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Moving to the area

On 23 Nov 2023 at 9:39pm Louise g wrote:
Hi folk,
We're moving to the area from Worthing and would like some opinions on Ringmer - general and any bits to avoid and also the South Malling part of lewes. We're moving with our toddler as we want him to go to the Annan school up the road towards Uckfield. Also any other opinion on surrounding villages. Haven't got the largest house budget in the world though
Thanks all
On 27 Nov 2023 at 6:01pm Nevillman wrote:
You're more likely to get a response to this on the Facebook site Lewes present.
On 2 Dec 2023 at 10:16am Frank wrote:
Yes, I'm afraid this forum is mainly restricted to two people arguing with a conspiracy theorist.
On 2 Dec 2023 at 4:45pm Nevillman wrote:
Nothing to stop you making any point you wish to make or respond to any post Frank. I don't think you should call green a conspiracy theorist.
On 2 Dec 2023 at 6:18pm Frank wrote:
On 3 Dec 2023 at 12:43pm Green Sleeves wrote:
I enjoy a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, so long as that next guy isn't Tom Pain or David Icke. They tend to indulge in the loony tunes ones, where as I tend to be interested in the ones based in reality and possibility. Actual "Fifty/fiftys"......not billion to one fantasies
On 3 Dec 2023 at 2:20pm Nevillman wrote:
What 'conspiracy theories' do you think might be true?
On 3 Dec 2023 at 3:57pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Nothing wild. For example, I suspected Ukraine to be involved with the nordstream pipeline sabotage, and still do. Not a particularly controversial take, but no one has owned up to it and the likelihood appears to point to Ukraine in this case.

I also lean towards believing the Vaticans extreme wealth was hoarded from/after the demise of the Roman Empire, and that we all exist in a simulation. If you are reading this message, this is your red pill moment.
On 3 Dec 2023 at 7:55pm Nevillman wrote:
Just looked up the nordstream pipeline and Wikipedia said that Ukraine may well have been to blame so I don't think it's a conspiracy theory. A proper conspiracy theory has to have a more rational explanation that is ignored in favour of a theory requiring a conspiracy.
I'm prepared to believe that Tom is a simulation and his brain lives in a glass jar but I don't think I am but then I would.
On 4 Dec 2023 at 3:14pm Green Sleeves wrote:
I also think modern vaccines include 5g microchips which relay data and information to the world government, based in Davros Switzerland.

I don't believe the world is flat, but I do believe the universe is. I think this one might actually be true.
On 5 Dec 2023 at 6:21pm Nevillman wrote:
I totally agree about the COVID vaccine. COVID itself was made in a laboratory to enable this or it might have been a plot to reduce the population. I can't remember now.
Elvis is alive and was involved in the plot to kill Diana.
I'm sure you're right about the universe. Why are the scientists withholding the truth from us?
I think Tom knows more than he lets on.
On 8 Dec 2023 at 2:38pm Cedric wrote:
Hi Loiuse g,
I moved to Ringmer some 50 years ago and have found it to be a rather pleasant place to live. Obviously, we all have our own likes and dislikes of an area, usually based on age.
My children have also settled in the area (and they are younger than me) and seem to be quite content with their lot.
Annan School at Halland is/ was run by a couple who previously had a nursery in Ringmer and has a good reputation.
As for housing there is a wide price band and a good selection on offer.
The suggestion that you should look on Facebook for sensible replies is spot on as this site seems to be vying for a place onstage at the London Palladium….as a gnome I know my place!

On 13 Dec 2023 at 11:58pm eighties boy wrote:
Was pleased to read your reply to Louise Cedric!
GR, TP and NEV, why don't you set up your own WhatsApp group or something similar?
I Googled a question about Lewes this evening, which raised comments from this forum eleven years ago.
Lots of contributers and opinions from local people back then.
It was nostalgic to read them.
Where are all those folks now?
Please speak up if you're there.
On 15 Dec 2023 at 5:01pm Nevillman wrote:
May I ask why you would like green, Tom and me to use a separate WhatsApp group eighties boy? If you are implying that our participation prevents others from using the forum then how does that happen. I regularly do not post to allow others to participate but they don't.
I was the one who originally responded to Louise to the best of my ability having no opinion on living in ringmer of malling. This was after 4 days in which you and Cedric could have made any response you wanted but didn't.
I was posting on here 11 years ago and agree that there were many vibrant comments and discussions which are sadly mostly gone now.
We have discussed possible reasons for it on here several times. Tom's constant irrelevant comments and changing the point without having read other contributions is usually cited but I suspect there is a deeper reason as well. I personally do not like to see that Tom has responded to a point I have made as invariably he will have misunderstood and taken the thread off course while making personal insults but that is his right.
I'm always amused when people come on here and criticise the few who do post but do not participate in any positive way themselves. You would have been most welcome to have joined in what appeared to be a private discussion between green (another long standing participant) and me. Why didn't you put the question you googled about Lewes the other day on here to see what reaction it got?
On Fri 5 Jan at 3:01pm Eighties Boy wrote:
Apologies Nevillman - just read your reply in the thread above for the fourth time.
I think my point about a Whatsapp group, was slight frustration on my part, because most threads on this forum usually turn into a three way discussion regarding conspiracy theories and the like. (Some of which are very interesting by the way.)
Being out of Lewes now, but with 50 years of connections/memories/friends/history etc I look forward to hearing what's going on in my hometown, whenever I can.
I visit regularly and have seen many changes.
Lewes being Lewes, I remember when the town had a lot more lively pubs than it does now. And all the characters that used to frequent them seem to have gone and not been replaced. That's what I was Googling.

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