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Lounges, cote, weatherspoons etc

On 12 Sep 2017 at 8:15pm Brian wrote:
Is it just me or does it feel like Lewes is being totally taken over by chains? Lounges looks nice and all that but they have over 97 of them, I feel like we are loosing our lovely independent restaurants (La famiglia comes to mind) and probably pubs to follow (weather spoons wont help) whilst the whole town is loosing its soul. May as well have a McDonald's, at least it wouldn't directly threaten any other local business.
On 12 Sep 2017 at 8:28pm Bert wrote:
It's called the 21st century and it's here at last. Soon we will have all the retail chains too once the North Street Quarter is completed.
On 12 Sep 2017 at 8:30pm Dfls wrote:
I totally agree with you and unfortunately the way town is going,the business rates and house prices are driving the smaller businesses out of the town! It won't be long before all we have are large chain restaurants and pubs because they can afford to be here,and Lewes will change its name to little London, with out of town residents moving in for £1 million apartments on the river!
On 12 Sep 2017 at 10:40pm Buy Local wrote:
If you do not support them they do not take over, support your local.
On 12 Sep 2017 at 11:00pm i hate change wrote:
Does anyone know how many shops how big cant be good for high street ?
On 12 Sep 2017 at 11:18pm I hate illiterati wrote:
Does anyone know what the last message meant ? Kind regards.
On 12 Sep 2017 at 11:24pm Mavis wrote:
You mean I won't be able to buy painted string and alpaca socks anymore ?
On 12 Sep 2017 at 11:24pm i hate change wrote:
I hate illiterati i did my best your lucky your better then me
On 12 Sep 2017 at 11:37pm i hate change wrote:
thinking about it i wasnt that unclear you must be thick i forgive you
On 13 Sep 2017 at 6:27am I hate illiterati wrote:
On 13 Sep 2017 at 6:57am CurriedFavour wrote:
It's welcome, more please. We can't all afford the high prices of the independents. Let's have a mix so you can keep happy both the stay at home mum Lewes glitteratis and those who have to work.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 7:21am i hate change wrote:
yes im ...... but its worse to be Arrogant and Ignorance
On 13 Sep 2017 at 7:50am Stan wrote:
What the two peepolds talklie about when not understandly one anothly.. Surely in this day and ageold everybodly should try and lovely each other not argumentold and speak badly all the time.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 7:51am ClarifiedButler wrote:
The pubs are pricing themselves out of the market. Stick it simple, small menus but cook everything fresh. They can't compete with the chains in terms of 'choice', so make a strength from a weakness.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 8:15am Pubman wrote:
Clarifiedbutler might have a point. I read the other day the national average price of a pint is £3.60. I haven't paid less than £4.00 for a while in Lewes. I appreciate it is not easy in the pub trade but maybe there are too many pubs in Lewes.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 8:26am Enterprise person wrote:
I don't know about cafes but I have been trying to rent an empty shop in conservation
Lewes for nearly a year. The place I would like has been empty and has been getting sadder and dustier all the time. But the rent the owners want is just beyond my budget and presumably all other bidders. So rather than face up to what the market can offer this landlord has turned down what by now would be ten months rent.
For your homework can anyone explain why is less that 15 words?
On 13 Sep 2017 at 8:58am Red Jon wrote:
Lewes has always been pretentious ever since it got rid of the steel works, the cattle market and the railway sidings, there would be none of this if we had worked to keep ourselves properly in the past. Its taken nearly 50 years to get a cinema back and that is utterly pretentious, but I like watching films. Yes prices have gone up on shops and houses just as the community charge has gone up and planning has gone awry. That might be because over the past years the population at large has voted for Tory/Liberal or Tory/Green and got the planning and strategy accordingly. In the final analysis shops and commercial buildings that are active bring jobs, and this give a chance to the local economy. Cote is great if you can afford it and it offers jobs. Just like Aldi and oh yes everyone complained about that, but not only better prices but they pay their staff reasonably well (minimum is better that the living wage foundation wage). More cutesy local shops with nothing in them or another pizza/pasta (but local)... famiglia relocated to the tennis club!
On 13 Sep 2017 at 8:58am Penguin wrote:
I wonder how many people who complain about chains use Waitrose, Tesco, Boots, Superdrug, Specsavers, Vision Express, Waterstones, WH Smith, Bills, M&S petrol station, Homebase, Screwfix, Majestic Wine, Carpet Right, Aldi, Costa, Nero, White Stuff, Fat Face, New Look, M and Co, Seasalt, Laura Ashley, Silverado, Londis, Steamer Trading, Argos, Clarks, Mountain, Pets Corner, etc...
Lewes has always been full of chains, and a couple more aren't going to be the end of the world.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 9:39am Hastur Sejanus wrote:
Also Famiglia really wasn't anything special. It was nice enough back when it was Lazzattis but in recent years it became just another run of the mill Italian in a town with several of them.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 10:03am bobobob wrote:
Clarified/pubman. Unless you own the pub freehold (brewers, snowdrop for example) then you pay high Lewes rent and inflated prices for beer. The prices charged are to make ends meet, pub closures and changing hands regularly show that there isn't a decent profit to be made in some of these places.

People try, work all hours, get little in return so move on.

As for £3.60 a pint, that's national average, much cheaper up north, much dearer down here. If pubs got charged the same rent etc here as up north maybe the beer would be cheaper?
On 13 Sep 2017 at 11:17am Precis wrote:
I paid £3.80 for a pint of Harvey's in the Lewes Arms last night.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 11:50am Deidre wrote:
I know Precis, that's cos i fancied you !!
On 13 Sep 2017 at 11:57am bobobob wrote:
Harveys is an expensive beer to buy in, even if it is local. Publicans make a lower margin on this and also try to keep prices low as it's the local pint. Doesn't help them make money tho
On 13 Sep 2017 at 12:33pm Observer wrote:
"It's called the 21st century and it's here at last. Soon we will have all the retail chains too once the North Street Quarter is completed."
It's actually the 20th century. I read lots of reports on retail strategy and analysis as part of my job and the current consensus is - consumers want independents, not chains. It's why new developments in London are filled with small producers these days, not chains.
As for "Little London" - London is full of small independent businesses.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 1:25pm Independent wrote:
It's not just a case of saying we want independents. Somebody independent has got to start up a business, and if none can afford it or have the inclination to do so, then it won't happen. You can complain all you like, but if you aren't prepared to open up a business yourself then why should anyone else.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 2:04pm Shopman wrote:
I buy almost all big purchases and many smaller online and imagine many people do the same. I don't miss the going into a shop experience at all. The reality must be we shall needs fewer shops but I would think that a well run independent should have a good chance of succeeding.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 3:55pm Horseman7 wrote:
21st century.
On 13 Sep 2017 at 8:17pm Lewes drinker wrote:
Anyone know if the Kings Head is a freehold pub or part of a chain?
On 13 Sep 2017 at 10:37pm Tom Paine wrote:
The King's Head, chain or independent, is a remarkable place. Where else could you travel back in time from a decent, if slightly haphazard, pub to the sort of institution that would have been seen as a bit grim in the early 1990s? Progress, brothers!
On 14 Sep 2017 at 12:07am Bert wrote:
It's clear Observer is living in the last century ! Probably a councillor !!
On 14 Sep 2017 at 11:38am Dandelion wrote:
I believe the Snowdrop is an independently owned and run pub. Anyone bought a pint of one of the stronger lagers in there recently. If so, how much was it?
On 14 Sep 2017 at 12:02pm bobobob wrote:
Kings Head is owned by Enterprise Inns (massive company owning thousands of pubs) who either lease it out or employ a manager. If they lease it the landlord pays rent and inflated beer prices, 30-40% more than a freehold such as Snowdrop.

There's been changes made to laws about pub ownership, rent and beer prices so hopefully landlords and punters will start to see a bit of improvement soon.
On 14 Sep 2017 at 3:23pm ClarifiedButler wrote:
Let's at least wait and see what serious competition does to the pubs and even the cafes. Maybe we will lose a couple but perhaps the ones that remain might actually serve simple, local food.

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