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On 11 Aug 2023 at 3:10pm OlofMeister wrote:
Good afternoon, I'm looking for an interesting soccer related game on my smartphone. Do you have any suggestions?
On 11 Aug 2023 at 3:39pm Nevillman wrote:
Sounds like you got that essay written olofmeister. I'm sure Alex 845 will know a good soccer related game for your smart phone.
On 11 Aug 2023 at 3:58pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Soccer? You after lewes in Delaware?
On 13 Aug 2023 at 12:41pm Nevillman wrote:
It's interesting that none of the names I have been expecting to see have come up with a game for olofmeister. I'd assumed it was all pretty automatic from ai bots with one alias asking for help and another providing it. I'm now wondering if someone saw my response and decided not to bother.
Does anyone know how it works?
On 16 Aug 2023 at 5:49pm Parent wrote:
How does “Delaware” come into this?
On 17 Aug 2023 at 10:01am Nevillman wrote:
No English football fan that I know has ever called it soccer except in an ironic sense. Americans call it soccer, probably to distinguish it from what they call football which is actually American football. Hence green is referring to olofmeisters' use of the term soccer.
It may well be that the ai bot known as olofmeister or Alex 845 and the rest of them is actually trying to target the inhabitants of the Delaware town of Lewes. I wonder if anyone from Delaware has come across this site? If they have, you should know that the one we call Tom pain is our leader. He craves personal abuse and as we only wish to serve him we do so, even though we know he is right and global warming is a hoax, the moon landings are a hoax, 911 was a cii plot and the royal family have been replaced by lizard people.
On 17 Aug 2023 at 12:04pm Parent wrote:
Google ‘soccer’, an originally British nickname for the game, by analogy with ‘rugger’ for rugby football. AsSOCiation Football. I called it soccer when I was playing it growing up. Rugby types often call good play ‘good football’.. stop with the sneering at ‘americanisms’. Our language is full of them these days, ‘guys’!
On 17 Aug 2023 at 1:02pm Nevillman wrote:
I was aware of the origin of the word soccer and respect your right to use it. That doesn't alter the fact that no football fan I know uses the term even though it is often used by Americans. It is quite understandable that green thought that olofmeisters' post was aimed at Lewes Delaware.
English antipathy to the term might be due to resentment that some Americans think that football can only refer to their version while we have to change the name to avoid confusion. It might just be that we were brought up calling it football, unlike you who was brought up calling it soccer.
On 17 Aug 2023 at 1:29pm Parent wrote:
Fair points! I wasn’t brought up calling it soccer, but we kids certainly called it that. My rugby- snobbish school teachers told us that ‘soccer’ was forbidden on school grounds.. whatever.
Anyway, we know what this chap (or bot) means, whereas if he’d asked for a ‘football related’ game, we couldn’t be sure.

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