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The silence of Mike Higgs

On 20 Feb 2017 at 8:53pm Why no reply wrote:
I am trying to complain/engage conversation with Mike Higgs, the traffic safety guy from ESCC. When I email him I get an immediate automatic reply saying he will respond within 10 working days. He never does. Anyone know how the law stands on this? Shall I write him a letter or 'pop round' and see him? Or give up and adopt a direct action approach.....
On 20 Feb 2017 at 9:05pm Billy wrote:
I would write (on paper) and follow it up with a phone call. Don't forget to keep a copy of the letter though.
On 20 Feb 2017 at 9:48pm Lopster wrote:
Social media worth a pop?
On 21 Feb 2017 at 1:46pm cleanlicence wrote:
i think i need to speak to him too, crossing between waitrose and east street is hazardous, nobody sticks to 20mph, nobody indicates if theyre going up east street or not, mike higgs do something.
On 23 Feb 2017 at 10:31am Bella wrote:
I would tweet repeatedly to ESCC - or call every day. If he continues to ignore all methods of communication then take it higher and make a formal complaint. Keep notes on every call you make and copies of all other written comms. I had the same issue with planning office. It was only persistence that paid off.
On 24 Feb 2017 at 1:48pm cleanlicence wrote:
you could try approaching the council under the FOI freedom of information act, there are time limits they have to comply with, with that.

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