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On 2 Jan 2011 at 2:27pm Brrm wrote:
Can anybody suggest where the cheapest petrol is in and around Lewes?
I have had enough of lining the pockets of the tesco and the esso when I drive round the corner and I find a petrol station being about 5p cheaper.
The cooksbridge petrol station used to be good for this but their prices now match the ones at tescos and esso.
Asda used to be cheaper but they are similar to.
The cheapest recently I found was the petrol station in Eastbourne when you come out of Polegate.
Any one know of any where else ?
On 2 Jan 2011 at 4:25pm jonnyboy wrote:
petrolprices.com claim to update prices daily. You have to register (free) and can then enter your postcode. It lists all the garages in the area and their prices.
On 2 Jan 2011 at 8:44pm Rookie wrote:
It's a bit far out unless you happen to be in the area but I find the Asda station in Brighton Marina usually seems to be 3 or 4p per litre cheaper than most places, yet Hollingbury Asda is average price.
Conversely, the Texaco station on the Eastbound carriageway back from Brighton always seems more expensive than anywhere else. I avoid that one.
On 3 Jan 2011 at 12:31am Lewes Lady-Lover wrote:
Asda Brighton marina always undercuts everywhere else for some reason, I use Cooksbridge mainly. I have just sold a diesel car, when I owned it I was very tempted to fill it with the old red 'pop goes the weasel' but refrained after I learned that is stays in the tank forever unless you flush it out properly
On 3 Jan 2011 at 1:27pm Rookie wrote:
If you filter red diesel through a bag of Fullers Earth it takes out the red dye.
So I'm told.
On 3 Jan 2011 at 8:40pm imtonyr wrote:
The cheapest fuel is to leave it in the car and walk
On 6 Jan 2011 at 7:10pm Trjan wrote:
133.9 / litre for diese todayl! Right, where can I get some fullers earth?
On 12 Jan 2011 at 9:50pm expat wrote:
133.9 litre for diesel here in NZ too. But dollars, almost half the price. Are there road user charges for diesels in UK?

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