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Hratche Koundarjian`s Anti Baker Letter

On 9 Jan 2011 at 11:39am Newmania wrote:
In the Sussex Express there is a reprise of what was the front page story , in the letters. Hratche Koundarjian ( Chairman of Lewes Constituency Labour Party) has this portentous announcement to make
" The Seaford , Newhaven Polegate and Villages Labour Party on Saturday September 11th , passed a vote supporting the National Union Of Students campaign to recall Norman Baker MP and his Lib Dem colleagues who voted to support the £9000 hike in university fees ,breaking his clear election pledge

I was bemused when I saw this the first time and,having tried, I simply cannot let the insult to our intelligence go un- savaged
1 New Labour introduced student fees breaking ( gasp) a manifesto pledge . They had a huge Commons majority so it was an outright betrayal. Norman Baker quite reasonably says the Liberal Democrats did not win the election.New Labour, then, are quadruply guilty of this same supposed crime
2New Labour are as signed up to the Browne report as the other Parties and one way or another it is ridiculous for them to latch onto middle-class anger as if they would not have done something similiar
3 For, Hratche , a New Labour familiar to talk about recalling MP`s on the basis of broken promises leave me slack jawed .Remember the promise for clean and open government? That was a precursor to marketising peerages , selling Formula One Ciggy advertising and much more .Blair promised no tax rises for crying out loud ..not to mention some curiously absent WMDs
4 As even Polly Toynbee has said the notion of passing the government of the country from Parties and voters, to some sort of faux manifesto judiciary is a risible piece of science fiction
5 Aaron Porter ( leader of the NUS another little New Labour worm doing his time) , himself suggested a 61% deduction in grants over four years. The NUS has consistently argued for a graduate tax all of which is no more than posturing anyway.
6 The right to recall MP`s was in the context of defrauding the tax payer over expenses .In this context Baker has been conspicuously sqeaky clean. Whatever else you may say about him he is not corrupt .

Jonathan Spencer ( Chairman of Labour`s Lewes branch) says that Baker and other Lib Dems "...should be ashamed to call themselves honourable members ".
If I were him I would be ashamed to walk about Lewes having embarrassed myself with this nonsense.
Harrrrumph !!!
On 9 Jan 2011 at 11:46am MC wrote:
Well done.
On 9 Jan 2011 at 11:51am Lopster wrote:
Norman Baker is a truly great MP we are very lucky - he is far more involved in local matters than most, has higher attendance figures at the commons than most too - he is outspoken, challenging and extremely supportive of his electorate - long may he reign
On 9 Jan 2011 at 11:56am Clifford wrote:
I'd say Baker is a fundamentally decent man who has made a mistake and I wouldn't be surprised if when he realises this will leave the government.
On 9 Jan 2011 at 12:18pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
Newmania has just perhaps unwittingly spelled out with what is wrong with all politics. Defending despicable Tory/Lib behaviour by saying you can't moan about because Lab or other politicians have done it before.
I'll say again "Same sh*t, different colour" (Except this time multi coloured).
I didn't vote for Baker for various reasons, but he's definitely no worse than anyone else we could have elected. Might do next time.
On 9 Jan 2011 at 12:32pm John Stockdale wrote:
When I was a member of the Labour Party, we were always been told never to attack a popular sitting MP: you just make yourselves appear desperate. Also, to go for the policies and not for the individual - unless they are mired in corruption which Norman Baker clearly is not. Hratche is an experienced and capable political operator - and someone with generally moderate and sensible views. I can't understand how he has fallen into this particular trap. The Labour Party knew they were going to lose the 2010 election. They appear to be especially miffed that the result was a Lib-Con coalition rather than an outright Conservative victory. Perhaps they prefer the Tory Right's programme of disengagement from Europe and more savage cuts? The Labour Party nationally seem to be in pretty good shape for a party that has just lost 99 seats. They should concentrate on offerring the government coherent and constructive opposition if they want to get back into power.
On 9 Jan 2011 at 2:11pm jrsussex wrote:
Two matters to consider.
It was the manner in wjhich the electorate voted that brought about the coalition, not the political parties. They only negotiated it after the election.
Norman Baker was in a party that genuinely thought they would never be in the situation of having to deliver on their election manifesto. Now that they are in that situation they realise they must do what is best and not what they want the public to hear.
Simplifying the matter I grant you but that is the position Baker, and othe Libdem MP's, find themselves in.
On 9 Jan 2011 at 8:02pm Boris wrote:
Did you notice that at one point in Hratches letter he refered to himself in the 3rd person. This indicates to me that he more than likely didn't write the letter just put his name to it. I sing from a totally different song sheet to Hratche but concider him to be well switched on politically and was taken aback by the letter.
You make an intresting point JRS. Political parties pay good money to advisors to help them create a manifesto prior to a general election. All the polls in the months leading up to last Mays election indicated a hung parliament. There was all ways going to be a good chance that they were going to be involved in a two party coalition and should have toned down their gun hoe policies and promising everything to everyone. They are now being held acountable for these promises and paying the price for that big time.
I'm also hoping that all those who used their Lib Dem vote as a anti Tory vote think again next time. First past the post is going no where , AV will never get through
On 9 Jan 2011 at 9:28pm Newmania wrote:
I noticed that Boris , sign of madness?
On 10 Jan 2011 at 7:11am drone wrote:
The letter looked to me like it had been submitted as press release & had been stuck on the letters page in error.
Agree with John about not attacking a popular MP. However, John, I think you`ll find that Norman is not a very popular MP at present.

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