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On 24 Aug 2023 at 8:38am Nevillman wrote:
I was recently sent a survey by Maria Caulfield that purported to find out my views on issues. I can't quote it directly but one question went along the lines of given that the local council had not completed a local plan and were therefore allowing any development to happen in the district how valuable did I find her contribution in stopping greenfield development. Nothing about my views on what the government, of which she is part, have done about planning laws or changing the rules on local plans. It would seem you have to accept that the encroachment of building on greenfield land is the fault of the local council and not the government.
We are also asked to tick boxes on our national priorities. No box allowing me to express my views on inept politicians, corrupt politicians, the lies we were fed concerning leaving the EU of how much that is costing each of us just so that we can no longer travel or work freely in Europe. There was not even a place to write this in.
On 24 Aug 2023 at 9:28am Tom Pain wrote:
That's very odd, I was speaking to someone who visited France just the other day, perhaps you've been reading those online conspiracy theories again.
On 24 Aug 2023 at 11:20am Nevillman wrote:
And could they work there or stay for more than 90 days which they could pre Brexit?
On 24 Aug 2023 at 12:25pm Green Sleeves wrote:
It's like he never thinks anything through....

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Oscar Wilde