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Crying, screaming, shouting infant in printworks.

On 26 Jun 2009 at 6:42am Bobbajob wrote:
Why do the parents feel the need to keep their front window open, so everyone else who lives down St Nicolas lane can listen to this young childs noise. Ok, its hot at the moment and windows open keep it cool. But again not for the first time i have been woken in the early hours to this noise. I cant even sit outside in the evenings after a hard days work without it!! Basically if you cant keep your child quiet, shut your window so we dont all have to listen to it. Otherwise im sure environmental health dep will be getting a call.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 8:13am fruitfly wrote:
Ah the joys of living in a community seperated by breezeblocks and plasterboard! I've had a similar problem before,and as I remember,Environmental Health can do b**ger all about it if it's a child. All I can suggest is keep a diary of such events,and maybe even record it. I bit of tactful diplomacy normally works too. Best of luck
On 26 Jun 2009 at 8:24am Bobbajob wrote:
Thats the thing, i live on the otherside of the road! Really feel for the neighbours in that place!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 9:56am Terry Waites Allotment wrote:
I used to work in the printers,the earth there is jinxed,lots of bad luck,AVOID!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 10:13am me wrote:
Part of the fun of Lewes is that people will whinge and complain about anything that isn't how they want it.
You're suggesting that if a child starts screaming, as they quite often do not having mastered conversation yet, you should shut all the windows baking the child alive just to please you.
A teething child, baby with colic, child having tantrum, etc. is not the fault of the parent.
I really hope that you don't intend on having children, or will you be another one of those fantastic Lewes parents that let dear little Tarquin and Persephone express themselves, but if the chavs round the corner do anything you'll bay for blood.
I'll put my soap box away now.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 10:27am fraz wrote:
What? An indian burial ground or something??!!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 11:10am Bobbajob wrote:
'Me', ive had children many thanks, and fine young adults they have grown up to be. I think you missed my point completely, when my kids were young and teething or ill or whatever i still remembered i had neighbours or people living down my street. Its not about not letting them 'express' themselves, its just about having respect for others. Shutting a window when your child is crying is not actually a big ask. I'll put my soap box away now thanks.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 11:36am Sam Spam wrote:
a tactful note through their letterbox may point them in the right direction - they are probably stressed out by it too and may not realiase the problem they are causing....difficult note to compose tactfully though, maybe something along the lines of community living, anything experienced parents could to to help, buying them some toys for the kid, etc....
On 26 Jun 2009 at 11:44am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Imo, people are often very thoughtless about the noise their babies can make. My neighbours used to leave their baby to cry for 45 minutes or more during the night, and her cot was just the other side of the wall from my bed. I nearly invited social services to put her on the "at risk" register, as she was at risk from me in my sleep-deprived rage.
The worst of my wrath is reserved for people who take noisy babies camping though. Tents shut out even less noise than a Pantworks flat with the window open!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 12:59pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Bobbajob, I understand and sympathize. How old is this child do you think? If my child was doing that I would be very worried, also very embarrased that it was annoying my neighbours. Are the parents actually there,do you hear them with the child when this is happening? Have they got earplugs in,taken sleeping tablets? It surely must be bothering them. Just exploring all angles. Never know with todays parenting!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 1:21pm Bobbajob wrote:
Ive not actually seen the child, but im guessing its quite young. Ive resorted to sleeping with ear plugs myself to block out the noise!! I dont want to pass judgement on how they go about bringing up their kid, but when it starts to affect my standard of living and giving me sleepless nights that is out of order!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 1:22pm Bobbajobs mum wrote:
Quite right, how dare these parents leave their windows open in this weather? When I was bringing him up, come rain or shine, Bobbajob was locked away in his cellar where no-one could hear his pathetic squeals. In fact we rarely let him out, which explains his pale coloring.

It also accounts for his sensitivity to small people and their terrible noisemaking. Indeed, when he was bringing his own children up he had them secured safely in his car, which he parked on the A27, just north of Firle. It wasn't practical in the mornings, but everyone was assured a good night's sleep and we sometimes left them there for a few days at a time until they had shut up. The ruddy little ear botherers!

On 26 Jun 2009 at 1:55pm Bobbajob wrote:
Thanks mum, you have brightened my day! But wait, havent you been dead nearly twenty years?! It cant be!! Maybe MJ will yet rise again. Miracles happen, I BELIEVE.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 2:22pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
I'm more or less an immediate neighbour of this lovely baby. It's not even close to the over-exaggerated magnitute as described. I'm working and living at home with my windows open so I probably have good judgement of the situation. The one year old child in question doesn't cause more or less disturbance than any other baby. It's parents are very good pleasant neighbours and considerate towards others. An attribute not everyone living here has inherited. BJ, not only in mine but others neighbour's (not parents) opinion: Your post is disgraceful and you should be ashsmed. If you have an issue go and talk to the party concerned. I don't quite see the point of this post on a public forum apart from that it makes you look like a ... Hopefully you realise this now. With regards to the parents, I told the dad and he couldn't believe your post. Well done in making people comfortable and encouraging healthy neighbourhood relations. Perhaps you keep your windows shut at night. Welcome to the Baxters development!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 2:37pm Jordan Chandler wrote:
Can you be any more patronising?
On 26 Jun 2009 at 2:42pm sashimi wrote:
Bobbajob, perhaps it's time you put your prices up and moved to sheltered housing or a gated development. Most of us want to live in a mixed neighbourhood with young families, and single and elderly people living side by side. That means putting up sometimes with dogs barking, babies crying, teenage parties, spouses rowing and old folk belching and getting confused. Oh yes, and in Lewes, fireworks at insane hours. Welcome to the human race!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 2:52pm Amazed.... wrote:
Intrepid,you say you are 'more or less a neighbour',so you do not live directly next door? It would drive me nuts having a screaming baby right next door crying night after night,and I would deal with it as I saw fit.
Well done IF for developing friendly neighbourhood relations in the Baxters development. S***stirrer....
On 26 Jun 2009 at 2:57pm Jon Armstrong wrote:
I am the baby's father. I am sorry to have caused any inconvenience. Our child is teething at the moment, and for those of you who are parents, I am sure you will understand how stressful this can be. We had not realised how much sound travelled from the flats, and of course we will shut the window in future.
However, let me make one thing very clear - I bitterly resent my family and my parenting skills being discussed in such a public manner.
Bobbajob & Annette C.T. - a polite conversation would be a far better way to resolve these issues than an anonymous tirade in a public forum. Your allusions to environmental health and social services are baseless, provocative and insulting.
Decent Citizen - of course we are with our baby. Your insinuations disgust me.
These anaonymous posts have upset my family, are deeply hurtful, and this could all have been avoided if you had simply had the common decency to come and talk to us. It is hard enough to soothe a teething child, and now knowing that much of the neighbourhood is against you does nothing to help the situation.
I thank all those who have been supportive. And to those people attacking my family - for people who seem to think they are model neighbours, your actions are appalling.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 3:25pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
Well said Jon. ACT and DC are not neighbours so they really only know what BJ posted on here. Amazed.. why don't you say what you think of me in my face? Or would this make you a 'S***stirrer....' as you put it so nicely?
On 26 Jun 2009 at 3:32pm Spongebob wrote:
fight fight fight fight
On 26 Jun 2009 at 3:32pm Spongebob wrote:
fight fight fight fight
On 26 Jun 2009 at 3:58pm Decent Citizen wrote:
I was expressing sympathy for someone who felt moved to write on here about a child whose age we did not know,keeping him awake.You are right, I do not know the full details, that is why I asked what I did. My intention was not to hurt anyones feelings,but it must have occured to you that it could be heard. In the society we now live in it was a question that needed asking.I do hope it can be resolved without any unpleasantness.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:10pm Nimbyhater wrote:
What a bunch of self serving,ignorant, vile Tosspots!!
Jon, i'd be more worried about having neighbours like these.
A bunch of web surfing, nomate, virgin fuktards!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:21pm Spongebob wrote:
I think "nimbyhater" was referring to you "decent citizen"....you do come across that way im afraid, you know...mr goody-goody
Bloody hilarious though
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:23pm Pearlie wrote:
I have been living here for 10 months or so and know most of our neighbours and they are all great people. Very happy to be here. I usually make it a rule not to intefere with neighbour and people you complain about one week can make great neighbours and even good friends the next. IF you are tolerant and polite. I sometimes have needed to ocmplain but I have always been nice about it and discussed things with my neighbour. Who would want to end up in a war with their neighbours? Not me.
You don't want to pass judgement on how someone is 'bringng up their kid?
But that is NOT what you are doing because these people are good people who are bringing up their kid in the best way posible. Children cry, often for no bloody reason. If the baby was older their might be some grounds for your complaint but this is a BABY and a very young one at that. You selfish berk.
I for one know how loud this baby is, he's a cute little thing but as been going through it, AS HAVE HIS PARENTS. I have commented on his powerful lungs, I would be lying if I said I hadn't heard him but I would never say anything to the parents because I know they are suffering more than I am as they live in the same flat, and it's thier son. I live very close to the family. These flats are extremely hot inside which is probably one of the reasos the baby is uncomfortable anyway. They often take baby out, but they can't go out all the time and it is unreasonable to expect someone to shut the windows and boil the poor child. If anything the God awful choir music (I think they think they're in the otherworld already) and the electrical/feedback from the speakers coming from the old peoples home has woken everyone up on this side every hour over the weekend.
Finally, who in their right minds would broadcast this on a forum? What a way to make enemies. I think you might find that this is a well liked couple and that slagging them off in public is not very NEIGHBOURLY. That's what's wrong with society today at the risk off sounding like an old bag.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:25pm Bobbajobs Mum wrote:
Oh dear, I've come over all giddy. Can I have a cup of tea?

Mmmm, lovely.

Now where's the cellar door key Bobbajob?
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:27pm NimbyHater wrote:
"Decent Citizen"
This is the kind of duck butter that Daily Friggin Mail readers dream up.
Decent Citizen = xenophobic, nosey, ignorant & camp
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:29pm Decadent Citizen wrote:
Sounds like Printworks is rapidly becomming the new Ousedale!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:30pm nimbyhater wrote:
In all seriousness folks, how the hell can you control an infant in pain???
I cannot stand the tristrams that defend their long haired girlie boys,but babies are another matter. The parents are at the end of their tether and this kind of petty, thoughtless carping only makes things a lot worse.
Think on you nimby nancy tory types
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:32pm Pearlie wrote:
Can someone tell me where there's a lake round here need to shift a rolled up rug.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:37pm Hay Nonnie Mouse wrote:
Go Nimby Hater.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:57pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Wondered where you had got to Spongebob. VERY quite since Tescos expansion referred! Anyway I have stated my apologies to the parents,stated my sympathy to the person hearing the noise. For me that is it.It does not need you Spongebob, keeping the flames going as is your habit! This is me, sorry if I come across as self righteous, we are all different .You for instance come across as a t***.Hows that?
On 26 Jun 2009 at 5:26pm LTR wrote:
Good grief.
rather than all falling out over something as trivial as the temprary noise of something as normal as a baby crying, it would be better to divert your attentions to ensuring that a fire engine or two can turn round in the narrow space between you all. Being boiled in a hot flat will be the least of your problems if one of you has an accident with a match.
Love CassandraX
On 26 Jun 2009 at 5:32pm bonfirek wrote:
I think we've found the mother!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 5:44pm Keeley wrote:
DC - when exactly did you "state your apologies to the parents?"
On 26 Jun 2009 at 7:45pm Sam Spam wrote:
moderator - can you please step in and stop this?....none of the guys posting here are doing themselves any favours!......and it's getting too nasty and hurtful
On 26 Jun 2009 at 8:02pm Spongebob wrote:
Teacher, teacher, they're being nasty, and here's an apple.
For christ sake how can you find it hurtful and nasty...it's nothing to do with you.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 8:17pm Sam Spam wrote:
I can here your crying from Pells......grow up you total spastic....
On 26 Jun 2009 at 8:44pm Spongebob wrote:
Well that's it, i'm really telling of you now for being "nasty and hurtful". I'm telling teacher !!!!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 8:58pm Sam Spam wrote:
On 26 Jun 2009 at 9:17pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Bobbajob - are you one of the new residents in the Pantworks? If so, you knew the score when you moved in (high density housing).
Decadent Citizen - thanks for making me laugh!
On 26 Jun 2009 at 10:50pm LTR wrote:
Is Spongebob a teenager?
On 27 Jun 2009 at 1:52am Wilhelm wrote:
No, I don't think Spongebob is a teenager but by the style and pattern of reply I do think that Bobbajob is in his tweens or a retarded Tory.

This thread has reached its limit now
Why not start another one


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I like the fact it's safe enough to leave windows open and shops don't need to put grills up at night.