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wanted Bathroom fitted in lewes

On 27 Mar 2014 at 12:37pm jane wrote:
Hi , can anyone recommend a bathroom fitter please, we want to fit shower and basin downstairs and it will need tiling,
we would like it done fairly soon, so any recommendation please x
On 27 Mar 2014 at 12:48pm Reliable plumber wrote:
I could do it in about three weeks
On 27 Mar 2014 at 1:05pm jane wrote:
Hi, can you text me your details please at 07847439386, and then we can arrange for you to visit and give me an idea of price please, live in center of Lewes
On 27 Mar 2014 at 8:44pm Innocent Bystander wrote:
Blimey Jane, you're brave, giving out your number. How many texts have you had? And what have you been offered?

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