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On 28 Oct 2011 at 3:48pm BBS MEMBER wrote:
pheonix your up yourselves, who do you think you are, i no you guys dont want the hassle and work involved in the run up to the 5th, but you realy should think about some new costumes, ZULU,s belong to borough, some of you are just hatefull people, if your gonna use wenches then perhaps some decent looking girls might help, nasty i no, but then last year when our chairman steped down you guys could have stepped forward and made the borough bigger and better, but no that involves work, you would all rather sit on your bums and moan about lbbs than get up and do some honest work, some of you are not even true lewes people having only been here for a couple of years, you dont realy no what your messing with.
On 28 Oct 2011 at 4:18pm Toot wrote:
Wow - "dont realy no what your messing with" (excellent command of the English language by the way) - that sort of pathetic threat is the icing on the cake of all this bizarre tribal bickering...
On 28 Oct 2011 at 4:20pm Toot wrote:
By the way, I should have added that I do agree that Phoenix should come up with their own snazzy dress-up costumes...
On 28 Oct 2011 at 4:27pm Clifford wrote:
That lunchtime drinking is a dangerous thing BBS MEMBER.
On 28 Oct 2011 at 4:32pm pod wrote:
i think with all this bonefire bickering going on do any of you think about why the 5th in lewes is still the best in the world
On 28 Oct 2011 at 6:51pm bastian wrote:
it isn't all the societies,just one out of 6...that does not count as infighting.
On 28 Oct 2011 at 7:14pm Grow up wrote:
Lbbs need to get a grip, if people want to leave and walk on their own then that's their prerogative! What your society did last year is the biggest stain on Lewes bonfire celebrations there has ever been. The fact that you have all rallied round the family that caused this disgrace says it all! No thought, no remorse, no class!!!
On 28 Oct 2011 at 7:40pm Frances wrote:
BBS Member, although I sympathise with your situation at the moment, I think these sorts of comments don't help your cause at all. Be quiet, let your society have some dignity and LBBS will have so much more respect.
On 28 Oct 2011 at 9:52pm Here we go again wrote:
Grow Up, give it a rest. How do you know these people left because of a particular family? Frankly I am sick of hearing about it all. How long have we got to put up with the sniping about THAT family? Shut up now, I'm bored....
On 28 Oct 2011 at 9:54pm Dick Shonnery wrote:
Ere u toerags `pheonix`, wassat? Some kind of flaming chicken?You spellin it all rong chum .Shud br spelld Feenicks ,innit?
On 28 Oct 2011 at 10:26pm Daydreamer wrote:
Bored of all the phoniex posts !
On 29 Oct 2011 at 12:46am Grow up wrote:
Another staunch defender of the winter name! Disgusting
On 29 Oct 2011 at 3:05am Supporter wrote:
There's another one here. Do what your name says, GrowUp. I believe that the family has done far, far more good for bonfire over the years than the unfortunate harm of a few years ago.
On 29 Oct 2011 at 10:26am drone wrote:
Try to telling that to the families of the two firefighters
On 29 Oct 2011 at 10:43am Supporter wrote:
I'm obviously not forgetting those two people. But tell me, is everyone who's moaning on her 100% sure that every other member of every bonfire society has never been related by family to someone who has caused someone else's death? Perhaps by dangerous driving, or drink driving, or so on?
On 29 Oct 2011 at 11:22am my view wrote:
Supporter, You fail to see the point. Yes there are undoubtably people in other bonfire societies who are related to people who have killed others but the difference is that they have not tried to hijack the 5th with banners and posters.
The insensitivity and arrogance of last year will never be forgotten or forgiven by the majority of bonfire boys and lewes residents alike!
On 29 Oct 2011 at 2:30pm Rosie cheeks wrote:
Wot a load of tosh. All this bickering about a walking group. Are they that much of a threat to borough?. Do Borough own the world, have they the rights to everything?.no they are bullies, and look what happens to bullies, they end up in clink. Good for the Pheonix, they are certainly NOT bullies and they are not lazy. Go for it Pheonix.
On 29 Oct 2011 at 2:34pm Rosie cheeks wrote:
Wot a load of tosh. All this bickering about a walking group. Are they that much of a threat to borough?. Do Borough own the world, have they the rights to everything?.no they are bullies, and look what happens to bullies. phoenix are not lazy. Go for it phoenix.
On 29 Oct 2011 at 3:23pm Mouk wrote:
What have the Borough done that constitutes bullying, Cheeks?
On 29 Oct 2011 at 3:49pm jess wrote:
yer leave cock nose and trever alone
On 30 Oct 2011 at 12:15am baby cakes wrote:
Least newick had the guts and balls a nice speech dedicated to the said group phoenix !! So what if they win pieces of silver ware to boast about with their carnival buddies , total bonfire tradition well and truly lost . And as for the banners and protest last year i think you will find a certain person from the phoenix helped make them .
On 30 Oct 2011 at 1:17am Carnival Geoff wrote:
lol yeah didn't you Sean!!!
On 30 Oct 2011 at 8:04am The Greek wrote:
tell me more about the newick speech! guessing it was their clergy stand? wish i coulda been there!
On 30 Oct 2011 at 8:09am Devils Advocate wrote:
I can't believe that this subject is still rattling on! This forum is so full of spiteful, twisted and bitter opinions and users that it make the Lewes bonfire societies and Lewes itself seem pathetic! LBBS, and all. CSBS have made their decision, its our prerogative to allow who ever we like into our procession, they have been told not to ware Zulu costumes - so there's no threat to LBBS. No awards are given out to best dresses societies on the night, their managing them selves so not a drain on CSBS resources or any others and least of all LBBS. So Borough, please leave it now, go and prepare for your night, enjoy your evening and let others enjoy there's. People walk on the fifth for all sorts of reasons be it family, friends, religion or something they just believe in. So with less then a week to go, let all stop airing the hate, and embrace the best event in the world. Lewes Bonfire. And be proud of our societies, traditions, reasons and our town. I'm a proud CSBS member and Lewes boy. Always will be. Hold em up Commercial!
On 30 Oct 2011 at 8:53am sucker wrote:
Not bitter and twisted , what happened to freedom of speech . Oh yes not allowed to do that in this world anymore with threatening law suits . All entitled to an opinion and if it upsets people then tough . These carnival people will be talked about for years , turning our traditions into a circus show . This is a subject that thee bonfire boys and belles are so passionate about !
On 30 Oct 2011 at 9:24am Still waiting... wrote:
Once again a lot more heat than light put forward by the nay-sayers. I offer a reward for the first person who can coherently explain what the problem is with the Phoenix walking with Commercial. All we seem to get is bluster and insinuation.
The whole freedom of speech argument doesn't really stand up when its just used to have a pop at others. Surely freedom of speech brings with it a responsibility. In this case the responsibility to outline exactly what your objections are rather than just damning people out of hand for 'ruining tradition'. Without a reasonable explanation it just sounds like a case of sour grapes.
On 30 Oct 2011 at 9:49am Rosie cheeks wrote:
Well said 'still waiting', agree with you 100pc. And good luck to commercial square. Also the phoenix are pleasing to the eye, colourful, glitzy and NO STRIPES.
On 30 Oct 2011 at 10:48am Burd wrote:
BBS member, we've already had this argument, it sounds like your just stirring trouble. I being a borough member are happy that the Phoenix aren't walking in our pioneer costumes on the 5th, that was our aim to get them to get their own costumes and not ours, and they've said they're not in Zulu so we are all happy with that, nuff said!
On 30 Oct 2011 at 11:25am Let the flames burn wrote:
What a shame all this back biting at the end of the day we should all stick together wether it be CARNIVAL or BONFIRE. Dont see the Bonfire Societies not attending Carnivals do you!!! Lets all have a good 5th and put all things aside. We are all celebrating the same thing!!!
On 30 Oct 2011 at 1:12pm Guy wrote:
Just cancel the whole damn thing.
On 30 Oct 2011 at 3:48pm Mouk wrote:
Please everybody, I am totally fed up with this. Please can you learn the correct use of their, there and they're!!!! It's not too difficult, is it?
On 30 Oct 2011 at 4:41pm Decent Citizen wrote:
THERE,THERE, dear,THEIR evening will be just as enjoyable, THEY"RE just as entitled as anyone else to enjoy a great evening. Grow up some of you ffs.
On 31 Oct 2011 at 10:20am Practicallysane wrote:
They're..........not THEY"RE.
I noticed your deliberate mistake DC so does that make me a 'grownup?'
On 31 Oct 2011 at 1:22pm Family wrote:
I'm ex-Borough and also a Winter. Who cares who Phoenix walk with? They could join any other society that they want to and wear their zulus and at least they have agreed not to do that. At the end of the day, if the Borough don't kick up a fuss, people will have more respect for them. There are far more important things in life to worry about.
On 31 Oct 2011 at 5:27pm ZULU_INDIAN wrote:
"you realy should think about some new costumes, ZULU,s belong to borough"
Or you could turn this on it's head and say the ZULUs have finally come home to CSBS!
Way back in the day Commercial helped out Borough in their hour of need, and bailed them out financially (a debt which was never paid back!)
Commercial had Zulus amongst the ranks then, in the days before 1st and 2nd pioneer groups. When the borough went on their seperate way they adopted the zulu costume as their own.
So...some irony really in Borough whinging about people marching with CSBS wearing the Zulu costume!!
On 31 Oct 2011 at 6:07pm Bobs' Goldfish wrote:
equally ironic that the majority of the Zulu costumes that the Borough "own" were made by Phoenix members anyway.
On 31 Oct 2011 at 6:14pm . wrote:
i stand up and applaud pheonix, sit down and say nothing about borough, i cant even bear to watch borough, they totally tainted my bonfire last year using it as a dirty protest. all i can hope is borough members see sense and stand up against the joke of a society borough has become.
On 31 Oct 2011 at 9:40pm lyn 1066 wrote:
I think Newick were out of order on saturday, quite a few people dont like bangs,ale and itchy woolen sweaters. Littlehampton were most welcoming, the future?
On 31 Oct 2011 at 11:23pm Burd wrote:
Just makes me laugh that this lot walked out of LBBS cos of the winters banners and one of the phoenix members was the one that got them printed for them! And said if they wanted more he could get them done! And now he carries the Phoenix banner most weeks!! Tw@t
On 31 Oct 2011 at 11:39pm Burd wrote:
So Bobs goldfish, you call 2 costumes a majority of the Zulu costumes that are in borough!? One has been out most weeks and the other only came out for the competition...
On 1 Nov 2011 at 7:46am Musher wrote:
So all this fuss is over one costume??????
On 1 Nov 2011 at 8:28pm I nearly said wrote:
Diddums wrote
On 1 Nov 2011 at 8:44pm I know what I know wrote:
Key members of Phoenix Walking Group walked out of the Borough over two years ago, and walked with other societies. They went to the Borough AGM just to cause trouble and walked out before the end of the meeting saying they would take all members of the Borough with them. What sad people they are, so much for true to each other. The Banners were just a smokescreen for them to hide behind, There was no problem on the night !!!

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Thomas Paine