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Conundrum at the Depot

On 21 Sep 2017 at 9:30am puzzled wrote:
I just don't understand the business plan at the Depot. It's a charity setting out to educate the public so has exemptions on tax, business rates etc.
Yet it still uses middle class older women - see photos on their website - as 'volunteer' ushers. Why on earth don't they pay a living wage and employ young people in the town? After all the public is in effect subsidising the
cinema through loss of tax revenue. Unpaid internships for too long have
been the prerogative of well heeled kids. So why don't they do the decent thing?
On 21 Sep 2017 at 9:48am Vera wrote:
Some people like volunteering
On 21 Sep 2017 at 11:03am smiler wrote:
It amazes me sometimes what people complain about.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 12:31pm middle class older woman wrote:
Apologies for existing. I'll just go and water my dahlias.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 1:52pm Huh? wrote:
Ask the Depot you tit. But for your info, the Depot employs a large number of people. In fact it's almost certainly one of Lewes's largest employers. And the vast majority (if not all) are paid employees of both sexes ranging in age from 16 to 65. I'm guessing you've not been yet, otherwise you'd know this.

Stop hiding behind your screen causing mischief and casting aspersions and get along there and support it. It's an incredible thing for Lewes.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 1:57pm Bert wrote:
A Cinema is an incredible thing for Lewes ?? Oh Dear, didn't realise things were that bad for us.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 2:14pm Local bod wrote:
It's not exactly your average cinema. Have you not been either?
On 21 Sep 2017 at 2:18pm Wordplay wrote:
"In fact it's almost certainly", so is it a fact or not?
Surely you've forgotten about Tesco (which employs 460,000 people), or maybe Sussex Police, Homebase, Aldi or many of the other large employers, want me to go on?
On 21 Sep 2017 at 2:38pm Oh dear... wrote:
Tesco does not employ 460,000 people from the Lewes area. It's pretty obvious the OP was referring to employers of people in the Lewes area. Did you not get that?
On 21 Sep 2017 at 2:57pm @Oh dear wrote:
It's also pretty obvious that the depot isn't even close to being close to "Lewes's largest employers" (doubt it's even in the top 50), a fact ignored by you and "Huh?".
So I am just replying in kind, did you not get that?
On 21 Sep 2017 at 3:01pm Huh? wrote:
Well I never.

I did to admit to some uncertainty but maybe you could name even 15 Lewes businesses (not multinationals) that employ over 65 people.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 4:02pm puzzled wrote:
I'm even more puzzled now. Why are some of these people posting so aggressive and defensive?
I think I've asked a perfectly reasonable question about the Depot's business practice and the living wage. First time I've ever been called a tit - seems a bit over the top. And, apart from that no one's even engaged with or answered my original post!

On 21 Sep 2017 at 4:19pm Not puzzled wrote:
I don't see what's puzzling about it. It's a charity. It's not run for profit. Charity shops are staffed by volunteers, who also tend to be female and middle-aged (not that that's relevant). Most of the bar and box office staff, who are paid a living wage, are young. The only thing i find puzzling is why the original poster is puzzled.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 4:32pm @Huh? wrote:
Is that a trick question, why 65 when the depot blatantly doesn't employ 65...?
Also why not multinationals, I don't see why you exclude them, surely anyone who employs more than the depot is relevant?
Here's a short list off the top of my head without even looking, Tesco, Aldi, Waitrose, Premier Inn, HMP Lewes, Lewes court, 3x local councils, Sussex police HQ, Traffic wardens, AVS fencing, any of the schools, colleges, any of the nursing homes.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 5:16pm Tigger wrote:
Given all the front of house staff, waiters, bar people, kitchen staff, office staff, technicians etc and that they open from 9am - 11pm I'd be surprised if they have less than 65 employees altogether.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 7:38pm @Huh? wrote:
Harvey’s, Victoria hospital, Wave leisure, Knill James.....
On 21 Sep 2017 at 8:30pm Clifford wrote:
I love the way the Depot has taken over from Bill's as a source of argument here. I've got a feeling that the people in the Depot/Bill's camp are also Hard Remainers. Make of that what you will.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 9:10pm Utterly pointless wrote:
Yet another off topic crap post clifford
On 21 Sep 2017 at 9:30pm Sole Trader wrote:
I don't know if this is a "Labour Message", but using volunteers and apprentices (unpaid); to do real work needs to be stopped!
A big investment bank I worked at in London, took 300 "interns" a year, paid them nothing and at the end; employed the kids with the most assets (money) at the bank.
I also think older people have a responsibility to the new generation to train them and pass on skills. They SHOULD NOT volunteer to fill employment opportunities for the young.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 10:48pm Doris wrote:
I will be interested to know if you feel the same way when you are my age (72) Sole Trader.
It seems like you think I should just toddle off now and wait for my time. I'm just not ready yet.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 10:52pm Bert wrote:
Volunteers, Interns, zero hours contracts, part-timers are wonderful tings. Everyone's got four jobs these days to make ends meet.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 10:59pm The Old Mayor wrote:
Charity ? Obviously, the depot wont be making much of a huge profit, but if it did where does the money go ? Also, it was built with a charitable donation and creation of a trust, ALL TAX DEDUCTIBLE very attractive to the donor, of course. Will it be sending monies abroad or to UK beneficiaries, or to just show films and make coffees ? i think we would all like to know before we all volunteer .
On 21 Sep 2017 at 11:22pm Film lover wrote:
Personally I couldn't give a monkeys about the Depots finances I think it's the best thing that's happened to this town in years and I hope it a massive success as it seemed to be last night when I was down there as I couldn't find a spare seat.
If whoever created it does make some money out of it then I think that is richly deserved.
On 21 Sep 2017 at 11:27pm Film lovers biggest fan wrote:
In a nut shell. How can people thumbs down disagree with that statement????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ?????????????
On 21 Sep 2017 at 11:53pm hesitant wrote:
I really do think that just how the financial structure supporting the Depot has been constructed should be open to discussion. In Uckfield for example the owner of the cinema there has battled to retain a viable cinema operation as a normative business. I find it a bit uncomfortable to be made to feel that I should be necessarily grateful for this educational 'gift' to the town. To be honest it feels a bit feudal.
As far as the 'volunteering' is concerned it's a no brainer. Paying local young people would probably not cost much more than the advertised concessions offered to the volunteers! And as well it would be adhering to the Charity Commission's remit on 'education'.
On 22 Sep 2017 at 9:13am huw wrote:
25 years ago we wanted a leisure centre and cinema in Lewes and couldn't believe Uckfield had both and we had neither.
I'm sure younger me would have been very happy to now have both (older me is certainly happy that we at last have a cinema even though I haven't got around to using it much).
We could spend all day going around in circles about the Depot's finances and business practices and be none the wiser but I'm happy that my admittedly infrequent visits to watch a film don't now include the rigmarole of travelling to Brighton or Uckfield.
Feel free to continue the speculative discussion until it descends further into abuse and rumour-mongering.
On 22 Sep 2017 at 9:21am The Old Mayor wrote:
By operating a community cinema the company will advance education in the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the arts, particularly the art of film and allied visual techniques, in particular from the benefit of the inhabitants of the town of Lewes and the surrounding area.
Copied from the charity commission.
Only time will tell. Whereas the guys in Uckfield are just trying to make a living.
On 22 Sep 2017 at 9:26am Bert wrote:
Plus there is 3 hours free parking just around the corner !
On 22 Sep 2017 at 10:39am Huh? wrote:
@ @huh?.

Because it's about how many people *in our area* it employs you numpty. And I see you could not find 15, so I guess my statements stands. The Depot has quickly become one of the town's major employers of people in our district (I do hope that is clear enough for you).

And, if you had been there you'd realise there are a good number of young people employed at the place, as there are of all ages in fact, and also that the place employs well over fifty people (I'm pretty sure 65 is the correct figure).

Please be sure of your facts before spouting off.
On 22 Sep 2017 at 10:44am Hms belfast wrote:
reason older people are better is because they have more free time. youngsters [some off] will not work for free they want paying and to be fair most are bloody useless , stick em all in the forces when they leave school for couple years, then they will learn respect the elders and respect money, . i fort in the Falklands and when you fight for queen and country, it makes you wonder and youngsters now got no idea! expect everything on a plate!
On 22 Sep 2017 at 12:31pm @Huh? wrote:
Back at you Huh, try counting next time?
1. Tesco
2. Aldi
4. Premier Inn
5. HMP Lewes
6. Lewes court
7, 8 & 9. 3x local councils
10. Sussex police HQ
11. Traffic wardens
12. AVS fencing
13. any of the schools
14. colleges
15. any of the nursing homes
On 22 Sep 2017 at 5:10pm Clifford wrote:
Hms belfast wrote: ' i fort in the Falklands and when you fight for queen and country'

How lucky you weren't in a spelling competition with the Argentinians.
On 22 Sep 2017 at 5:14pm @Clifford wrote:
My favourite part was "to be fair most are bloody useless", I would hate to think what he would write if he wasn't being fair...
On 22 Sep 2017 at 5:46pm Sue wrote:
Happily give up my paid job for a young person if I could still claim state pension at 60.
On 23 Sep 2017 at 12:42am Rocket Man wrote:
Puzzled, you don't have to understand the business plan, you just have to enjoy the films. I'm fascinated to know how you can tell the class of the women just from the photo. (You couldn't be more wrong by the way). And the Depot pays not just the living wage, but the Lewes living wage, which is higher. Oh, and a good number of the volunteers are young people. You could ask them why they choose to volunteer next time you visit. You have actually set foot inside the place, right?
On 23 Sep 2017 at 2:37am Rhea Listic wrote:
There is absolutely no way anyone would ever believe that The Depot employs 65 full time members of staff. If you amalgamated all of the paid hours into the equivalent of full time jobs, I doubt it would get to double figures. It isn't really important how many people earn bits and bobs there. Well none of it is important really I suppose.
I like the place, I'm really glad it's here.
On 23 Sep 2017 at 7:24am What a great place it is wrote:
Its a three screen cinema with sizable restaurant, bar and cafe open from 9 to 23.30. Most staff will work shifts. Go there and you'll see its pretty obvious it employs over fifty people.

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