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On 25 Aug 2023 at 6:17pm Nevillman wrote:
I'm sure the many thousands who followed the laboratory experiments thread in which Tom pain demonstrated his intellect and argumentative powers to blinding effect as usual might have detected some discrepancy in his use of the term "theory". Just to clarify Tom, a scientific theory is "a well substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and evidence. They are not guesses but reliable accounts of the real world". This is a quote from Wikipedia. The "out of Africa" theory and evolution are examples of this. It might be possible to find evidence to come up with an alternative theory but it would be unlikely and given the evidence supporting these theories would be revolutionary. A conspiracy theory is "an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups".
Although they are both theories, there is the world of difference between the credibility of each type. I have detected some confusion in the validity of each in some of Tom's posts and thought it would be helpful to clarify the difference.
On 25 Aug 2023 at 9:45pm Tom Pain wrote:
How odd, I just replied and it disappeared, it must be a conspiracy!
On 26 Aug 2023 at 8:20pm Tom Pain wrote:
My new theory is that this forum is ghostly re-run of the Hamming Horror Show. I just saw sleevies encomium of my virtues or perhaps his grimoir - what a performance of the Bantam Strut. Pure sugar coated poison, he certainly makes up for his deficiencies with a vicious streak of laidback stoneristic malice. He's a good example of why people don't vote for the progressive left- they know what lies behind that goodie front. And you think I'm rude!!! I'm a babe in arms. I keep meaning to steer well clear of him and it's time I really did.
On 27 Aug 2023 at 11:09am Nevillman wrote:
Has green been writing to you personally? I don't see anything from him on here that can be compared to your rudeness to him or to pedant recently or myself in past posts. He suggested that you don't always think through your comments in response to a particularly thoughtless one by you recently but I've seen nothing that could remotely be called "sugar coated poison".
Given that you've had a day to think of a response to my post I am frankly disappointed. I'd at least expected you telling us that evolution is a conspiracy theory or something. They persuaded all the scientists to back the theory of evolution because THEY didn't want us knowing that we'd all been placed on earth by our lizard overlords or something similar.
Anyway, let's just say you've had a tough time recently, you're feeling particularly sensitive at the moment and forget about the whole thing eh Tom?
On 27 Aug 2023 at 4:10pm Green Sleeves wrote:
I suspect I've hurt Tom Pains feelings on a number of occasions. Its just a bit of forum sparring for me, and nothing personal. I've never felt insulted by TP, even though he has attempted to throw shade. The trouble is when he tries to throw hot coals at me, he tends to only burn himself. Or bury himself. Its amusing for the most part.

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