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Lewes to Southease along the Ouse

On 8 Feb 2018 at 7:41am Walker wrote:
Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to walk along the Ouse to Southease? I'm thinking of going from the Snowdrop to the YHA and back. It looks like a path on Google maps with a bridge at Glynde Reach? Or is the other side of the river better?
On 8 Feb 2018 at 7:53am Boris wrote:
There is no public footpath on the Glynde Reach side but you can walk all the way to Newhaven in the opposite bank.
On 8 Feb 2018 at 7:57am Walker wrote:
Thanks Boris. So start at Linklater Pavilion and just keep going along the river?
On 8 Feb 2018 at 7:58am Harry wrote:
I've done this walk using the path on the west bank a couple of times. From the Snowdrop cross Cliffe bridge, then head for the railway land. You can join the path from there. It's called the Eagret walk. You should be able to find some info online.
On 8 Feb 2018 at 8:49am I reagret to inform you wrote:
that it's egret, don't get the bird. Kind regards.
On 8 Feb 2018 at 9:14am Ferret wrote:
You really need the Ordnance Survey map to make the most of the area. There are some truly great walks, and bike rides, in Lewes area.

Check it out here »
On 8 Feb 2018 at 12:44pm Cartographer wrote:
Thank you ferret
On 8 Feb 2018 at 2:38pm Roger wrote:
Hi Walker. I would recommend you walk down the West Bank (right hand as you face the sea) towards Southease and return via the East Bank. I only say that because the entrance to the path on Lewes end of the East bank is difficult to find. Also to note, the East bank path under the A27 flyover regularly floods and can be tricky to negotiate without getting wet feet. I walked from lewes to Newhaven this morning and it was cold, clear and frosty but other days you can be heading into very strong south westerly winds. Whatever the weather though, it is a very pleasant walk.
On 8 Feb 2018 at 6:40pm Stroller wrote:
Yes, I often start from the Linklater and walk to Southease. Just keep going until you get to the bridge over the river then cross then cross the railway and head to the YHA. Or you could go to Rodmell for a visit to the pub instead - Theres a signpost pointing right on the river bank heading to Rodmell!
On 8 Feb 2018 at 7:05pm Walker wrote:
Thanks everyone!

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