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Bonfire Night

On 19 Sep 2015 at 7:19pm Reuben wrote:
My family and I have recently moved to Lewes and are very intrigued by Bonfire night. Is there a particular society that is more welcoming towards newcomers with an abundance of innovative ideas?
On 19 Sep 2015 at 7:34pm Firestarter wrote:
Yes any of the society's will be very open to your innovative ideas and greatfull to hear them especially if it means bigger crowds, but tell them about it now so they can incorporate it before the 5th.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 7:36pm Kettle wrote:
Hold on, hold on! I need a glass of wine and some popcorn.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 7:54pm jacko wrote:
You sound the ideal candidate for south street or southover
On 19 Sep 2015 at 9:44pm guy wrote:
Don't bother. Bonfire is dying on its feet and won't be around in its present form much longer.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 9:56pm MR NOB wrote:
It will daring us guys will keep it going
On 19 Sep 2015 at 10:57pm Geoff Paddle wrote:
Fireworks night is always tremendous fun.
On 19 Sep 2015 at 11:49pm webbo wrote:
What new ideas do you have Reuben?
It might help us point you in the right direction
On 19 Sep 2015 at 11:50pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
@Reuben - Isn't the point of Bonfire to maintain a tradition? By all means share your 'innovative ideas' when you have been here long enough to understand the town and its history, but I'd listen and learn, to begin with.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 12:37am Reuben wrote:
Without giving too many details away l was thinking of a move towards a more family orientated / child friendly approach to the parades
On 20 Sep 2015 at 12:53am Horseman7 wrote:
What's a parade?
On 20 Sep 2015 at 1:13am guy wrote:
That's exactly what it should be Reuben. More family and child friendly by discarding torches and fireworks in the street, and banning the outdated religious aspects of it all such as burning the Pope.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 1:37am Bonfire Boy wrote:
Perhaps you should read and learn about the traditions of Lewes bonfire before passing comment, as you clearly haven't a clue what you're talking about.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 7:25am You got the wrong town wrote:
You want Uckfield with it's Carnival and bonfire society - You could take the place of Gorgeous George R.I.P the late great MC.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 9:24am Don't forget wrote:
most of the Lewes societies have closed books now and you need to apply months in advance. The smallest two can be joined on the 4th still and they would probably welcome the help
On 20 Sep 2015 at 10:17am Earl of Lewes wrote:
@Reuben - There is a "family orientated / child friendly" parade on the Nevill estate two weeks before the main one, so I'm afraid that your idea is perhaps less innovative than you'd thought.

@Guy - Is it "outdated" or is it simply tradition? Obviously not all traditions are good - burning witches, for example - but I think the religious aspects of the parade are a useful remider of its darker origins. I love the flaming torches, but agree that the fireworks got out of hand a few years ago when a certain society started throwing the more powerful rookies very close to the crowds.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 10:54am Big Bang wrote:
If you could find a way to get the Council to sponsor one or more of the bonfire clubs, it would open the way to making more money on the night, by getting more visitors into the town for a properly marketed family fun event. If the Council don't want to get involved, then surely an organisation like the Rotary Club would be interested.
Good luck!
On 20 Sep 2015 at 1:35pm Captain Austerity wrote:
Maybe Reuben would do better if he started his own Blobby Bonfire Society?
A Captain Blobby Bonfire Society could do wonders for Lewes and it could be child friendly n more fun burning effigies at the stake. Little Farquer kindly in a lowered tone & politely protesting 'No More Money for Mr Nice Guy its Austerity Britain... don't you know'.
T'was just a thought..
On 20 Sep 2015 at 2:20pm Reuben wrote:
I must say I am rather taken aback by the hostile and sarcastic responses to my question.I certainly don't mean to offend anyone.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 2:35pm guy wrote:
Don't take it to heart. The bonfire mafia are very protective of their annual aberration and will slag anyone who isn't in their little gang.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 3:08pm Sparkle wrote:
"The bonfire mafia and their little gang" as you put it guy, the different Bonfire Societies have been fairly well established for 100+ Years and they do attract over 40,000 people some years.
So I think you can hardly say its some kind of little gang.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 3:31pm Farquer wrote:
The Waterloo Bonfire Society might upset the Scooottish AGAIN?

Predy pleis!
ah canneey wait fur tha one!

Check it out here »
On 20 Sep 2015 at 4:45pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
@Reuben - Assuming your posts aren't a bit of devilry, don't you think it smacks of breathtaking arrogance - or naivety at best - to move to a town with a long-standing tradition and start suggesting changes. People who've lived here for 20 years still keep their mouths shut when it comes to matters of Bonfire. It's up to you to adapt to Lewes, not vice versa.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 5:38pm Rik wrote:
Not if you are a superior individual from a special place with a name like that.....
Yes, a troll I think... Keep stirring as it's working. . Soon there will be another verbal barrage between Lewes folk who don't know they've been pawned.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 6:14pm bastian wrote:
Reuben, I know for a fact that some societies are desperate , not for ideas but for help. If you want to join a society, go for Nevill juniors, they need cash and actual, on the ground help at the moment. Please remember that it isn't just a bit of fun someone puts on For You, it is something you participate in, and don't decide to make changes until you know a bit more about it.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 6:14pm Dik wrote:
Pawned ? pop goes the weasel.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 6:41pm guy wrote:
40000 people eh? Would that be the same 40000 that the Societies, by their own admittance, don't want as it's all supposed to be for locals only.
It's a few little gangs. I suspect the vast majority of members do nothing from one year to the next and don't care two hoots about the tradition. It's just a lark.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 6:51pm Really? wrote:
A troll I suspect trying to stir up the supposed antagonism between old locals and new locals. I don't think most newcomers want to change bonfire, they'd just like to join in, but yes it is an old Lewes tradition, often involving many generations of a family which many enjoy and put a great deal of effort into so that needs respecting too.
On 20 Sep 2015 at 8:02pm fred wrote:
Enjoy our tradition or if you are unable to, stay away.......
On 20 Sep 2015 at 9:17pm Tipex wrote:
Reuben - South Street welcome anyone regardless of how much or how little you want to contribute. Bear in mind for probably 90% of people in lewes bonfire is not much more than a good night out once a year. For 5% it's about actively recognising an historic tradition and 5% it's a beer-fuelled religion (which is odd given they'd claim to be marching against the very concept)!
On 20 Sep 2015 at 10:57pm Guy wrote:
Just because something is traditional and generations have been doing it doesn't mean it is acceptable and we should respect it. There are countless abhorrent "traditions".
On 20 Sep 2015 at 11:52pm jacko wrote:
All the societies have been watered down by pushy transition town DFLs so take your pick. Cliffe tubthumpers would be an ideal starting place particularly if you are tone deaf/deaf
On 21 Sep 2015 at 12:08am reuben wrote:
The trick is to leave them to it once they're triggered. You don't want to overdo it; that's just sadistic. Just step in every now and then and give them a little slap to keep them spinning.
On 21 Sep 2015 at 1:01am Blobby Brainless wrote:
'Reuben' you really lit fireworks didn't you.
Truly a Brainless Oaf!
On 21 Sep 2015 at 7:03am Y not ? wrote:
Methinks the oafs were stirred by Reuben. Y did he choose that name ? Any particular reason, maybe a pop at NF.
On 21 Sep 2015 at 11:33am Earl of Lewes wrote:
@Reuben - Well done - far more plausible than the recent attempts. We fell right into that one.
On 21 Sep 2015 at 4:39pm Really? wrote:
@Guy. Completely agree, but I'd hardly say bonfire was abhorrent! Just saying Lewes does bonfire well, and it means a lot to many in the town.

This thread has reached its limit now
Why not start another one


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