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Newhaven or Peacehaven?

On 28 Feb 2017 at 8:54pm bitofakerfuffle wrote:
Hi there
Thinking of moving to one or the other - which has better transport links? Don't care how dumpy they are as used to Crawley.
I assume for P/haven you'd go to Brighton train station?
Which has more facilities: decent-sized facilities - basically which is more Crawley-esque?
On 28 Feb 2017 at 9:21pm Tim wrote:
Personally, I would go for Newhaven. Yes, it had its heart ripped out a long time ago because of the ring road scheme but it does have a certain urban charm and there are decent folks live and work there. I also think there are a few green shoots of recovery appearing.
Peacehaven is also a decent place but looks as though it has just been planted there. Does that make sense?
On 28 Feb 2017 at 9:22pm inthegutter wrote:
I would say Newhaven. Certainly more facilities (shops etc.) and more of an actual town than Peacehaven. Newhaven rail links directly with Lewes and Brighton for onward travel where as from Peacehaven you'd need to get a bus.
On the downside the port and nearby light industry (including the incinerator) bring Newhaven down a bit.
Seaford is nicer than either, though more expensive.
On 28 Feb 2017 at 9:25pm Old timer wrote:
I would say newhaven but only just. Spectacular undercliffe walk at peacehaven
On 28 Feb 2017 at 11:35pm Sh1t for brains wrote:
Why post this on THE LEWES forum ?
On 1 Mar 2017 at 12:34am Horseman7 wrote:
Both are well served by buses to Brighton one way and Eastbourne the other.
On 1 Mar 2017 at 6:13am Newhaven local wrote:
Newhaven has better transport links as it has the railway stations and buses.
Facilities: Swimming pool, Gym, Bowls Centre
Town centre has a few shops but has suffered from being cut off by the ring road. Large sainsburys nearby also lidl, B&Q, Halfords, Pets at Home.
Nice riverside walks and access to the downs. Newhaven Fort and local museum. Big Garden centre. Yes we do have an incinerator but you get used to it. Port doesn't bring newhaven down - ferry to dieppe, marina, new harbourside college, busy lifeboat station. Downside is that traffic can be crap during rush hour but this is also the same on the south coast road at peacehaven as well. Seaford nice but rapidly becoming God's waiting room...
On 1 Mar 2017 at 7:09am Dentonion wrote:
I would say Newhaven probably easier for commuting .... or of course Denton or south heightons are really lovely villages ,and only a 20 mins walk from Newhaven
On 1 Mar 2017 at 11:42am Observer wrote:
"Why post this on THE LEWES forum ?"
Because both places are in Lewes.
The District, that is.
But is this the Lewes (Town) Forum or the Lewes (District) Forum?
On 1 Mar 2017 at 11:46am bitofakerfuffle wrote:
Thanks for this - I am not familiar with Sussex really (Bexley/Kent man, originally) - could Newhaven be compared to Haywards Heath, or far more down-at-heel...
Oh yes, forgot to say, don't drive, so bus/train is way around. Is Newhaven arty-farty Guardian-types or UKIP ''it's the ethnics fault'' type area?
On 1 Mar 2017 at 11:49am Old labour wrote:
Please dont start on politics. It will not end well.
On 1 Mar 2017 at 12:14pm Horseman7 wrote:
OP, wherever you move, it can be what you make it. Trying to label places won't be much help but checking out facilities and transport links will be. As regards the latter, you've been given some really useful advice on this thread.
On 1 Mar 2017 at 12:38pm Old Nag wrote:
Well said Horseman7
On 1 Mar 2017 at 12:53pm Newhaven local wrote:
No it isn't arty fatty guardian is ta nor is it blame it on the ethnics. It's a town that often gets slated but has people who will speak to you rather than look down on you.
If you want commuter ville, forget it. If you want somewhere with a decent community spirit it's here.
On 2 Mar 2017 at 6:35pm Fairmeadow wrote:
Newhaven was an independent manufacturing town/port that rather ignored its posher neighbours and has hard as hard a time as other similar towns across the country over the last 35 years. However, it certainly has character and real people, and outside the old town centre chain stores and supermarkets that serve the District. Unlike Lewes, it has a McDonalds. It has decent communications, by Sussex standards, but not what you may be used to in Crawley or Bexley. Housing is cheaper than in other nearby towns, so lots of young people who are driven out of Brighton or Lewes. It is planned to take most of the District's development over the next 15 years and at risk of becoming the part of greater Brighton you live in if you can't afford real Brighton.
Peacehaven is a cheapish Brighton suburb, planted in the 1920s by an early plotlands developer - he just sold plots of downland that no one wanted to farm for £10 each and you could camp on them or build a shack or a house or whatever you wanted. It's lack of planning made it one of the main examples that led to the introduction of the planning system in 1947. It features in every student planner's training manual as how not to design a new town. Built on a grid pattern, with many of the roads frustratingly stopped up. It has a sad little shopping centre out the back, but most people only see the coast road when driving through, very slowly. Don't buy too near the cliffs.
Oddly for one of the poorest parts of Lewes District in income terms, it votes solidly Tory/UKIP. Newhaven used to be a LibDem stronghold in the days when there were LibDems. The far wealthier residents of Lewes town vote everything but Tory.
On 2 Mar 2017 at 7:39pm Plumber wrote:
Newhaven. It seems to be going up and has some character.
Peacehaven will only get worse. Traffic is bad at rush hour, buses now have a dedicated lane, so car traffic is worse.
On 18 Nov 2017 at 12:28pm Steve wrote:
Newhaven marina looks nice, but it is a short distance from a less posh area

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