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RE: shops in the evening

On 7 Aug 2007 at 4:29pm New2town wrote:
I moved to Lewes earlier this year and there seems to be no shops open in Town after 7 other than Thresher and Tesco.
Are there any other shops open other than these?
What happened? Did Tesco/Thresher ruin the evening trade for Off Licenses?
On 7 Aug 2007 at 5:28pm The Honest Truth wrote:
Lewes boasts some fine & traditional local shops, run by local families - as these are not chains, they are inclined to keep traditional hours. Local people respect that and make arrangements to shop accordingly.
However, Lewes' success is also it's downfall - it is such a brilliant place to live that virtually everybody wants to live here. Hence businesses are being squeezed out by unwelcome parking initiatives (yes - that old chestnut), the arrival of competative supermarkets and high business rates. Then, after a business becomes unviable, the application for change of use from business to residential (usually several residences) is granted - this all helps fuel the downward decline of the commercial trade in the town.
On 7 Aug 2007 at 9:33pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Threshers closed down a couple of years ago.
Apart from the Christmas late night shopping event, there does not seem to be the demand for late night shopping. Late night or 24 hour shopping seems to be a metropolitan institution - maybe there is some truth in the idea that the town is becoming a dormitory town full of ex-Londoners and, consequently, the demand for shop opening hours will change.
On 7 Aug 2007 at 10:39pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
Threshers re-opened where unwins use to be near the law courts, also for a short time Tescos went 24 hour but it wasn't economical for them as there wasn't enough trade in the early hours. if it wasn't succesful there I can't see smaller shops making similar moves.
On 8 Aug 2007 at 11:57am New2town wrote:
Shame shame, I sometimes work late and it would be nice pop to shop after 7pm for bit's on the way home.
Yes Lewes is fantastic! since moving here in Feb it's made me really happy...freshair, friendly people lots to do and some dam fine pubs too!
Even though I have moved from London i don't come from the big smoke as I was born in Farnborough Hants and lived there most of my life but even there shops stayed open pasted 7.
Oh well Tesco it is then making there profits higher and higher.
Thanks for the replies.
On 8 Aug 2007 at 12:12pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Actually Mr Patel's shop near me in Winterbourne is open late but I can't quite remember how late, it might only be 6.30pm. I will check and come back to you. He has excellent stuff: fresh bread, milk, juice, newspapers etc, everything that Tescos has really, except underwear.
On 8 Aug 2007 at 1:02pm renee bird wrote:
May's is open until 8pm
On 8 Aug 2007 at 1:46pm Mysitic mog wrote:
Mays General store in Cliffe closes at 8pm. Sells almost everything including beer and wine.
On 8 Aug 2007 at 4:38pm austin mini wrote:
The Honest Truth Lewes was on the downward trend before the parking enforcement came to Lewes(yes - that old chestnut), people like you just have to blame things on parking,well i think the parking is a lot better now and yes you can find a parking spot now yes i have to pay but why not, you have to pay in most large towns if you dont like it blame your councllers after all the people of Lewes voted them in .all towns will have parking enforcement by 2012 eastbourne goes in October and Worthing this September.
On 8 Aug 2007 at 4:39pm dats wrote:
May's General Store in Cliffe is open later - although not sure exactly when until. And don't forget Waitrose! And Food Food in station street if you want something nice for dinner...
On 8 Aug 2007 at 5:38pm INRS wrote:
Nevill Stores is open quite late, and believe shop in Leicester Road is as well. As for parking scheme, austin mini, yes we did probably need one, but did it need to be so expensive other than to pay for the swarm of 'Gestapoesque' traffic wardens, and apart from this did we need the complete abortion that they have made of the residential areas of lewes with parking bays crammed in every possible little space, which makes driving to the above mentioned small shops a bit of a nightmare !
On 8 Aug 2007 at 7:20pm The Super K wrote:
It cost more to parking in Lewes than it does in Brighton.
Yet Lewes has no shops worth shopping in?
I know where I'd rather shop.
On 8 Aug 2007 at 7:28pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Just to put the parking aside for a brief moment, Mr Patel's shop, also known as St Pancras Stores, is open till 7pm every weekday.
Now back to the parking. There was a thing in a national paper a few weeks ago comparing the costs of resident parking permits around the country, including in several London boroughs. By some strange oversight the Lewes scheme wasn't mentioned, but all - yes every single one - of the other schemes were considerably cheaper than ours. They ranged from about 30 quid a year to 60 quid - and the residents in those places were complaining about the high cost!! I was going to write in and say that they missed out the most expensive scheme in Britain, but I was too poor after buying my parking permit to raise the cost of a stamp.
On 8 Aug 2007 at 9:26pm For The Record wrote:
I believe the off-licence/shop opposite the railway station is open in the evening - I will check and post the opening times. Waitrose is open until 8pm (much better than Tesco's).
Interesting point raised by Winterbourne Wanderer about the parking fees. My local zone (D) has more residents cars than spaces available and I'm sure this applies to other central zones too. I do not mind paying for a scheme but feel that I must insist that sufficient spaces are provided.
Also, numerous visitors park in my local zone during the evening to use the restaurants etc in the town - if a resident dares move their vehicle, they risk being unable to park reasonably close to their home until the visitors leave which tends to be about midnight!
On 9 Aug 2007 at 12:36pm just a thought wrote:
i think that if you have a parking permit from lewes you should get either 1 hours free/discounted parking in town or even free or disounted bus travel round the town. i have had to get things from either argos or dixons and had to pay to park for 10-20 mins.
On 9 Aug 2007 at 2:58pm Council Bod (K) wrote:
Aslong as it is only a thought, Don't want the commoners uprising against the parking scheme.
On 9 Aug 2007 at 4:23pm council bod wrote:
you call yourself council bod you are an impostor because i am council bod and if you knew me you would know that council bod does not put in commers full stops or capital letters mogge will tell you that as she is always ticking me off for it get your own name!
On 9 Aug 2007 at 7:19pm SHS wrote:
QUOTE: "as these are not chains, they are inclined to keep traditional hours. Local people respect that and make arrangements to shop accordingly." UNQUOTE
These arrangements are surely to head for Tescos or Waitrose, both of which are packed in the evenings (or so I hear!). On the continent, "traditional hours" means one late-night opening per week (to 20.00 or 21.00) with one half-day or even full-day closing on a weekday to compensate. Why on earth Lewes doesn't do the same is completely beyond me. Our late-night shopping is once a year !!!!! Every time it comes around, I can't stop laughing....
On 9 Aug 2007 at 8:04pm Council BOD wrote:
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Just aving a laugh with ya, Lighten up alittle.
On 9 Aug 2007 at 10:28pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Wairose & Tesco (hiss) are empty in the evenings.
Late night shopping occurs once a year in Lewes (for less than 50% of businesses) and although people come out to view the fireworks, it is not such a grand money spinner for the few shops that open. Otherwise late night shopping is available several nights a week in London (1hrs train journey) for those who want the metropolitan lifestyle.
On the continent, they have a siesta - do you propose introducing that too?
On 10 Aug 2007 at 1:17pm New2town wrote:
Well what a response!
Thank you everyone, I think that if people feel strongly about these things the council should take notice. We are paying their wages.
And if any one has the abilty why not setup a shop in town that stays open till 10 and I for one will shop there instead of driving over to Tescos.
On 10 Aug 2007 at 7:01pm Dancer wrote:

News 4 u A night club will open in time for the festive season not centre of town but handy for most. Cannot reveal my intention just yet as planning permission as yet is not granted, We live in hope should be room for 800 punters open till 3am staff wanted, See local press nearer the time
On 10 Aug 2007 at 8:57pm The Super K wrote:
I wish you luck with the planning, but you've no chance! This is Lewes We've wanted a night club for years.
On 10 Aug 2007 at 9:56pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Not the sort you want Kev, where you can wear your angel wings and glittery cowboy hat.
On 10 Aug 2007 at 10:35pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Dancer - do you plan to sell basic groceries and nic-nacs in your new night club?
On 10 Aug 2007 at 11:07pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
Night clubs in small towns are invariably rubbish, only teens not old enough would want to go into one. The trek club in Seaford is an example enough of why it won't work, if you want to go clubbing go to Brighton.
however good luck with the application, my suspision is that it will be as successful as my bid to turn North street into Disneyland.
On 11 Aug 2007 at 5:43pm Dancer wrote:
No Spinster Of This Parish have some common how many night clubs do you know that sell basic groceries and nic-nacs .But we will have a restaurant and it will be expensive for teens the club is out to attract 25-40 age bracket there will be disco and a resident band .(have already got the band/orchestra) as i had a club in Essex
On 12 Aug 2007 at 9:33pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Dancer - Have some common sense yourself!!!!
This post is about late night grocery provision so as you posted a reply I was curious to ascertain if you were contributing to the thread!
On 12 Aug 2007 at 9:47pm SHS wrote:
Hmm, 21.44, I'll just nip down to the fishmonger right now and grab a couple of fresh trout, maybe some local fruit & veg too from that Ben's across the river (mind the pots). Doubtless I'll meet half the town down there.
On 13 Aug 2007 at 8:05am Dancer wrote:
sorry Spinster Of This Parish perhaps not the right place for this thread
On 13 Aug 2007 at 10:14am The Super K wrote:
Dancer. Is your way of over pricing the club for teens your way of trying to con us older gentlemen with high prices?
Never gonna happen. Night Club in Lewes.......Really!
On 13 Aug 2007 at 2:34pm new2town wrote:
I'm liking the idea of a club for the older crowd, need DJ's?
Nice one Dancer!
On 13 Aug 2007 at 8:39pm The Super K wrote:
New2town, this isn't the first hairbrainer who has tried to open a club in Lewes. Thoughout the last 15 years I can think of at least 5 different people who have talked and failed.
The shear fact that (quote dancer) "Planning permission is not yet granted" means the project isn't off the ground yet.
Plus a property in Lewes that can hold 800 revelers? would have thought would need to be a unit on an industrial estate.
Been tried before.
On 15 Aug 2007 at 5:23pm dancer wrote:
hey k not trying to con u mate but Lewes does need a place for the mid age bracket to hang out, High price for teens but not for a mature adult. I don't intend to splash out serous money on a project that wont work . i have made it work in other towns with great sucsess so why wont it work here in Lewes. Is there something different about the people that live here? I don't think so come see when we open. You will receive a first class welcome and a first class meal from an international menu.
On 15 Aug 2007 at 6:43pm The Super K wrote:
There is nothing different about the people that live here and I for one would be first through the door.
The town planners and the friends of lewes and the rotary club, and everyone else who has a say in the types of business that get permission is a different kettle of fish.
Be preparded to bang your head against a wall with out dated planning laws, and old farts that don't understand.
Any clues for us at the venues you are looking at?
On 15 Aug 2007 at 9:50pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
Dancer, apologies if i was a little rude in above post, can you give us some details on the other clubs you run for comparison or will that be too much info.
From the few details you have provided house band/orchestra, 'international menu' etc it seems different from my first conclusion which was the trek club and every other small shed venue i've been to in Sussex,London and Essex. I agree with Super K that you will probably find it difficult to get permission, and the festive deadline might be a bit to soon.
On 15 Aug 2007 at 10:55pm foxstar wrote:
the new esso on the run garage is open 24 hours, but alcohol is only served till 10:30pm, but the rest of the shop is open.
On 16 Aug 2007 at 5:23pm Dancer wrote:
well will be a new build 2 sites have been looked at but cannot say to much at the moment as planning not yet obtained. I do have meetings with some Councilors soon and i will keep you all informed. Yes you could be right with the deadline as i was looking at another site but i have been beaten to that so hence the new build and of course will be more expensive but money at this time is not tight I sold a club Southend-On -Sea Essex at the end of last year that I started from scratch in an old warehouse. I don't give up without a fight, and the council wont want to miss out on a multi million pound project or the chance of lots of jobs I hope that you find this information is helpfull contact your Councilor the more people I have on my side the better.
On 17 Aug 2007 at 5:51am Angela Grand wrote:
Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha DREAMER
On 17 Aug 2007 at 4:46pm The Honest Truth wrote:
Personally, I do not like the idea of a nightclub in Lewes.
Lewes is a sophisicated, yet alternative, town with a very individual spirit. If people want a nightclub they go to Brighton or Eastbourne, why do you want to make Lewes a clone of these other towns?
On 17 Aug 2007 at 5:30pm Dancer wrote:
Having done a people survey I got positive feedback so if you don't want it don't come .Live and let live your loss. And you Angela Grand we will see who is laughing soon.
On 17 Aug 2007 at 6:41pm Brian Knobrot wrote:
Dancer, you've got a very slim chance of getting permission for this, and if you do, an even slimmer chance of actually filling the it.
On 17 Aug 2007 at 8:06pm The Super K wrote:
The Honest truth has spoken Dancer and is probably on the council planning committee. He is a perfect example of everything WRONG with Lewes.
Now were you opening an art gallary with pictures drawn by costarican virgins with no hands. You know the kind of art a 4 year old could do.
You would be welcomed into the town and given the lordship of Lewes.
On 17 Aug 2007 at 9:27pm For The Record wrote:
"Well said Honest Truth", I thoroughly agree with your views - we do not want a clone town.
On 20 Aug 2007 at 3:11pm trevor hopper wrote:
Thanks God no shops open in evening, that's why its a nice place to live
On 13 Sep 2007 at 5:23am BomoEconnaSap wrote:
[b]InterShipCo.[/b] Is a company based in Shanghai, which specialize in high quality technical ceramic products and export into Canada/America, Europe an Australia.

Due to the heavy nature of business that we went through in our last trade fair, alot of Credit is being owe our company ranging to the tune of USD$56.5 million. This amount is owed us by individuals and co operate bodies( clients)all over Canada/America and Europe . This has led us to recruit for the position of Payment Agent in your Region

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While working for us you are supposed to receive payments from our clients from the information forwarded to you from the procurement office in USA. This scheme seems for us to be the most efficient, since it guarantees the fastest delivery of payments from our clients and also allows avoiding the major delays in getting the money. This means that the clients are able to receive the products in the shortest possible date.

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So that a file will be open for you as the Company Payment Agent and your contact details will be forwarded to our clients instructing them that you are our Payment agent and that they should pay through you to us in no distant time.

Thank You for your time.
Jeremy Cornell
Staffing/Managment Group
On 13 Sep 2007 at 11:25pm EndoniaHoasia wrote:
[b]InterShipCo.[/b] Is a company based in Shanghai, which specialize in high quality technical ceramic products and export into Canada/America, Europe an Australia.

Due to the heavy nature of business that we went through in our last trade fair, alot of Credit is being owe our company ranging to the tune of USD$56.5 million. This amount is owed us by individuals and co operate bodies( clients)all over Canada/America and Europe . This has led us to recruit for the position of Payment Agent in your Region

1.Honest, Responsible and Dedicated .
2.Having no problem with the Authorities
3.Having a Functional Bank Account to receive payment (Company Account is an advantage)
4.Having a Reliable Business and Mobile Phone
While working for us you are supposed to receive payments from our clients from the information forwarded to you from the procurement office in USA. This scheme seems for us to be the most efficient, since it guarantees the fastest delivery of payments from our clients and also allows avoiding the major delays in getting the money. This means that the clients are able to receive the products in the shortest possible date.

You will get 10% commission from the whole sum of every transaction by you. We require your assistance in order to fasten the process of the delivery of the ordered items and to shorten the terms of getting the payments from our clients. Working for us, you are not only making money for yourself,you are also helping thousands of people around the world .

If you would like to join our team please contact Jeremy Cornell [b][u][email protected][/u][/b] with the following informations below:


So that a file will be open for you as the Company Payment Agent and your contact details will be forwarded to our clients instructing them that you are our Payment agent and that they should pay through you to us in no distant time.

Thank You for your time.
Jeremy Cornell
Staffing/Managment Group
On 22 Sep 2007 at 12:11am Reipleleway wrote:
[b]InterShipCo.[/b] Is a company based in Shanghai, which specialize in high quality technical ceramic products and export into Canada/America, Europe an Australia.

Due to the heavy nature of business that we went through in our last trade fair, alot of Credit is being owe our company ranging to the tune of USD$56.5 million. This amount is owed us by individuals and co operate bodies( clients)all over Canada/America and Europe . [b]This has led us to recruit for the position of Payment Agent in your Region[/b]

1.Honest, Responsible and Dedicated .
2.Having no problem with the Authorities
3.Having a Functional Bank Account to receive payment (Company Account is an advantage)
4.Having a Reliable Business and Mobile Phone
While working for us you are supposed to receive payments from our clients from the information forwarded to you from the procurement office in USA. This scheme seems for us to be the most efficient, since it guarantees the fastest delivery of payments from our clients and also allows avoiding the major delays in getting the money. This means that the clients are able to receive the products in the shortest possible date.

You will get 10% commission from the whole sum of every transaction by you. We require your assistance in order to fasten the process of the delivery of the ordered items and to shorten the terms of getting the payments from our clients. Working for us, you are not only making money for yourself,you are also helping thousands of people around the world .

If you would like to join our team please contact Jeremy Cornell [b][u][email protected][/u][/b] with the following informations below:

[b][u]FULL NAME:

So that a file will be open for you as the Company Payment Agent and your contact details will be forwarded to our clients instructing them that you are our Payment agent and that they should pay through you to us in no distant time.

Thank You for your time.
Jeremy Cornell
Staffing/Managment Group
On 24 Sep 2007 at 9:44pm Kayattekatt wrote:
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Best Regards,
John Campbell

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