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New nursery opening in the Cliffe

On 28 Jan 2013 at 7:08pm Stepping Stones wrote:
Stepping Stones, Lewes Community Nursery is opening soon in the old Cliffe Childcare Centre in Morris Road, Lewes. The building has been completely refurbished with new toys, equipment and a complete redecoration of the site.
** Open Days **
OFSTED have confirmed they will be visiting us next week!
Following this we are holding two open days. Both will run: 10.30am - 2.30pm on THURSDAY 31ST JANUARY & SATURDAY 2ND FEBRUARY.
Come along, meet the team, ask questions ,see our beautiful refurbished setting, and most importantly bring your little people so they can play with our new equipment!
We look forward to meeting you all!
On 28 Jan 2013 at 10:27pm Ooooh wrote:
Great to see a new nursery opening in the bottom of town. My child went to Cliffe and had a very happy time there. Good luck with the new venture!
On 29 Jan 2013 at 12:30am Local wrote:
Is it just me that gags at phrases like "your little people"?
On 29 Jan 2013 at 7:22am There's always one. wrote:
A new local business, starting up to provide a service to the families of Lewes and it took no time at all for someone to post something negative. What a surprise.
Little people, children, kids. Who cares?! Quite frankly if they do half as do a job as Cliffe it'll be nothing but an asset.
On 29 Jan 2013 at 12:59pm fred flintstone wrote:
No, Local, it's not just you. I'm sure it's a great nursery but "your little people" is cringemaking!
On 29 Jan 2013 at 1:02pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Maybe that's just their way of letting us know they also cater for Dwarves?
On 29 Jan 2013 at 1:04pm fred flintstone wrote:
Hi ho....
On 29 Jan 2013 at 7:40pm TDA wrote:
Children are little people. Get over it 'Local'.
On 29 Jan 2013 at 8:11pm duck wrote:
I've been following the developments of this nursery. I'd looked at all the childcare provision in Lewes when Cliffe Childcare Centre was open, and Cliffe was the preferred choice for my child. No other nursery in Lewes has the same amount of space as this building, and Cliffe always used to take the children out into the community for walks, I hope this one will too. I for one will be going to the open days. Good luck Stepping Stones.
On 29 Jan 2013 at 8:48pm Local wrote:
So TDA, are you another that over-indulge the parasitic little so-and-so's these days? Although only a small sign, phrases like little people reveal a lot about current attitudes to bringing up children. That a nursery feels obliged to use it to appeal to parents in this town speaks volumes as to why there are so many ill-disciplined kids ruining many a public place for the non-child-obsessed majority.
On 29 Jan 2013 at 9:03pm simon wrote:
To hear you describe children as parasites actually makes me feel sick. I pity you Local and your obvious bitterness. You sound like a damaged individual. Don't allow your poor experience to colour your view of others. Please seek help before it is too late.
On 29 Jan 2013 at 9:40pm duckonhand wrote:
I can't help feeling some of my friends were on the train with Local this evening.
Maybe misanthropy - or at least that directed at children - is something deserving of its own thread rather than under a simple post about opening a new nursery in Lewes, saving jobs and creating new ones, giving parents an opportunity to work and hopefully creating children - or indeed little people - who will one day take over this forum and contribute positively to the town.
On Tom Paine's birthday, we seem a long way from Common Sense.
Still, in answer to Duck's point on community walks - the answer is a very firm yes. We have very little outside space ourselves, but with the railway land, Ouse and Downs around us, we'd be silly not to take advantage.
We are not Cliffe Childcare, but we are taking the best bits - some of the staff team, the building, now refurbished and re-equipped - and adding some new thinking. We think we're on the right lines. My own son will be going there.
We look forward to seeing some of you on the open days, no matter who you are. And yes, that includes little people be they children or those with achondroplasia or pseudoachondroplasia or simply very small humans.
We welcome everyone - as of course do most of the people of Lewes.
On 29 Jan 2013 at 10:22pm Local wrote:
Don't feel sick simon, you poor thing. I was simply paraphrasing Barclay's current TV mortgage ad - a very funny one.
I hope that the nursery children taken out to enjoy the town's open spaces will be kept properly controlled, and not left to terrify people's dogs by running towards them screaming and waving sticks, or to ruin the enjoyment of said spaces by people with a similar hobby to my own, like I repeatedly saw last summer whilst out quietly bird-watching.
The basic point remains though.
On 29 Jan 2013 at 11:05pm simon wrote:
Sorry to have missed your humour. Birdwatching eh ? What made me think that you sought pleasure alone.
On 30 Jan 2013 at 12:21am Local wrote:
Before you over-indulge yourself with smarmy, smutty innuendo, my wife joins me on many trips, thank you very much.
On 30 Jan 2013 at 12:50am Dave wrote:
I have seen a lot more dogs terrifying children than children terrifying dogs but they are 'only being friendly'
On 30 Jan 2013 at 1:19am Local wrote:
I'm not denying that might happen, but at least you agree with me.
On 30 Jan 2013 at 9:42am Sussex Jim wrote:
I think the "little people" here are those who have reduced what started as a sensible thread into a slanging match.
On 30 Jan 2013 at 5:04pm micky c wrote:
Have been in there , wonderful, and prices are very competitive.
On 30 Jan 2013 at 8:52pm Stepping Stones wrote:
Well we at Stepping Stones are just pleased to be opening our doors to you all. Anyone who is passing is more than welcome to stop by and look around... Even if you aren't a fan of "little people". You never know, you might like what you see. We can't wait to meet you all.
On 31 Jan 2013 at 5:09pm TDA wrote:
Good luck to you Stepping Stones. One of my kids went to your nursery in its previous incarnation and it seemed a very pleasant place - I hope you can replicate the friendly atmosphere.
'Local' - presumably you don't have children, and possibly had a poor childhood. I feel rather sorry for you. Talking to children and sharing a smile or a story with 'little people' is one of life's greatest pleasures. I hope the Stepping Stones children don't bother your dogs too much. And good luck with the twitching.
On 2 Feb 2013 at 11:03pm Local wrote:
Thanks TDA, but you can save your sympathy for someone who needs it, or who wants it. I don't.
I don't have kids personally, but several god-children. They are known as children by parents who don't over-indulge them or treat them as anything but children. No 'Little Princess on-board' stickers in car windows, or letting them run riot in public, or ruining the atmosphere in restaurants, etc. I have nothing against well-behaved children nor, equally, well-behaved parents; I do have a problem with the ever-increasing fashion to bring them up in new ridiculous ways.
I had a perfectly enjoyable childhood, thank you. Quite normal, but it was a while ago now so doubtless some people could try and make out that it involved the repression of my natural spirit, or some such nonsense. Not strict parents, but they knew what was acceptable behaviour - and I quickly learnt too. I went through schools and university which educated me to a curriculum, not "through exploration" or whatever that nonsense is written on the Lewes New School sign.
Finally, we don't have dogs - that was merely an observation from time spent on the railway lands, the Downs, the Priory, the Pells, etc.
Oh, and thanks for the twitching wishes. It does indeed take good fortune to see some rarer species.

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