On 11 Feb 2005 at 2:30pm Merry Weather wrote:
We are quite recent arrivals in Lewes so can anyone fill me in on the background to the dreadful ESCC building? Who gave it planning permission? When was it built and is there a realistic chance of it ever being torn down? I don't understand why we had to get permission to prune a tree in our garden but they are allowed to build this kind of thing. I understand the need for progress but really!
On 11 Feb 2005 at 3:34pm Fairy Nuff wrote:
ESCC can do what it wants, so planning permission would have been a formality. When it applied for planning permission it would have been rubber stamped.
I would fink that building wud take some tearing down as it contains a nuclear shelter for the "chosen ones".
Beyond doubt it is a blot on the landscape,dismal, bland and featureless, like its inhabitants.
Still, a town needs a folly, Lewes has many.
Pruning a tree without numberous site visits, meetings, more meetings following the initial consultation meeting and consent in triplicate is a hanging offence.
Quite rightly so.
Yer in Lewes now Tosh, so do as your told and stop the questions.
ps. mind where you park.
On 11 Feb 2005 at 4:03pm Merry Weather wrote:
Can't believe rumour about nuclear bunker - really?!
Was very impressed on arrival in Lewes to see people park up wherever took their fancy. Sad to see those wild parkers forced into line and to no apparent benefit to anyone except council coffers.
On 11 Feb 2005 at 10:20pm Mr X wrote:
Yes it really does have a small nuclear bunker underneath it, like many towns have. Lewes is a county town so needed somewhere to protect the select few should the Russians decide to stop our freedom. One point about tearing down County Hall... about 35% or more of Lewesians would stop getting TV reception and mobil phone reception. Yes, County Hall rents out roof space for those things, think carefully, can you do without BBC and ITV AND the County Hall? Tough choice!
On 12 Feb 2005 at 7:05pm Fairy Nuff wrote:
On 11/02/05 Merry Weather wrote:
Can't believe rumour about nuclear bunker - really?!***************************
Yeah really.
Totally impenetrable to nuclear attack, biological warfare and terrorists.
Doubt if it will fare to well against the traffic wardens though.
On 12 Feb 2005 at 7:12pm Fairy Nuff wrote:
Mr X wrote:
Yes it really does have a small nuclear bunker underneath it, like many towns have. Lewes is a county town so needed somewhere to protect the select few should the Russians decide to stop our freedom.
Since the USSR was as good as disbanded many years ago I can't understand that statement.
With regard to the aerials that festoon the folly; Yes I can do without the TV aerials, I have satellite thank you.
I thought it was compulsory for all skools to have at least one mobile phone aerial in the playground so don't see why County Hall is needed for that.
On 14 Feb 2005 at 1:23pm Merry Weather wrote:
I presume that planning permission was originally given to keep ESCC sweet on Lewes and avoid them moving out of town. As for the Russians, I agree - they've not been a real threat to Lewes ever, have they?? You could argue that our 'freedoms' are more under threat from our elected local authorities than from anyone else! Kids can't walk to school across Lewes because council seem unwilling to put in pelican crossings; cars can't park anywhere in town without relentless search for coinage . . high public transport fares - it cost me £1 to get bus from bottom of School Hill to the Prison Crossroads with my supermarket shopping. Outrageous!
On 14 Feb 2005 at 3:35pm Fairy Nuff wrote:
'Lewes? - I like the sound of the word.
It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose.
Some words give you a feeling. Lewes is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat - the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step or his son shaves or makes his first sound like a man.
Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm.
Lewes is one of those words.
I still moved out though. LOL
On 14 Feb 2005 at 5:43pm Mr X wrote:
Well gee... clearly ESCC didn't build the nuclear shelter last year, it was put in under County Hall in the 1960's when it was built. Back then the Cold war was a serious thing to consider despite what you might think of it all now. Why would it make any sense to NOT keep it there... I mean it's built and probably costs little to maintain it, whereas filling it in would be pointless and expensive. I wasn't saying it's needed now, but it was needed back during the Cold war... most towns have these hidden away. The one at Ashdown forest is used by Police to train for anti terrorism and riot control as it offers an unfamiliar building layout for Police and emergency crews to work through without having to use 'real' towns or building to practice in.
On 2 Mar 2005 at 4:08pm liteswap wrote:
If the ESCC cared that much about TV reception in Lewes, they'd put a terrestrial digital repeater up there...
Maybe there are just no backhanders for councillors in in such a move.