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Is This True Parking Man

On 10 Dec 2005 at 1:27pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Quite recently I spoke to a parking warden (off duty) who I know. He told me that on Saturdays he books ONE HUNDRED motorists, and half that number during the week. If this is true LDC/NCP/ESCC are raking in some serious cash.
On 10 Dec 2005 at 7:21pm parking man wrote:
in total ncp contract gets from about 50 to 100 pcn's (tickets) a day. today we issued 104, the most a PA has got in one day is 32. i hope that answerd your question
On 10 Dec 2005 at 8:31pm mick wrote:
Well that obviously isn't enough coz the ignorant w**kers still park where they want, when they want. Pull your finger out parking man get ticketting.
Sundays and double yellow lines are always good. Car drivers have obviously never read the Highway Code and don't have a clue that they are enforceable EVERY day.
On 10 Dec 2005 at 9:34pm Smiler wrote:
People should be able to park where they want, its an infrastructure that we pay for with all the different types of taxes we pay.
Its a dog eat dog world.
On 11 Dec 2005 at 3:08pm parking man wrote:
hmm. if everyone parked where they liked, traffic would be a nightmare. i try my hardest to ticket illegal parkers, but we have to give people 5 mins on double yellow lines. and thats way to long. on sundays we only get between 2 and 16 tickets all day because only two people work, so your unlucky if you get a pcn
On 12 Dec 2005 at 11:38am Mystic wrote:
When the legal department at ESCC get their finger out and do the neccessary we will have extra spaces and less double yellow lines and more singles.
On 12 Dec 2005 at 1:39pm SHS wrote:
ESCC work against, not for, the citizen. So don't wait for those 'extra spaces' unless you're ready to pay through the nose.
On 12 Dec 2005 at 3:59pm me wrote:
If The rules on parking were enforced properly we would not have needed the parking gistapo at all
On 12 Dec 2005 at 4:58pm Mystic mog wrote:
Go and tell that to the police who used to "run" it.
On 12 Dec 2005 at 5:18pm Gary wrote:
At least you're not NCP car park scum!!
I hate them.
Did you know that Euro Parks (Who ticket in places like Asda's) can't follow up a ticket if you don't pay.
Whereas, if you pay them they have your details
On 12 Dec 2005 at 5:35pm parking man wrote:
gary i think you have some issues to deal with. i dont understand peoples hatred with ncp. if you park legally your fine. if you are a twat who doesent pay, or parks on double yellow lines then you deserve a pcn
On 12 Dec 2005 at 8:57pm Avidfan wrote:
How long can a commercial vehicle park on double yellow lines to unload? Today one of your charmless morons (pa21)was just about to book me when I informed him I had 10mins to unload in, to which he replyed 'only if I say so'. Now, I understand that people that take jobs like this have a number of problems, not least of which is low self esteem, so lording it over members of the public must give them a great thrill. However, arrogant comments like this from a low life in a red coat does nothing for PR. If it wasn't for the prospect of spending christmas in clink, then I could have quite happily removed the smug look from his face by knocking his nicotine stained teeth out with my fists.
On 13 Dec 2005 at 4:11pm Gary wrote:
Made me chuckle
On 13 Dec 2005 at 4:25pm Arthur parkit wrote:
KEEP COOL THIS YULE aLL parking attendants go through intensive SELF defence combat and survival courses with the wrvs. all have similar DNA and physcological profiles.but Are not related as is popular belief, p.s xmas cards and xmas box at parking shop.as requested THEY will be issuing a limited addition of festive tickets unique to lewes,available throughout december.p.s late for my parking job interview couldnt park that was a bad omen,past tests failed on DNA,
On 13 Dec 2005 at 4:25pm Arthur parkit wrote:
KEEP COOL THIS YULE aLL parking attendants go through intensive SELF defence combat and survival courses with the wrvs. all have similar DNA and physcological profiles.but Are not related as is popular belief, p.s xmas cards and xmas box at parking shop.as requested THEY will be issuing a limited addition of festive tickets unique to lewes,available throughout december.p.s late for my parking job interview couldnt park that was a bad omen,past tests failed on DNA,
On 14 Dec 2005 at 7:23pm mick wrote:
If you want the real answer I will explain, a vehicle (any type) can park for as long as is necessary for the purposes of loading/unloading HOWEVER the loading activity has to be continuous and be seen to be happening. Usually at least 5 minutes is given and if no loading activity is seen it is assumed that the vehicle is parked. This is to stop people parking all day and then saying that "I was only loading guv".
Put simply if you are genuinely loading you should not get a ticket IF you are taking the p**s you probably will (and should)
On 14 Dec 2005 at 9:28pm Gary wrote:
Parking man.
I park legally.
I had a permit to park on street in Docklands, London for work. The idiots, parking attendants, decided to suspend the parking bays, Whilst I was parked in it LEGALLY...
Next thing, I get a ticket for 60 quid.
Refused to pay, got court summons. Went to court, got it kicked out, they sent me a fine for 180 quid.
Went to press in docklands, the wharfer to be precide (Part of Mirror Group).
They sent it back to court, got booted and they finally backed down due to "technical reasons". What the hell does that mean!
You parking attendants are idiots . SO before you call me names grow up!
On 15 Dec 2005 at 11:24pm Gary wrote:
Yeah, that shut you up didn't it!!
On 17 Dec 2005 at 6:06pm parking man wrote:
lol, in lewes and the surrounding area will stand by your vehicle for 5 mins to see if you are loading. if no loading is happening then you will get a pcn. if their is loading you can only load for up to 20mins. if you want more time you have to go to the parking shop and pay for a waver. gary parking surspensons are put up with 3 days notice, and it is your duty to check to make sure you can park in a bay, if you checked you would of seen a big sign saying surspended bay. so its yout fault.
On 17 Dec 2005 at 7:09pm Gary wrote:
Did you not read properly?
There was no notice, thats why the court kicked it out. I even took photos which the courts looked at.
Dumb idiots!
Do you have a moustache?
On 19 Dec 2005 at 8:12am Not on my xmas card list wrote:
Grrr Mr parking man. So who is number 25? Gave me a ticket for parking outside my shop Sunday evening up by the post office on the edge of the bus stop. He must have been watching me because I was 4 minutes. Didnt even have time to write the 'to time', only the 'from time'. Guys like him giving YOU the bad name.
On 19 Dec 2005 at 3:38pm Gary wrote:
So much for the "at least 5 minutes".
On 19 Dec 2005 at 8:40pm mick wrote:
Parking in a "bus stop" is an instant offence, unless you are driving a bus of course. If I had had my way your car would have been towed away and crushed (with you in it if necessary)
On 19 Dec 2005 at 8:58pm mick wrote:
Gary, gary, gary if you are going to lie at least try and get your facts straight. Parking is de-criminalised and does not go to court. If you challenge a ticket it is heard by an independant adjudicator, not a judge or a magistrate.
On 20 Dec 2005 at 8:58am parking man wrote:
lol. yes you dont get 5 mins. it takes us about 30secs to do you in a bus stop. you cant stop in a bus stop in lewes between 7 and 7. after 7 you can park in it.
On 20 Dec 2005 at 9:12am parking man wrote:
before you pay or appeal your ticket make sure everything is correct on your pcn. because if something is not right you will get off it, if you appeal and say whats wrong with it. make sure on the ticket it says highstreet(d). make sure its signed by the pa. make sure the make of your car is right and for colour it says either the colour of your car or other.
On 20 Dec 2005 at 4:02pm Gary wrote:
PA, if you get a speeding ticket from a camera and it has the wrong colour on it, can you appeal that?
On 20 Dec 2005 at 5:42pm mick wrote:
Surely if you are speeding and you get a ticket you hold your hands up with a cheery shout of "It's a fair cop guv"?
Isn't that the English way? Keep a stiff upper lip in times of adversity!
It's only those dastardly foreign types who would try to get out of their just desserts in such an underhand manner.
On 20 Dec 2005 at 5:59pm Gary wrote:
I got a ticket in a green car, but they put it down as blue! So PA, what do you do if you are colour blind? Do you have to go through eye sight tests?
On 20 Dec 2005 at 7:16pm parking man wrote:
gary i no nothing about spending tickets. im just a pa. no we dont have to go through eye sight tests. however if you have a problem with your eyes then you shouldent be a pa. by the way we had 4 new people start today so please give them a warm wecome when you see them.
On 20 Dec 2005 at 7:37pm Gary wrote:
But if a PA were colour blind and kept issuing PCN's, noting the wrong colour on the ticket, then a wise offender could get the ticket cancelled.
By the way, I didn't lie about the ticket going to court. I actually have evidence by means of court letters and newspaper articles that can prove me correct. Not that it matters, just don't accuse e of lying!
On 20 Dec 2005 at 7:50pm parking man wrote:
im sorry gary, its just that if their was no sign i cant belive the pa's gave you a ticket for it. i dont know of any cases of colour blind pa's so dont know what to say.
On 20 Dec 2005 at 8:03pm Gary wrote:
No probs PA.
This was in the Isle of Dogs so maybe they are different there!
On 29 Jan 2006 at 12:05am inside info wrote:
what is your real name?
On 29 Jan 2006 at 12:07am inside info wrote:
I know who you are i work with you dont i?
On 2 Feb 2006 at 12:39pm naughty biker wrote:
I had my bike ticketed for parking on the footway in Edinburgh, but the ticket had a 'PCN code 1 parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours' but it wasn't on the street it was on the pavement. So shouldn't the code hove been'PCN code 62 Parked with one or more wheels on any part of an urban road other than a carriageway (footway parking)'
Can I appeal on the grounds that the alleged incident didn't take place i.e. my bike wasn't parked on the street
On 2 Feb 2006 at 7:21pm p.a 69 wrote:
the parking man sounds like a dodgy guy to me and probably dishes out tickets for anything! give me your number
On 2 Feb 2006 at 7:26pm inside info wrote:
the ticket is correct as adouble yellow line is inforceable up to the wall of the building. so that means its a 01. you can appeal it but the wardens may have pictures.
On 2 Feb 2006 at 7:29pm inside info wrote:
dont be silly p.a 69 we wouldnt give your or numbers over this sight.
On 7 Feb 2006 at 7:40pm ticket master wrote:
i think that the boys in red are doing a great job and should be thanked for keeping p**s takers out of the way, keep up the good work!
On 14 Feb 2006 at 3:59pm M wrote:
I was a little late back to my car because I couldn't find it and got a ticket. I've sent in a letter. Think they'll look on me kindly?

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