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elephant and castle staff

On 11 Mar 2009 at 11:01pm sssshhhhh! wrote:
there's a larger than average chap running the ellies who seems to be sucking the energy out of the place. smile man smile!
On 12 Mar 2009 at 10:21am Local wrote:
I used to really like the Elephant & Castle: nice range of beers, good food, comfortable atmosphere. Then, about 18 months ago, it went right downhill and I haven't been back since. It doesn't sound like there's any reason to give it another go.
On 12 Mar 2009 at 10:50am sssshhhhh! wrote:
I'm not going to moan about the pub; it does Harveys, serves good filling grub and shows the footy, which is the main reason why I go there. I like the Ellies.

But that landlord/barman needs to lighten up a bit; you can't threaten to ban a football fan just for shouting out his team's name IF YOU SHOW FOOTBALL IN YOUR PUB!!! Which he seemed to be doing yesterday.

And a bit of friendly banter and a smile wouldn't go amiss.
On 12 Mar 2009 at 12:49pm bonfirek wrote:
The Elly has gone downhill, me and some mates we're playing pool in there the other afternoon, making alittle bit of noise, but the pub was empty, and he looked proper peeved at us. So we took our pool skills elsewhere!
On 12 Mar 2009 at 12:59pm rodders wrote:
His name is Declan and he doesn't like telling you the pool table costs 70p. I think its out of his remit or something,,, maybe he should put a sign up then he wouldn't have to walk anywhere. he should just be glad people have come to his boozer. It's not much of an effort to tell someone the cost of a game of pool is it?
On 12 Mar 2009 at 1:35pm Declans school mate wrote:
I went to school with him I dont think I ever saw him smile once
except when Someone gave him a cream cake ....
On 12 Mar 2009 at 2:03pm rodders wrote:
lol. oh dear
On 12 Mar 2009 at 7:51pm tod wrote:
cant stand dec or huw both do not have a clue!
On 12 Mar 2009 at 8:17pm aslan wrote:
really?? the elly is so much better since huw and dec took over, at long last as enjoyable to visit as it used to be in the mid - late nineties when i first started using it. Definitely my favourite pub in the town at the moment.
On 12 Mar 2009 at 11:11pm Mr. Castle wrote:
It's fast becoming my favourite pub, good for sport, good beer. Hopefully they'll kick a few more of the young cretins out.
On 12 Mar 2009 at 11:16pm johnners wrote:
I like Hugh, he seems like a pleasant bloke. The others though..
On 13 Mar 2009 at 9:28am Toque wrote:
He's a right miserable git.
On 13 Mar 2009 at 4:44pm Ed Can Do wrote:
The Elly's a nice pub and at least it has a bit of atmosphere to it, unlike many in town these days. Huw and Dec just do far too many hours, they don't seem to trust anyone else to look after the place for them so they get very little time off. Seeing as how they both live upstairs too, I can see why they might get a bit grumpy from time to time.
Being one of the main football pubs in town, they have had problems in the past with more loutish fans which is why they're not too keen on chanting and shouting.
My only real problem with the pub is how during rugby season it attracts hundreds of people who claim to be Welsh, having possibly visited Cumbria once and who bang on incessantly about how great Welsh rugby is, conveniently forgetting that until recently Wales were the laughing stock of the rugby world.
On 13 Mar 2009 at 5:08pm Huws mum wrote:
I heard Huw is a massive homo.
On 13 Mar 2009 at 5:33pm huw wrote:
Oh dear, I seem unable to make all the people happy all the time.
I assume everyone posting on here has run a pub before and could show us all how to do it a lot better.
The only person who has been threatened with eviction from the pub during football in recent months would be the one who was told repeatedly not to shout xenophobic abuse and then started insulting the staff, sorry shhhhhh, but if you deem that to be acceptable behaviour for any football fan maybe we should all go back to the good old eighties and monkey chants.
Generally, you will be happily received in the pub, however constant loutish behaviour can become rather tiresome and get on people's nerves, customers and staff alike.
Thank you tod for spelling my name correctly and mum, I told you not to let anyone know.
On 13 Mar 2009 at 5:40pm Liam at the swan wrote:
I side with Huw on this, Where as customers can walk away from loud and annoying behaviour bar staff have to keep an eye on things and put up with stuff like this, and after a while it gets boring and tiresome especially when its the same people, as well as this no pub in Lewes wants this trouble as it isnt worth the trouble when the police arrive as it has a knock on effect.
On 13 Mar 2009 at 5:43pm FA wrote:
:ove the Elly, love the beer in there, love the live bands and i love Huw and Dec.
Up the hammers Huw !!!
On 13 Mar 2009 at 5:52pm Fatmandu wrote:
I can understand why Dec sometimes looks morose, it's all the time he's not eating one of the fantastic Elly burgers!
Seriously, they're damn good.
On 13 Mar 2009 at 5:52pm huw wrote:
Cheers Liam and FA, very nice of you.
(and up the Hammers)
On 13 Mar 2009 at 6:19pm sssshhhh! wrote:
Good shout Huw,
We don't think you have to make all the people happy all the time, that's not your job; your pub makes us happy! Running a pub is obviously hard work, and must seem like a bit of a grind sometimes especially if you live there too.
Just give Declan a tickle every now and then to put a smile back on his face!
On 13 Mar 2009 at 7:14pm Local wrote:
I might give it a try again.
On 13 Mar 2009 at 9:52pm q wrote:
i would love to but dont think im welcome!
On 13 Mar 2009 at 11:26pm Andrew in NZ wrote:
Hey Huw, are you on facebook?
On 13 Mar 2009 at 11:38pm andrew in NZ wrote:
OK - I found you
On 14 Mar 2009 at 8:41am pub plugger wrote:
Anyone else wanna plug a pub ?
On 14 Mar 2009 at 9:29am sssshhhh! wrote:
I'm no pub plugger.
On 15 Mar 2009 at 1:49am Local wrote:
I heard they where kitting out there function room upstairs, putting a floor down.
On 15 Mar 2009 at 8:52am Agony Uncle wrote:
Dealing with the public can be the most tiresome job in the world, it CAN also be most rewarding too (much like bringing up kids - loads of grief, growling and groundings - but with golden gems that makeyou smile for weeks (years) and can be "dined out" on) - even more so when many of those public are "fuelled up" on good booze, particularly those that can't handle it!! - Dec and Huw could be thought of as doing a thankless job - put yourself in their shoes for a moment - ...headache, tense nervous headache want to curl up and die? CAN'T - you've STILL got 120 partygoers in what amounts to be your living room!!!
The Ellie is a VERY GOOD pub (good booze - bright, airy, accomodating AND with well placed screens for major events - pool (wistful sigh for the football table) and fruit-machines which don't dominate - good food too) manned by (most-of-the-time(but as I say put yourself in their shoes once in a while!)) VERY GOOD people
Long Live The Ellie
On 16 Mar 2009 at 3:14pm Turnip wrote:
Wot happened to the quiz?
On 17 Mar 2009 at 5:52pm ive seen everything wrote:
ive not seen an elephant fly, but ive seen declan smile,
On 19 Mar 2009 at 8:41pm steve wrote:
Huw and dec= great pub! see you 2morrow for the pre freak out!
On 20 Mar 2009 at 7:09am Musher wrote:
Local what is it you miss about the old management? The depressing atmosphere? The dust? The owners dog humping your leg?
The Elly has been turned around by Huw & Dec and is now a welcoming boozer with the best pub food in Lewes (try the steak & kidney pudd! )

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