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Postal votes

On 15 May 2019 at 10:26am Ferret wrote:
I applied for a postal vote a couple of weeks ago (hand delivered to the Lewes office), and have not received it yet. The election is next week, and we are going away on Wednesday. What is going on?
On 15 May 2019 at 10:44am nancy wrote:
Mine arrived yesterday and I posted it this morning. Might be worth dropping in if it doesn't arrive by tomorrow.
On 15 May 2019 at 10:52am Bert wrote:
AND you're relying on our council ?? Duh !
On 15 May 2019 at 10:55am Ferret wrote:
They are undoubtedly understaffed, so I'm not blaming them. The council does a good job given the Tory imposed cuts.
On 15 May 2019 at 6:43pm Bert wrote:
So you've answered your own post Ferret ! Perhaps if it was a Tory controlled council, they would tow the party line, instead of trying to gain points, that goes for any political party that is in power and sets the rules for councils around the country.
On 15 May 2019 at 8:14pm Sussex Jim wrote:
I was sent a leaflet yesterday from the former Liberal Democrats. It said "Vote Lib Dem to stop Brexit".
We had a DEMOCRATIC referendum three years ago; and the majority voted to LEAVE the E.U. Known as Brexit. If the Liberals wish to stop Brexit (there in black and yellow on their election communication) they must drop the word DEMOCRATS from their title; as they are no longer followers of democracy.
On 15 May 2019 at 8:36pm Ferret wrote:
I don't quite understand your reasoning, Sussex Jim. Isn't changing your mind part of democracy? Otherwise we would have the same government for all eternity. The same is true for the referendum, which was tainted by lies and distortion by the Leave campaign. What are you afraid of if Brexit was such a good idea?
On 15 May 2019 at 9:10pm Sensible wrote:
The will of the British People was overwhelmingly expressed in the 2016 referendum, the largest vote in history and therefore the only vote that matters. It disgusts my family and me, to the point of sickness, that debate upon this issue was not suppressed immediately the Nation spoke: suppressed by the immediate withdrawal from the Common Market. The vast majority wanted to take back Britain immediately, and conduct our affairs as a sovereign nation. Every opinion poll since has reinforced this view, and the most recent confirm it strongly. I believe some good would come from removing every law passed since the globalists began their revolting involvement in English law in 1973, so Britain can return to be the world-beating manufacturing and seafaring powerhouse it was, with society arranged in a traditional, hierarchical, manner. I am very happy to see this happening, and my family and friends know that I like being correct.
On 15 May 2019 at 9:20pm Bert wrote:
Was part of the lies being told it was a once in a lifetime vote, and whatever the outcome it would be carried out ? So in my option that makes it quits and negates all propaganda during the canvassing from both sides. The people voted and we have to leave. That's democracy. And Jims point was, how could they still be called Liberal Democrats !! I didn't see any "fear" only frustration and anger.
On 15 May 2019 at 11:30pm Local99 wrote:
Interestingly, I have met three people in the last week who – whilst erring towards Leave – voted Remain specifically because of the stated inevitability of an instant recession that a Leave result would bring about.
I haven't heard any Remainers admit to their own lies; they only bang on about the bus slogan....
On 16 May 2019 at 7:56am Dave wrote:
The post Brexit recession won’t be a short one.
@sensible I’m guessing you’re quite old so you’re pension will probably see you out but your grandchildren will struggle to find work. The world has moved on the heady days of Victorian supremacy will never return.
We cannot compete in today’s global market without cheap labour from Western Europe.
Farage may well win back his £80k job the Europe he says he wants to leave but his party is an empty shell.

The whole ‘taking back control’ thing is so pathetically misguided - ‘lambs to the slaughter’ is probably more appropriate.
On 16 May 2019 at 10:12am nancy wrote:
The chance of a clean break from Europe has been lost. Any system cobbled together by Labour and the Tories will be worse than actually staying in. We should put more effort into keeping Corbyn away from number ten as that is what will really mess up our country, probably forever.
On 16 May 2019 at 10:51am Basil wrote:
Ferret wrote: 'Isn't changing your mind part of democracy? Otherwise we would have the same government for all eternity.'

No we wouldn't Ferret. We have an election, a government is elected, and it serves its term. We don't 'change our mind' immediately after the election and insist on another one. It has been obvious to those of us who voted Leave in 2016, the majority, that every effort would be made to prevent leave taking place by those who can't accept the result. 'Vote and vote again till you giveus the right answer' is, of course, the EU slogan.
On 16 May 2019 at 11:08am Ferret wrote:
As I said, the referendum result was achieved with lies and distortion, and ignorance of the importance of the EU to our economy. Leavers did not vote for increasing poverty and gradual destruction of public services. Every poll since January 2018 has shown a significant lead for remaining in the EU as full members. It is no use bleating on about people not accepting the result. The tide has turned.
On 16 May 2019 at 2:08pm Basil wrote:
But Ferret the EEC/EC/EU has been a long running lie. We joined a trading agreement in 1973 and found ourselves - with no choice - members of a proto-supperstate, with its own flag, anthem and perhaps armed forces. We are told it is 'internationalist' and now Merkel tells us the EU is our defence against the US, China and Russia. We have seen the 'Vote and vote again' tick deployed over the years against Ireland, France, the Netherlands... And talking of poverty do you know about the levels of youth unemployment in EU states, and on workers' rights do you know about Macron's Thatcherite labour 'reforms' in France?
On 16 May 2019 at 4:22pm Ferret wrote:
@Basil This discussion/argument will go on for the rest of our lives, and I guess it will never be resolved. I'm extremely pro-EU for what I consider very good reasons (no border in Ireland, peace and prosperity across our blood-stained continent etc), and you no doubt have your good reasons for wanting us out. Let's hope that at least it can remain civil, in spite of the lunatics who scream traitor at every turn.
On 16 May 2019 at 5:33pm Ferret wrote:
Oh by the way, my postal vote arrived but my wife's hasn't. Her application was handed in at the same time. Something suspicious going on. If she can't vote, I'll ask them to check that someone else hasn't done it for her. I wonder how many postal votes go astray like this.
On 16 May 2019 at 6:22pm Green Sleeves wrote:
@basil, good grief! So a flag and a relatively well known piece of classical music has spooked you and brexiters out so much, that you wish to crash out on to WTO terms, and put whoevers in charge in Westminster to negotiate 750+ (very favourable, as we're part of the worlds largest trading bloc) treaties? Shall we leave NATO as well, given that alliance actually exists (unlike the really fearsome EU SUPER-DUPER army that would require one EU country to just veto it for it to never exist)?

Hardened Brexiters really have put their own pride before everything and everyone else. They won a 3 year old advisory referendum by a narrow margin that had it been binding would have been voided due to the criminal activities of one of the Leave campaigns. All that matters is that they "won". No, everybody loses if your idea of the "will of the people" ever carries through (aside from perhaps a handful of disaster capitalists that truly welcome a no-deal brexit).
On 16 May 2019 at 6:35pm nancy wrote:
How can the EU be the world's biggest trading block? Surely trading with the whole world would be bigger. Also why should we have to pay to be part of an institution that bolsters lazy countries?
On 16 May 2019 at 6:44pm Ferret wrote:
@nancy Such insight! You really should be running the country. The wealthier countries contribute in highly specific ways to help poorer countries improve economically. Often those countries were victims of authoritarian dictatorships, or misguided communist systems. It is an act of enlightened self interest to assist them. You might not approve, but don't stigmatise East or South Europeans as lazy. It's the UK that has the highest rates of obesity in Europe.
On 16 May 2019 at 6:53pm Green Sleeves wrote:
@nancy, the EU is the worlds largest trading bloc - this is a fact. We, as part of the worlds biggest trading bloc, do trade of course with countries all over the world, under extremely favourable terms because of it. Due to this kind of "buying power", we (along with the other EU 27) have more free trade arrangements than any countries outside of it. I find it highly implausible that we would be able to re-negotiate anything near to standard of the terms we currently have (500m people vs 65m), and even if we could, it would take years/decades. Meanwhile, manufacturing agriculture and our globally leading financial sector would be profoundly impacted, and our overall standing in the world would be diminished. This isn't down to me not having "faith" or being patriotic enough, its just the reality of facts and numbers that will always work against us.

As for paying EU membership, its a small price to pay for numerous perks, and in the grand scheme of things IS peanuts (less than 1% of GDP). Its a sound investment, and if we didn't have to pay it (by a hard brexit), then it will be a drop in the ocean and won't even be remotely close to offsetting the damage caused by being the only developed country literally only operating on WTO terms.
On 16 May 2019 at 7:15pm nancy wrote:
Just go on Youtube and enter EU Waste. It is corrupt and wastes millions a day. Please explain how we need the EU when a common market was all that was needed. I'm all for trading partners but we don't need an EU army or to have the Greeks run from Brussels or the Spanish youth over 50% unemployed.
On 16 May 2019 at 7:21pm Ferret wrote:
Dear nancy, I would like to help you understand the mysteries of the modern world, but I fear I can't compete with YouTube, which seems to be your primary source of information in the search for truth. Personally, I only use it to keep my grandchildren amused.
On 16 May 2019 at 7:25pm Green Sleeves wrote:
There is no EU army, Nancy. The problems you highlight within the EU wouldn't be solved without us in it or without it existing at all. Or you don't actually care about Spaniards or Greeks and feel you're just subsidising them?
On 16 May 2019 at 7:40pm nancy wrote:
I guess you must be very tall Ferret as you seem only able to talk down to people. Perhaps you could explain why the EU is a good idea. That's a simple one for you.
On 16 May 2019 at 7:45pm Ferret wrote:
Apologies, nancy, but you did ask for it. Your comments reveal a profound ignorance of the facts. You are a victim of Brexit propaganda, lies and smears. There's not much I can say to counteract it.
On 16 May 2019 at 7:50pm nancy wrote:
Ok, you can't answer my question. I guess it was a bit tricky. Bye bye.
On 16 May 2019 at 8:17pm Buzzard wrote:
Some of the world's richest and nastiest people have spent huge amounts of money spreading disinformation about the EU. These media barons, oil moguls, hedge fund managers. They hate the EU because of its anti tax fraud legislation, its human rights law, its environmental protection, its democratic constitution and so much else. If they get control of Britain you can wave goodbye to the NHS, to public services, to everything that makes this a great country. Bceause they don't see why they should be taxed to support losers like, well, nearly everybody who isn't super-rich. The control most of our newspapers, the BBC news operation and armies of social media bots, youtube channels, you name it, they're dominating it. So it's not surprising that lots of people think Brexit is a good idea. They have been druv and are being druv by an overwhelming propaganda drive that could never have existed before the present era. See the results, above.
On 16 May 2019 at 10:29pm zolo wrote:
Buzzard / I think I love you
On 17 May 2019 at 5:29pm Ferret wrote:
It arrived this morning. Apparently there are delays in Lewes area but the sorting office has given assurances that any outstanding will be received by tomorrow, 5 days after being sent out by the electoral office.
On 18 May 2019 at 7:24pm Fluppy wrote:
Buzzard, I love you too!
On 19 May 2019 at 9:07am Mark wrote:
Worth noting that current polling strongly favours Remain in contrast to statements above. Brexit is happening against the will of the people. Which clearly supports Buzzard's assertions. It's a shame that the referendum vote happened at the same time as the Syrian refugee crisis... the camp at Sanglat... boats in the Med... It must have confused the Nancys.
On 19 May 2019 at 11:14am Basil wrote:
Mark, it is also worth noting that polling before the 2016 referendum favoured Remain. Fortunately, once in the voting booth common sense prevailed. I'm not sure how people will react to the habitual EU neo-liberal project tactic of 'Vote and vote again till you give us the answer we want', but I can't imagine it will be favourable. Incidentally, what's the name this yime? People's vote, people's referendum, confirmatory vote...?
On 19 May 2019 at 5:12pm Mark wrote:
Not really Basil. You're just making stuff up there. There was a barrage of polls just before the vote and the results were inconclusive. Some showed a tiny remain majority and some showed a tiny leave majority. And then it turned out that the inconclusive polls were vaguely accurate. There was a tiny majority of people like Nancy who voted to leave. People who wouldnt be able to point at Libya, Poland and Syria on a globe and get their news from youtube and Facebook.
On 19 May 2019 at 5:58pm Green Sleeves wrote:
I do wonder if hard brexiters will take any responsibility if they do get their wish to leave without a deal and default to WTO terms and things aren't as rosey as they expected....or they'll continue to blame "remoaners", immigrants and Diane Abbott. I suspect they'll never admit they were catastrophically wrong.
On 19 May 2019 at 7:16pm Sensible wrote:
The decaying tripe that "Mark" is spouting needs putting into a locked box and only being allowed out as a warning to others. Opinion polls are usually conducted by leftists with a vested interest in dissent and putting power in the hands of, honestly, the class of people who least deserve it. Instead of the tiny self-selecting group answering cheap opinion polls, look at the seventeen million majority who examined all the evidence and, in the largest ever turn out, overwhelmingly knocked out of court the idea of continuing the arrangement of British matters being decided by an unelected elite who were brought up in foreign cultures. The rise, to a clear majority, of the Brexit Party indicates that the true feeling of the electorate has deepened in its distrust of the countries who once waged all-out war on us.
If Britain had had an agreement such as the Common Market in 1939, our brave armed forces would never enjoyed the opportunity to display their strength in their finest hour. The chance, once more, is in sight of the British people. They have tasted the glory of sovereign independence and are set to vote into power their representatives who will cleanly dissolve overnight the union that an overwhelming majority reject.
I look around me at those weak minded and inadequate individuals in my community and staff, who (I have been informed) spoke or voted wrongly in the great referendum. I wonder what it says about the worth of their characters that they would support a former enemy power, and not my point of view.
On 19 May 2019 at 11:51pm Tom Pain wrote:
You know all about economics,g.s.but not how money is created. When you've figured that out you'll know who really runs the show. As previously mentioned, common market - great idea, but they can't leave it at that, no,not the sticky financial fingers, they have to milk it to such an extent that the accounts have never been ratified. Right? You'd trust these people?

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