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Spice Merchants

On 28 Dec 2011 at 6:29am Curry muncher wrote:
Just like to say a huge thank you and thumbs up from SM last night. For the first time ever, they got my takeaway slightly wrong. I gave them a ring and within 5 minutes, a correct dish was delivered to my door plus some free popudoms.
Top service SM
On 28 Dec 2011 at 8:32am Twister wrote:
That's pretty good service. All they need to do now is make their curries taste half decent.
On 28 Dec 2011 at 10:15am Mme B wrote:
Twister, maybe the fault lies with your tastebuds. I think their curries are excellent, as is their service. Hope to go again soon.
On 31 Dec 2011 at 6:27pm observer wrote:
Hope they pay their gas bill Eh! Mickeyboy.
On 1 Jan 2012 at 5:41pm unknown wrote:
5 mins to your door you say????? was the delivery boy using a helicopter, even then it would be impossible to cook a meal in that time lol observer microwaves work on electricity so no worries on the gas bill front.

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