On 8 Dec 2016 at 6:50am Out on licence wrote:
Commuting to work especially by train is a lot of stress as we all know but I feel it brings the worse behaviour out in people. Examples being, Bags on empty seats when the train is clearly full, everyone cluttering the doors and no one moving down the carriages to allow space for others and my most irrating one is being stuck behind someone who has their face stuck to the screen whilst walking up or down the stairs. Anyhow what annoys you the most ??
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:34am Rookie wrote:
People pushing their way on as soon as the doors open before I have got off.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:39am Grunge wrote:
Feet on seats, loud and extremely boring conversations that the whole carriage can hear, smelly food, space invaders (spread legs)...... the list goes on!
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:43am Tim wrote:
Pasty Eaters.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:46am Tim wrote:
Oh, and the lady who nibbles on an apple, making it last all the way from London to Brighton.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:49am Tim wrote:
....and the people who don't understand the difference between "front 4 coaches" and "rear 4 coaches".
On 8 Dec 2016 at 8:12am Earl of Lewes wrote:
People who think the carriage is an extension of their workplace - tapping away at their laptops and making phone calls, oblivious to anyone who might be reading. Listening to some self-important man barking instructions to hos secretary is very annoying. Also kids whose music is turned up so high, we can all hear it. I agree about the food too. I had a man next to me who ate a very smelly smoked mackerel and sacked his fingers noisily after each morsel. Yuk.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 8:59am Tim wrote:
Best comment ever heard was by a lady, seated, reading her newspaper while others stood in the aisle - "excuse me, but you are blocking my light".
On 8 Dec 2016 at 10:29am Sunshine lucas wrote:
Feet on seats.
Loud conversations
Tinny music from earphones
Cracking knuckles
Biting fingers / nails
Elbow battles with your neighbour next to you
Feet battles with opposite commuter
Bags on seats
Food smells
But at the moment I forgive everyone who has to put up with Southern.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 10:50am Tim wrote:
@Sunshine Lucas, you remind me of other entertaining moments I have had on the train, and remember, I have been travelling since 1978!
One very early morning a woman whacked me hard on my outstretched legs with her stick because she wanted to sit opposite (corner seat, away from draft). I was asleep at the time and the train was almost empty.
A young man said goodbye to his Mum at Eastbourne, went into the train loo and came out dressed as a lady.
The lady who spilled her orange juice all over my trousers and without thinking got her hanky out and started cleaning it off.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 10:51am dairyman wrote:
Greasy head marks on the windows left by product filled hair...
People not taking their rubbish with them...
The bloke that fell asleep & dribbled onto the arm-rest!
On 8 Dec 2016 at 11:13am Many years wrote:
Many stories.
Murder on train I was on between Crawley and three bridges,
Saw man throw mobile phone out the window after warning an irritating passenger, near plumpton,
Man got on train at Gatwick then fired up small primaze stove to boil up water,
Saw and spoke to Harold Mcmillan, super mac,
Chat to Dennis Healy at lewes station,
Cant mention the sucides, was on several trains where people hit,
Saw the last steam train leave three bridges for east grinstead,
Saw horse jump over the hedge at plumpton then run down then run down the tracks,
Travelled on 12 coach train for several years which had two buffet cars......better stop now or you will get bored
On 8 Dec 2016 at 11:20am Observer wrote:
"Commuting to work especially by train is a lot of stress as we all know"
It's a lot less stressful than driving, especially over long distances!
The most annoying are groups of commuters who have obviously become bezzie mates who have loud conversations every morning as if they are the world's most interesting people.
There's a bunch of 'lads' (aged 40something, 50something) who consistently knock back a couple of bottles of wine and a few beers to boot on the 623 every evening from London bridge. Every evening. The whole carriage stinks of beer and there is a constant feel that you've intruded into someone's stag do.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 11:39am Tim wrote:
Cheese on toast with Brown Sauce in the Buffet Car. Those were the days.
And when the Conductor threw an abusive woman off a train at Wivelsfield, she clambered over fence, found some bricks and started smashing the train windows.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 11:50am Many years wrote:
Tim, yes the infamous woman at wivelsfield.....
On 8 Dec 2016 at 12:00pm TfL wrote:
... and when your train eventually reaches Victoria, you have to swap to a London Underground service, packed with standing passengers, including that visitor to the UK wearing the rucksack on his back for the sole purpose of knocking fellow passengers over every time he makes a turn.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 12:16pm Smug wrote:
I work from home....it's the way forward
On 8 Dec 2016 at 12:19pm Sussex Born and Bred wrote:
My pet hate is the people that have to virtually shout on their mobiles so the whole carriage can hear. Why? I can have a perfectly good conversation on a mobile at "normal" talking volume without letting the whole world know. Better still, I'll divert the call/text/answer later when I'm off the train.
then of course there is the lovely "Sonya" with her repetitive and "sincere" announcements that let you know when your journey is screwed yet again :
(Sonya as in "gets sonya nerves", also known as Digital Doris!)
On 8 Dec 2016 at 12:52pm George Stephenson wrote:
The spritely, able bodied, selfish, little sh*t of a student who squeezes into the seat I have just vacated to let a heavily pregnant woman sit down.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 1:55pm Tobnac wrote:
Observer, you've nailed it. I can put up with virtually any kind of antisocial behaviour, but those boody 'train clubs' really annoy me. Telling their jokes a bit louder than they need to because they think the rest of us might be interested. The worst is when you're sitting quietly in a 4 or 6 and they surround you, cracking out their pre mixed tinnies, snacks and playing cards. Grrr....
On 8 Dec 2016 at 2:54pm Clifford wrote:
Yes: i) people who sit in the outside seat and take the window seat with a bag. ii) the stench of fast food.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 3:52pm the enforcer wrote:
commuters who dump their cars all over small villages, the inconsiderate Fekwits!!!. especially the one who live in lewes but drive to near by villages because they are too bloody lazy to walk to the main stn
On 8 Dec 2016 at 3:57pm The Greek wrote:
You can just ask people to move their bags and things you know.
But yes feet on seats. Was no-one brought up properly?!
On 8 Dec 2016 at 5:10pm Adam wrote:
I was on a train with Coco my Maltese sitting on the seat next to me and a lady asked me, "does your dog have a ticket". Get a life I thought. Was there really a need for her to get in such a strop?
On 8 Dec 2016 at 5:22pm Geri wrote:
Dogs shouldn't be on seats.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 5:54pm Clifford wrote:
The Greek wrote: 'You can just ask people to move their bags and things you know.'
Yes, of course you can. And they often do it with such an air of resentment. Do they really think nobody wants to sit there without having to ask? The idea, of course, is to prevent anyone sitting next to them.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 6:27pm Shirley wrote:
Noisy eaters. All kinds of eaters really. I'd have to shoot the apple nibbling woman. Just reading the word 'nibble' is making me feel irritated by her.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 6:33pm Commuter Says No wrote:
My gripes are
The people who get pissed every night on the way back - not on the 18:23, but an earlier one from London Bridge. The state of their livers... Anyway, they are loud, unfunny, unwitty, uncharming.
People who insist on using train toilets for a nice big stinky poo, leaving massive skid marks in the pan and toilet tissue all over the floor,
Southern. I just hate Southern.
People with leaky earphones. We should make noise reduction earbuds the only legal option.
Blokes in their 40s and 50s who stink of booze in the morning and who just had a fag before they get on, and see no need for mints. YOU STINK.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:27pm Sad Sack wrote:
The Greek wrote: 'You can just ask people to move their bags and things you know.'
I just normally ask them if their bag is tired ?
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:32pm Jellyfish wrote:
Some people have no situational awareness, open newspapers, bags on seats and hogging around the exit doors on crowded trains is all about the 'I'm alright Jack' type of attitude!!!!
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:38pm Jet Jockey wrote:
When they discover the centre of the universe a lot of people are going to be shocked that it isn't them
On 8 Dec 2016 at 7:46pm Archie wrote:
1st world problems if ever there were some.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 8:20pm Shirley wrote:
There's nothing wrong with sharing the gripes of our over-privileged lives. It's beneficial to social cohesion.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 8:40pm Jennifer wrote:
My complaint is that the guards are insufficiently numerous to remove people in First Class who clearly don't have the right tickets. We all obey the same rules you know! It's one of the few simple pleasures left, to be honest.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 9:11pm A Painter wrote:
I won myself a big contract in London a few years back and travelled from Eastbourne to London Bridge. Early starts and late finishes but I decided to travel First Class mainly so I could guarantee a seat. Several complaints from others in compartment but it was always worth the look on their faces when I showed my ticket to an Inspector.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 9:19pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
I agree Jennifer. Sadly, the First Class area is no longer discernibly different from the rest of the train and I suspect many sit in the seats by accident. It's not enough to expect us to pay extra just to avoid the more vulgar members of the public; there should be additional comfort. Failing that, they should install hard seating in the Second Class section.
On 8 Dec 2016 at 10:19pm Traveller wrote:
I went on the bus recently and every empty seat had a bag on it. I asked one woman "please can I sit down" and she looked up and down the bus trying to find an empty seat, presumably to tell me to go there instead! When she saw there weren't any she said "I suppose so but you'll have to wait" and started sorting her bag out. At which point I (loudly) said "I'll just stand up then shall I? Fu**ing idiot" - at that point several bags moved off of the seats and onto laps...... I went and sat in one of the other (now empty) seats.