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Has anyone been in Paul Clark's new shop?

On 31 Mar 2009 at 12:55pm Not a yummy wrote:
I have and its really tasteful and Paul is all help and courtesy.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 12:57pm Danny bear wrote:
I have and thought it was great. Classy and interesting
On 31 Mar 2009 at 12:59pm Smiler wrote:
Who's Paul Clark?
On 31 Mar 2009 at 1:13pm Toque wrote:
Isn't he the Liebour MP for Gillingham?
On 31 Mar 2009 at 1:24pm Lopster wrote:
Who indeed - also Which shop? and where? and for what?
On 31 Mar 2009 at 1:29pm Lewes Laugher wrote:
More of that viral advertising. You ought to know is has the opposite effect to the one intended you little marketing person you.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 1:54pm From the West End lovee wrote:
Its in the bottle neck. Vastly overpriced bags and bowler hats etc. Another attraction for the DFL's How twee.

Twee my AR5E
On 31 Mar 2009 at 2:09pm Spongebob wrote:
who is Paul Clark ?....are we supposed to know him ?, is he a celeb/ex footballer/fashion guru/DFL ???
On 31 Mar 2009 at 2:11pm Spongebob wrote:
I don't mind these shops in the bottle neck, they're far enough out of town so i don't have to see them and they also have a habbit of going out of business very quickly because no one goes up there.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 3:16pm Biggus chippus wrote:
You really are miserable person SB with a massive chip on your shoulder. Just move away from Lewes and inflict your negativity on another town.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 3:48pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
SB also seems to think no-one lives west of the bottleneck. I go past there virtually every day, sometimes twice (well, four times if you count return journeys), along with many other residents of this end of town.
Or do only those residing on Malling and Landport count as someone, SB? You really display the most astonishingly parochial attitude sometimes.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 4:48pm Rozzer wrote:
Malling and Landport? I thought they were really part of Newhaven.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 5:00pm Spongebob wrote:
I presume you'll be spending s**t loads of cash to keep these poxy waste-of-space shops afloat single handedly then Ms Annette bean twitcher.
As for you biggus chippus, i'd move away tomorrow if i could aford it but my home is here so i want the kind of town that suits "normal" people, not jumped up wannabe snobs like you who are living off inflated interest credit cards and an ever decreasing equity in their detached house in King Henry's road.
Now you have a nice day now
On 31 Mar 2009 at 5:43pm Biggus chippus wrote:
SB you are on form today. BTW you know nothing about my finances.
Perhaps the growth of supermarkets has meant that some of the local shops that can survive are those that you despise. You cannot have it both ways SB.
Do not forget Bill's is run by a Lewesian
On 31 Mar 2009 at 5:56pm Spongebob wrote:
Well thank you biggus headus. The reason i want an extension to Tescos is because there's nothing else in this town for "normal" people. I'd have absolutely no objection to all these s**t little shops if the balance was even.
But, as we all know, the town is not balanced and is heavily in favour of those with more disposable income than you can shake a stick at or towards the arty-farty tree-hugging kind.
Not much to ask is it really ?
On 31 Mar 2009 at 6:00pm Stargazer wrote:
Completely agree SB, Lewes has got such a big reputation for being pretentious and snooty and filled with a lot of people that don't have anything better to do then whinge about anything and everything, that's one of the main reasons we are moving too. Bring on Tesco's, will bring a bit of normality to the town.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 6:10pm Biggus chippus wrote:
So what are Stargazer and Spongebob doing "whinging about anything and everything". Envy is not a desirable quality.
More Tesco = LESS 'normal' shops.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 6:29pm Stargazer wrote:
How exactly am I displaying envy? And no, not whinging. I come on here occasionally because its funny to see what type of up-their-own-arses snobs frequent this board and their pathetic views. You have just demonstrated this by assuming that i am envious. Sad really.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 6:33pm Biggus chippus wrote:
Pot and kettle. Calm down. Where are you moving too?
On 31 Mar 2009 at 6:34pm Lewes Laugher wrote:
Stargazer - I've noticed that 'envy' is a word some people use when they can't think of an argument against what someone else has just said. As in: 'I think Goodwin getting a large pension for leading a bank to failure is disgraceful'. The answer is, 'Oh, that's just envy.' See what i mean.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 6:48pm Spongebob wrote:
Biggus clittus, you really do epitimise everything that is wrong with this town. we need a balance of all types of shops if the high street is to survive. I don't care if it's Tesco, Aldi or any of the small traders but at present, only Tesco has put forward plans to give people what they want.
The high street has the chance to change, to provide people with the choice that they really want yet time after time, we see complete objections from the chamber of commerce (David'bloody' Quinn) yet they are thrilled when another antiques shop opens.
Time to get real a bit methinks
On 31 Mar 2009 at 7:35pm Biggus chippus wrote:
No need to be crude.
Supply and demand is to a large extent the explanation. For us less worthy what shops would you like to see in the High Street?
On 31 Mar 2009 at 7:38pm Agony Aunt wrote:
Now now boys... behave... or it's the naughty step for you
On 31 Mar 2009 at 8:03pm Rozzer wrote:
You see, when Spongebob gets going he's completely reasonable - 'we need a balance of all types of shops if the high street is to survive.' I can't for the life of me see what's wrong with that.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 8:08pm Spongebob wrote:
As for what shops we'd like to see....well it's a case of balance. I have no probs with a couple of antiqie shops/hairdressers/twee shops if this was balanced with sensibly priced clothes and food shops.
However, one thing that this town needs is a market.....not an unbeleivebly high priced farmers market but and dfruit, veg and meat market with a few clothes chucked in.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 8:33pm cato wrote:
Take spongebob with you.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 8:39pm cato wrote:
Stargazer take spongebob with you.Here"s the fare.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 8:54pm Biggus chippus wrote:
Cannot fault that quote Rozzer. First time he / her has said something sensible without exposing his / her chip. An expanded Tesco NOT being in the centre of Lewes, ie not the High Street, plus the parking scheme will reduce even further the balence in the centre of town. That is the point. It is blinking obvious that most people want a proper balance in the town.
More Tesco = LESS 'normal' shops, ie just Tesco.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 9:01pm Needlemakers wrote:
I have never seen so much rubbish written by jealous Primark shoppers. I hope his shop goes from strength to strength.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 9:01pm Needlemakers wrote:
I have never seen so much rubbish written by jealous Primark shoppers. I hope his shop goes from strength to strength.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 9:03pm Desparate Dan wrote:
When I went in it was full of people. Good liuck to him
On 31 Mar 2009 at 9:04pm Ralf Little wrote:
can we assume Spnoge Bob is in fact Sponger Bob? Collected your giro yet mate?
On 31 Mar 2009 at 9:21pm Long term resident wrote:
West end lovee - sorry you're so poor love (big issue)
Sponge Bob -sorry you're so bitter love
get out of your council flat more
On 31 Mar 2009 at 9:22pm Long term resident wrote:
West end lovee - sorry you're so poor love (big issue)
Sponge Bob -sorry you're so bitter love
get out of your council flat more
On 31 Mar 2009 at 9:57pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
Don't you mean FEWER 'normal' shops?
On 31 Mar 2009 at 10:04pm Stargazer wrote:
yep will be happy to. Bon voyage
On 31 Mar 2009 at 10:15pm Hedwig wrote:
Sounds like you're the bitter one. Why make fun of someone for living in a council flat? You're demonstrating what the others were on about Lewes having a reputation for snooty people.
On 31 Mar 2009 at 10:16pm Hedwig wrote:
On 31 Mar 2009 at 11:18pm Janet Street Preacher wrote:
As someone said before, if there's no demand the shop will fold.
If there is demand it will thrive.
Lewes is what Lewes wants.
If Tescos didn't think there was demand for more of their stuff they wouldn't be trying to expand.
I don't think they are going to be selling antiques, spectacles, hair do's, charity jumble, fishing tackle and Norwegian string so it would seem the local shops will not be affected
On 31 Mar 2009 at 11:43pm However... wrote:
Interesting comments Janet.
I wonder if Tesco's would object if a Lydl/Asda/Sainsbury's moved in to the town? Would their trade remain unaffected?
On 1 Apr 2009 at 10:47am pearly queen wrote:
Hello, I'm a new reader to this site and was really angry at the attitude of some of the people who have made their very narrow minded views public. Lewes is a town split in two by the sounds of it, those that have worked hard and have ambition and those who shall we say don't give life 100 % and are prepared to knock those who get off their backsides and work hard and contribute to the town and its visitors. Spongebob is one who stands out as a talker rather than a doer, why not give examples of shops you would like to see in the high street, (other than Tescos, Lidl etc) and stop being so negative about a wonderful town, it's so easy to be critical of others, why not take a good long look at yourself before being so damming. I have lived in Lewes for 10 years now and love the style of the independant shops, they add to the individuality of Lewes's High Street and draw people to this town, for everyday standard items shop in Tesco, Argos, Homebase, Lidl (when it opens) etc. but we should also praise the independants and life style shops for giving us inspiration and style and for those creative owners offering interesting and unusual items. Style and quality comes at a premium, if you want Primark prices shop in Primark .
On 1 Apr 2009 at 10:59am ladydriver wrote:
I've been in Paul Clark's shop in the bottleneck, a wonderful emporium of taste and style and I think his prices are fair value for the quality, I bought my husband a beautiful leather briefcase. Good luck to the gentleman that runs it.
On 1 Apr 2009 at 11:20am Spongebob wrote:
Peralie queen. May i suggest that if you don'y like people's attitude and their narrow minded views (which you have done perfectly well yourself !!!) being aired on a PUBLIC discussion forum, i really do suggest you you either click the little cross in the top right corner of your screen or get over it and move on dear.
I personally find your remarks very narrow minded too.....the bit at the end about shopping in primark is one of the bigger hypocritical statements you have made.
I bid you good day
On 1 Apr 2009 at 12:32pm Rozzer wrote:
Tesco would make as much effort (making friends with useful councillors) to keep them out of Lewes as it makes over ensuring it doesn't pay its fair share of taxes. We have to pay PAYE and can't avoid it - Teso (making profits out of our custom) doesn't want to play fair by contributing to public services.
On 1 Apr 2009 at 8:25pm Long term resident wrote:
I haven't time to be bitter. I'm too busy booking exotic holidays, planning which new car to buy and booking classy restaurants and hotels to relax in.
On 1 Apr 2009 at 8:30pm kitty wrote:
Have you cashed your giro today Sponger Bob?
On 1 Apr 2009 at 10:23pm Spongebob wrote:
So, please enlighten me Klitty. Why would i want to cash a giro ?
On 3 Apr 2009 at 8:46am Fred Pasine wrote:
If Tesco gets a grip in this town and get a bigger shop that will be the end of Lewes no decent shop will try and compete with them especially in these times the big chains will move and all we will be left with is empty stores or these arty farty shops as you all call them.
I have a feeling though tesco will get there own way through backhanded planning.
A few years ago planning permmision was refused for a supermarket on denton island the refusal was on the basis that it used to be a rubbish tip and was unsafe ???? then LDC grant permision for a nursery on same site
god forbid we cant buy our food from this site but our kids can play on it.
On 3 Apr 2009 at 8:57am Spongebob wrote:
And then Fred Pasine, if all the chains moved out of the town, we wouldn't have to go into the high street at all, it would all be under one roof in Tescos.
Wouldn't life be easier
On 3 Apr 2009 at 11:20pm demon 2 wrote:
what u got to take a morgage out
On 17 Apr 2009 at 8:04am Izzy wrote:
I love the bottleneck shops I just wished I lived in Lewes so I can spend my wads of money on good quality things, just a shame Harrods doesn't have a concession in Lewes

This thread has reached its limit now
Why not start another one


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