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Theresa May’s crafty Brexit betrayal

On 19 Apr 2017 at 5:14pm Independent Englishman wrote:
Theresa May wants an election in June. So we’re going back to the polls once more. In true EU style, the rejection of the EU in the referendum wasn’t clear enough. Please vote again…
It might seem like this time is different. When other nations rejected the EU, they were asked to vote again in an attempt to force consent. But in the UK, the predicted bigger Conservative majority means a more likely Brexit, not less.
But this is a ruse. Brexit is in trouble. Just ask financial markets, they know.
Last year the Brexit referendum vote popped the stockmarket and sunk the pound. This time around it’s the opposite. The FTSE 100 fell 2.5%, erasing the gains of 2017, but barely denting the 20% gains since the Brexit vote. The pound surged two cents against the dollar.

Why was the reaction to the coming election the opposite to the referendum if the election means a more certain Brexit?

Because May is positioning herself for a compromise with the EU. And when it comes to politics, compromise means a load of political obfuscation and complication. We could end up with some weird hybrid partnership worse than being inside the EU. This is good news for big business and their lobbyists who will have plenty of opportunities to cut out loopholes and prevent competition. It puts at risk the bright future Britain could have outside the EU.

It’s not just the stockmarket that is signalling there’s something iffy about the election. The business leaders who campaigned for Remain are happy with the election date, despite the higher probability of Brexit.

Sir Mike Rake, chairman of Worldpay and former CBI president, said, “If the election empowers the Prime Minister to negotiate a pragmatic Brexit with appropriate transitional arrangements it will be worthwhile.” Pragmatic? Isn’t the lack of pragmatism why we’re leaving the EU in the first place?
A bigger Conservative majority means a weaker Brexit because May will have more moderate Brexit backers in Parliament. She won’t have to rely on the controversial hard-Brexit advocates who kept her honest to the referendum
On 19 Apr 2017 at 5:17pm Alfriston Blue wrote:
There is a lot of if's, but's and could's here.... My personal opinion is she called the election because she knew the day of reckoning was coming re the dodgy election expenses claims... If they had gone to the DPP and convictions secured she could have had her majority slashed in the House, (bearing in mind the people in those constituencies that were affected would be pretty damn angry and not vote for the Tories), she may have even ended up as a minority government - not a nice place to be when one is trying to negotiate a strong Brexit deal.
I don't decry the article which has a lot of senses to it and May is renowned for being a good speaker - and then doing nothing...
The only way around this is for people to vote for UKIP who are the natural watchkeepers of Brexit but they need to shape up and fast otherwise people are going to vote for the Tories, (that would have voted UKIP as she is a very believable speaker and people have short memories), just to ensure that their Brexit comes about. They won't realise they have been duped until it is too late.
On 19 Apr 2017 at 5:28pm Deja Vu wrote:
This will force parties to put their stand into manifesto's, finally we will know what all parties stand for and we can vote accordingly.
I wouldn't get too excited until that happens.
On 19 Apr 2017 at 7:06pm Hyena wrote:
Who sticks to manifesto's?
On 20 Apr 2017 at 12:36am That's Me in the Corner wrote:
What are manifesto's? Manifestos are clearly made to be broken (like potatoe's)
On 23 Apr 2017 at 2:47pm Honest guy wrote:
Seems to me who ever wrote this is still upset about losing brexit? You gotta get over it and move on you lost the vote it's as simple as that, we have got to get on with brexit now.

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