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Pesky pigeons

On 23 Jun 2009 at 4:41pm shotgun sally wrote:
Hi was wondering if anyone knows the rules on people on housing estates keeping 60 + birds. Im really fed up with my washing being messed on, my childrens trampoline being covered in birds mess and my car needing washed every day, also having to get my son up to the gutters to take the odd dead one out. I have been in touch with the council and spoken to health department who are going to look into this, but this was nearly 3 weeks ago. The other thing is this person does not keep them closed in at anytime. She has bird boxes slapped on the side of her house and they are free to do what they like when they like. Any tips would be useful.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 5:25pm Elly wrote:
This is not nice i sympathise with you i used to live right next door to someone that kept them i became very ill in the end and suffered badly with asthma attacks constantly my only option was to be moved.
Coz i was council property and they were private nothing anyone could do about it apart from move me.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 5:48pm shotgun sally wrote:
Hi Elly, Thanks for understanding this situation. Im a home owner and so is the pesky bird owner. Dont really want to up and sell. You mentioning asthma has answered a question for me. I am asthmatic so never really noticed with myself but my daughter has just become asthmatic in the last year and that has only been since the dam birds have been next door. Think i will chase up the council tomorrow because there has to be a law on how many birds someone can keep on a housing estate. I know they are classed as vermin so there has to be some rule in the system. Fingers crossed and thanks again :-)
On 23 Jun 2009 at 5:48pm Ed Can Do wrote:
You could always get a Peregrine Falcon or try to encourage foxes into your garden. Either of those would make short work of a large pigeon population.

There's a load of Falcon sound files here: www.junglewalk.com/sound/falcon-sounds.htm. Try playing them loud through some speakers now and then, that might keep the pigeons out of your garden at least.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 7:36pm Sam Spam wrote:
I know this may sound like asking the obvious but have you asked your "pigeon fancier" to remove some of them?...at least that way you'll have started them thinking...
On 23 Jun 2009 at 7:37pm Sam Spam wrote:
sorry - just noticed that the ad's along the bottom of the page both had "pigeon control" in them......how spookey is that!
On 23 Jun 2009 at 8:11pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
That's how Google ads work, and why they are richer than us, Sam.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 8:14pm shotgun sally wrote:
Hi sam spam, If i approached the person and asked her to get rid of some, she would more than likely go out and buy more :-(
On 23 Jun 2009 at 8:16pm shotgun sally wrote:
Hi Ed can do, I think i might look into what your suggesting. lol
On 23 Jun 2009 at 8:17pm fruitfly wrote:
One way of keeping pigeon numbers down is to drive anywhere at sunrise,they have no road sense,unlike crows and magpies!
On 23 Jun 2009 at 8:23pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Are they attracting rats? If so enviremental is your best bet. What about other neighbours,are they affected as well? Three people complaining I am told, can help.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 8:23pm AK-47 wrote:
Hi Sally. If I take your name to mean what I think it means, would you rule out a bit of killing? Some of our continental cousins - especially from Sicily and the like - find it most effective. Perhaps a warning first - or perhaps not...
On 23 Jun 2009 at 9:12pm shotgun sally wrote:
Hi AK-47, I would rule out nothing LOL Hi Decent Citizen, as a matter of fact i know atleast 3 people who are effected by these pesky birds so will have a word tomorrow and see if they will complain also. Thanks
On 23 Jun 2009 at 9:19pm Sniper wrote:
An air rifle is very effective in these situations. They are very quiet too.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 9:28pm Elly wrote:
If i remember rightly i had the enviromentle health out. It was a long time ago now (15 to be exact) Trouble is because i was a council tenant most of the dirty work was taken out of my hands as they dealt with it all on my behalve so i don't know exactly what went on and who was exactly envolved but i do know they had to move me quickly before something drastic happened to me. It is well know that any type of bird can cause asthma so it is likely your daughter has developed it from them. I think i did talk to my doctor alot about it who got the enviormentle health envolved i also had a 2 year old at the time so peole like health visitors got envolved as well. I am sure there must be something you can do on the grounds that they are a big health risk. I was also infested with fleas now i had no pets what so ever and the council did fumigate 3 times but they just kept coming back i asked the nieghbour if pigeons get fleas but he said no they don't. I still don't know to this day if the fleas came from the birds or not. Boy am i glad those days are over. I am sure something must be able to be done don't let it rest and don't just sit back and do nothing incase you offend the person your health and your daughters always comes first. See if anyone else in the area has any breathing or cheat problems.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 9:32pm The cats whiskers wrote:
This must be awful for you, have you thought about getting/borrowing a hungry pussy cat?
On 23 Jun 2009 at 9:34pm Elly wrote:
Sorry the second to last word should have said chest problems.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 9:37pm Mission Inpossible wrote:
Some bloody Pigeons have just flown in the garden broke a glass candle holder and an ornament.
Pinched the bird container now the little birds will not get any food until the Pigeons get the message to stay away can I borrow your shotgun please DFP
On 23 Jun 2009 at 10:22pm shotgun sally wrote:
Hi the cats whiskers, I have a cat myself and think she may of had 1 or 2 over the past 2 years, maybe im feeding her to much, so if i cut her food intake down maybe she'l work better. I've just been told that if you put bicarbonate of soda in little balls of bread and feed them to the birds they will explode, might be worth a try lol
On 23 Jun 2009 at 10:42pm Elly wrote:
LOL becareful though if the neighour decides to have altopsys done you could be in trouble. Talk to the doctor and voice your health concerns to him you might be suprised at how much he/she maybe able to help you.
On 23 Jun 2009 at 11:23pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Council tenant or private,you are entitled to live without the problems you are experiencing. As a council tenant, LDC has a duty to ensure all that can be done,is done. Keep pestering them or they will quite happily delay any action. Good luck,let us know how you get on.
On 24 Jun 2009 at 11:53am just a mo wrote:
Do you work for the council then or is it from experience you talk.
On 24 Jun 2009 at 11:56am shotgun sally wrote:
Hi Elly, as much as i would like to try the soda thing i would'nt. Have been in touch with the council again and the guy thats dealing with it is out the office today so hopefuly will get an update tomorrow when he calls back. Just hope they can do something about it. Fingers crossed :-)
On 24 Jun 2009 at 11:59am Decent Citizen wrote:
I know that as a landlord( ie LDC )has a duty of care. Nuff said!
On 24 Jun 2009 at 10:03pm just a mo wrote:
I feel as if I know you now Decent Citizen I thankyou
On 24 Jun 2009 at 10:18pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Your very welcome Just a Mo.
On 24 Jun 2009 at 10:36pm just a mo wrote:
I will be visiting Lewes soon its full of very nice people don't you think
On 24 Jun 2009 at 10:45pm Hedwig wrote:
On 25 Jun 2009 at 2:53pm Right-On wrote:
The neighbour's 'pets' are causing a nuisance and ruining your quiet enjoyment. Get down the Citizens Advice and ask for their advice - a solicitor's letter would be a good start towards eliminating the problem Take as much information as possible, photos, log of events, neighbours' comments, letters of support etc.
Good luck!
On 25 Jun 2009 at 5:01pm Decent Citizen wrote:
That is good advise from Right-on,you have to really keep at it to get the attention of those who have the powers to help. They are there, believe me. I hope your neighbours will be strong enough to be of help. Remember there is strength in numbers. I feel for you it must be very unpleasant. Good luck.
On 25 Jun 2009 at 6:28pm Elly wrote:
Well done right on ;-) photos of poo on washing would be cool and any poo around your property if it harbours flys even better as this is a defo health risk. Any thing you can think of being a risk photo it.
On 25 Jun 2009 at 6:29pm Elly wrote:
Just thought if you have videoing on the camera you could also videa the birds when they are flapping around being a nuisence.
On 25 Jun 2009 at 6:35pm shotgun sally wrote:
My camera is on and waiting for the slightest flap and poo LOL
On 25 Jun 2009 at 7:11pm Decent Citizen. wrote:
Also any signs of rats! They are attracted to the seed etc. A definate health hazard! I believe you said you have children.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 12:05am shotgun sally wrote:
My daughter and son are both suffering, also my asthma and my husbands has got worse. Found a couple of feathers on my daughters window ledge today. Pesky things :-(
On 26 Jun 2009 at 1:42pm shotgun sally wrote:
Just had health officer from council round and he does'nt think he'll be able to do anything unless they are a health hazzard. The fact that i hoze everything down at night so my daughter can play safe in the garden is doing me no favours by the sound of it. He said he was going to visit the house again and see if he can see any health issues, even one of my other neighbour's came out and voiced her opinion. Looks like our kids have to become ill before anything will be done. Just not fair :-(
On 26 Jun 2009 at 3:17pm Elly wrote:
But they are already suffering with asthma go to your doctors have a word and voice your concerns he may even write to the health officer. A doctor has a lot of clout. I once lived in a bed sit when i was pregnant with my daughter 19 years ago now we had a communal kitchen and bathroom. It was not that clean of the best of times. The worst part is that the landlord used to keep budgies in the kitchen where we were suppose to cook. I was getting more worried and worried about bring a baby home there so i talked to my doctor about it and voiced my concerns. Now this is one doctor for you he arranged to come around to the house that day to have a look for his self. Well he did not like what he saw and promptly went away next thing health visitors were coming, midwifes, environmentle health and council bosses. Needless to say i was moved out of that place with in a week. Not next door to the pigeons though that came later. Go see what you can do if the doctor is concerned enough about your kids health he will do what he can for you.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 11:06pm shotgun sally wrote:
Thanks Elle, will do that next week :-)
On 26 Jun 2009 at 11:07pm shotgun sally wrote:
Sorry Elly, spelt your name wrong :-(
On 27 Jun 2009 at 10:25am Elly wrote:
No probs good luck

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