On 6 Jun 2009 at 11:08am bob jones wrote:
can anyone inform me what the orange lihts in the sky were last night @ about 11:30pm interected if anyone else saw them
On 6 Jun 2009 at 12:50pm Graham & Tina wrote:
We saw these as well . . Thought we were seeing things ! . . Glad someone else saw them and we have a photo of them ( Not Good but they are there )
On 6 Jun 2009 at 1:25pm goldbar wrote:
Maybe there where those chinese lantern things ??
On 6 Jun 2009 at 1:51pm mr happy wrote:
I think they were and wondered if someone let them off for the D Day anniversary?
On 7 Jun 2009 at 8:24am demon 2 wrote:
yes i see them over past landport last night as i went out running they were all in a line in the sky then they went behind a cloud and was gone, but yes u r not going mad i see them too
On 7 Jun 2009 at 10:27am Yvonne and Richard wrote:
We saw them on Thursday 21st May at 22.30. There were 15 in total. came towards us from the North and then went of to the East. Came in batches of 3-2-5-3-1-1. NO SOUND AT ALL.
On 7 Jun 2009 at 5:05pm Footy Mum wrote:
They were Chinese lanterns the other night, they were let of at a party in the Wallands area and very pretty they were too.
On 7 Jun 2009 at 5:51pm Alison wrote:
We were in Newcastle last night and saw them there too! Strange orange lights with no noise and seeming to be flying in a formation - Any explanations?
On 7 Jun 2009 at 6:44pm Catherine wrote:
We also saw this! I was driving down the m25 with my boyfriend last night around 11.30pm, and was between M11 and the A127 turn off, going clockwise towards Essex. I pointed out 4 bright orange lights directly above us, and we watched them while we carried on driving. They moved slowly over the M25, then disappeared one after the other. I thought nothing of it, until I looked to my left over the fields and there were about 20 more coming towards us! They all flew really low, fairly slowly and all travelled in the M25 direction, again flying over us. I stopped on the hard shoulder as quickly as I could, and we watched them all fly over. They disappeared slowly, one after the other like the first 4 did. Couldn't believe my eyes, and no we hadn't be drinking! Did anyone else see these lights..or know what they were? It was 6th June 2009, around 11.30pm.
On 7 Jun 2009 at 8:36pm TDA wrote:
No sound at all? Amazing.
On 7 Jun 2009 at 9:10pm mr happy wrote:
There is no sound as they are a block of lit wax inside a bamboo and tissue paper frame.
On 7 Jun 2009 at 10:10pm TDA wrote:
On 7 Jun 2009 at 10:44pm Hedwig? wrote:
On 8 Jun 2009 at 8:38am Mark wrote:
I saw three bright orange lights early hours Sunday morning at 1:30am. They were stationary or moving slowly. They were on my right hand side 2 miles from Clackett Lane from Surrey to kent direction.
On 8 Jun 2009 at 8:57am Jane wrote:
I couldn't believe it, and not many people seem to have seen them. Do we know what they were?
On 8 Jun 2009 at 11:08am Ed Can Do wrote:
I'm no expert, Jane, but at a guess I'd say they were probably Chinese Lanterns.
On 8 Jun 2009 at 2:00pm Now Listen wrote:
Why do people ask for explanations of these 'mysterious objetcs' and then completely ignore the explanation when they get it ? This question has been asked several times before and the answer is the same - THEY ARE CHINESE LANTERNS !!!
On 8 Jun 2009 at 2:50pm Alien Bounty Hunter wrote:
May we have head count please so we know that no one has been abducted? Also please report unexplained overnight enlargement of your rectum and unusual sightings in your alotments such as strange patterns in your himalayan watercress bed or your mutilated Barnacle pet goose. DON'T BELIEVE WHAT '>THEY<' SAY. THESE ARE NOT CHINESE LANTERNS. WE HAVE BEEN VISITED BY ALIENS.
On 8 Jun 2009 at 3:44pm Ed Can Do wrote:
According to an article on the Argus website, at least one man in Lewes, Mr Ward-Sale, rang 999 when he saw the lights. If that's not a criminal misuse of the emergency number and a waste of police time, I'd love to know what is.
Even if they weren't just Chinese lanterns (And the guy said someone had been letting off lanterns in his own garden the week before), what exactly did he expect the police to do about it? I read recently that there are plans to stop people who abuse the 999 number from having a phone, I think this idiot is a perfect argument for such a measure.
On 9 Jun 2009 at 12:40am Graham & Tina wrote:
Buggar . . . There us thinking it was alien spacecraft coz we saw the green men waving at us out of the windows and it turns out to be chineese lanterns !
On 9 Jun 2009 at 6:16am Home Office wrote:
Please be advised that these 'Chinese Lanterns' are test devices (much like North Korean long range missiles) in use by illegal immigrants since port border controls have been stepped up. The plan is to make them bigger, and once everyone got used to their sight, use them to fly over the Channel. Cunning our Chinese friends, aren't they?
On 16 Jun 2009 at 10:01am seafisher wrote:
Ive seen these too..no noise..really weird??..will someone please explain what they are?!!
On 20 Jun 2009 at 4:05pm louise wrote:
19th june 2009 me and my freinds saw 9 exactly the same in a perfect line with no noise i live in oldham .time 1040 .dir. sw-ne. description . bright orange lights.
On 22 Jun 2009 at 4:28pm Wingnut wrote:
I live in the north east of England and saw them at 10:40, direction sw - ne. No noise, travelling slowly, very spooky.
On 22 Jun 2009 at 10:45pm Margaret Rice wrote:
I saw these lights on the 6th june on our way back from Arlington(Eastbourne speedway) did not say anything to my husband or fellow passanger just in case they thought i had gone mad.Well they appeared again on Saturday 20th june and this time every one of us saw them,this was near Lewes,still puzzled to what we saw any ideas.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 10:27am Clare wrote:
Me and my boyfriend saw 5 bright orange lights moving towards Rowland Gill last night. At first there were 3 moving slowly back and forth, tried to justify it as helicopters, then a futher 2 just floated over the roof top and joined them, Very strange!! My boyfriends a big sceptic but even he was wondering what they were. Did anyone else see them bout 11.25pm on 25th June 09??
On 9 Jul 2009 at 10:15pm ray wrote:
i have seen these twice now and they are not lanterns
On 21 Jul 2009 at 2:04pm murt o brien wrote:
I don't believe that these orange lights were chinese lanterns, saw 7 the other night about midnight, coming over the mountains on the east coast of ireland coming from the west of ireland, they ascended into the sky,now i have never seen anything fly so high, it was as if there is a flight path they follow, i only seen these 7 but before that there could have been many more,they were silent, so high it convinced me they could be not of the world we know, before this i thought only cranks seen these,i'v now changed my mind
On 1 Aug 2009 at 1:03am Jo wrote:
I saw three orange lights in the sky tonight. One after another, first and second 5 secs apart, second and third about 15-20 secs apart. I would say they were about the same height as a plane coming in to land (i live 35 miles from manchester airport), I have never seen anything like it. No noise, no emissions..... I thought the first one was a police helicopter and second one I thought was a meteorite. They were all in perfect alignment. I think this is weird!!!
On 1 Aug 2009 at 11:36pm Mandy wrote:
We saw those too! maybe aliens that look like people are telling us that they are chinese lanterns when really they aren't!! :O be afraid-be very afraid! :|
On 8 Aug 2009 at 1:24pm oz wrote:
i saw 5 of these things last night (8/8/09) at about 2300. first 2, then 3 more. the strange thing was that they were floating along at the same speed, but then the 4th one slowed down and the 5th overtook it, before all resuming the same slow speed again and floating out of view. Real spooky lookin. I'm not 100% on the lantern story - these lights were far too bright & intense.
On 8 Aug 2009 at 10:42pm Bazza wrote:
We saw 4 in formation last night (heading south) at 11:00pm. Wondered what they were. Disappointed to discover they are most probably chinese lanterns. They seemed really big though - but I guess you can get all sizes.
The fact that there was no noise was the spooky thing. We saw ours over Nuneaton, Warwickshire.
Wifey has just shouted me tonight and has seen five more (10:15pm), this time going North!
On 9 Aug 2009 at 8:44am vicky wrote:
We saw 7 of theese lights last night 8/8/09 at about 22.10 They were bright orange in colour and moved slowly then just disapeared there were 7 in total we got some pics of them on my phone and recorded it,it really spooked me out but at the same time very interesting!!!!
On 9 Aug 2009 at 11:28am ajb wrote:
I saw about 7 of these going over Newcastle last night, certainly not chinese lanterns, even if I am wrong about them being very high and strong electric light (which I'm not) they were flying in perfect formation straight line. We thought helipcopters. Are they flying from bases out to Afghanistan?
On 23 Aug 2009 at 11:30am G Bird wrote:
I saw these again last night night, about 25 of them all in all and some of them weren't lit but still visable so must be lantterns of some sort. This was about 10:30pm and they flew right over Lewes Castle. Who is setting these off and why? Strange but quite beautiful.
On 24 Aug 2009 at 10:57pm katie wrote:
hi about 45 mins ago about 10.15pm six orange lights went over the field near where i live in the forest of dean, they were low with no noise any ideas?
On 2 Sep 2009 at 3:28pm natalie gamble wrote:
last night tuesday 1st october,myself,my mom and three of my friends was walking my dog in the castle grounds in tamworth,it was a clear night,i happened to look up at the sky and saw an orange light like a ball i pointed it out to my friends we all looked on in awe! as behind that one came another two exactly the same and with no sound.
about a minute later another 2 appeared going in the same direction all flying diagonally,we watched them till they were out of sight,none of us could work out what it was it was creepy,it was about 9pm,there was nothing going on in the area that could explain these strang orange lights oh and please give me some credit they were not chinese lanterns!!!! for gods sake! any one have any ideas??
On 6 Sep 2009 at 10:01pm jose machado wrote:
I saw over 10 orange lights in the sky, moving as a group - not too fast. It was about 8.50pm, today, 6th September 2009, in Epsom, Surrey, as I was outside my flat's balcony. Never saw anything so weird - no sound, moving exactly at the same speed in what it seemed some sort of flight formation. I've sent an email to the BBC, just wondering if there were some other reports.
On 7 Sep 2009 at 4:13pm Anthony Besant wrote:
I saw it too at about 9.30pm - they were moving fairly quickly but just vanished one by one.
On 8 Sep 2009 at 10:49pm sb wrote:
I saw them too on 6/09/09 at approx the same time as Jose.
I was too suprised to count them but there were at least ten if not more. They seemed more white than orange equally spaced apart and they kept the distance between them as they flew. No noise at all and they were in the most unusual formation starting at the left hand side, rising up to a point and then going back to a much longer side on the right hand side. They weren't going fast and they just went from one side of my view from right to left until they disappeared from sight. I live near the common in Epsom and they were in the sky over the town or appeared to be but they could have been miles away as there was no point of reference.
I have no idea what they were but the distance from one side to the other was huge and filled my horizon.
They didn't look like any chinese lanterns I have ever encountered!
A commercial airliner flew underneath the lat left hand side one and again it may have been miles underneath them it was difficult to tell.
On 12 Sep 2009 at 9:36pm john wrote:
Just saw orange light in sky flying slowly over weddington area of nuneaton (9.20pm sat 12th sept 2009). This was a bright orange light but made no sound, not even a faint sound of high aircraft. the light was quite bright and seemed to project 3 points outwards from the centre of the ball like shape.
On 26 Sep 2009 at 11:43pm les mcgregor wrote:
At approx 22:00 hrs on 26-9-09 driving anti-clockwise on the M25 between the M23 an A22 junctions we (2 passengers and driver) saw between 8 and 12 amber/orange orbs seemingly floating to our left (inside the circle of the M25). They were in a formation of two groups, one seemed lower than the other.
They were NOT chinese lanterns, they were NOT street lights, and they were NOT helicopters. They were glowing brightly but emmitted no light (ie, they did not light up anything around them (trees, field, road etc). They glowed unifomally (no bright centre as a lamp has). They did not flicker and they did not move in relation to each other.
Did anyone else see them?
On 27 Sep 2009 at 10:04pm Beverley wrote:
Hi I too saw 2 orange lights in the sky in Wythenshawe, peel hall road on the 25th September 09, it was rearly strange, they was just still for a while then they went off towards Manchester airport,
This evening 27th September 09 I just had a phone call from my friend who seen 2 bright orange lights flying over Stockport, If they are Lanterns then they would have to be very big on the ground as seeing them in the sky they are quite large.