm zigjim wrote:
Just re-read your post Witches brew, and I'm not sure who your poem was directed at. So if it was pro-Falmer, you're a top geezer, if you're anti-Falmer, you're still a twat lol x
On 24 Jul 2007 at 4:56pm Spotty Dog wrote:
Interesting that Andy states that "the whole of England was countryside until we built on it".
When the whole of England was countryside, there was no such thing as football ? consequently this is an invalid argument.
On 24 Jul 2007 at 5:18pm Old Tom wrote:
We all have the right to voice our own opinions on this site. If you agree all well and good if you don't agree well thats ok too just let each have there say don't slag people off just because they don't agree with you
On 24 Jul 2007 at 5:54pm The Super K wrote:
How is that a invaild argument Spotty Dog?
All Andy stated was that progress goes on, and indeed he is correct that untill it was built on there was nothing here in the southeast but fields.
The simple fact is that where the stadium is being built is nothing more that a field. There is nothing beautiful about it and its next door to main road and a university.
The Issue should now be put to rest. the stadium is on its way. Brighton and Hove albion have 5.2 million to start building with....And I for one am glad.
Fields are 10 a penny, and its not like its a flood plane.
On 25 Jul 2007 at 9:10am Billy the Yid wrote:
Nice new stadium, same sh.it team. Be like putting a dog turd in a penthouse.
On 25 Jul 2007 at 9:38am Willo the Wisp wrote:
Excellent and accurate comment...although a little crude!
On 25 Jul 2007 at 12:41pm dyl wrote:
Billy no doubt you are a plastic fan of a big team. You probably own a replica shirt even tho the only time you have seen them play is on telly.
Grow up son.
On 25 Jul 2007 at 1:33pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
Not sure you can call Spurs a big team, however don't knock the plastics you be reliant on them to fill your stadium for as long as possible once it's built.
On 25 Jul 2007 at 2:36pm Mystic Mog wrote:
John get your facts write. LDC will have its costs refunded. They are not responsible for flood defences. LOcal councils will be paying for the Cliffe defences. Reseach local government before being crass.
On 26 Jul 2007 at 1:45pm Mystic Mog wrote:
When John Prescott's decision was quashed all the money was returned to the District council from the government.
On 27 Jul 2007 at 1:27am Thats me in the corner wrote:
I agee Old Tom. Unfortunately as most of us know seagulls sh*t wherever they choose.

This thread has reached its limit now
Why not start another one


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