On 26 Nov 2014 at 11:45am LewesCheese wrote:
See my post under Maria Caulfield yesterday. As I said - David Cameron is a liar & a coward who panders to his public school chums. They are already multi millionaires & don't need the money but to them it's just a game. How much can we take from the poor & give to ourselves before anybody notices. Why poor people ever vote tory I'll never understand.
Come on people - stop the Bullingdon bullies.
On 26 Nov 2014 at 11:47am Red ken wrote:
Tories. Scum of the Earth.
On 26 Nov 2014 at 12:05pm Mark wrote:
Glad a few people agree. And this is the same week when they decide that they want treatment of dialysis patients to be no longer available on NHS prescription and moved to semi-private sector CCGs. I think it would take someone with a good imagination to make it up.
On 26 Nov 2014 at 12:33pm Old Bloke wrote:
Fine but don't tell us the Labour Party is the answer - same suit different colour
On 26 Nov 2014 at 1:23pm Town Flyer wrote:
Also, as in yesterdays news, private schools in the UK are being warned they will lose their tax breaks worth hundreds of millions of pounds if they don't help our state schools. What?????? Why on earth are they getting tax breaks in the first place?
On 26 Nov 2014 at 1:52pm Old Bloke wrote:
Because (I think) they are registered as charities.
No me neither.
Nothing wrong with private schools good luck to them but fluck the tax breaks make them pay (which they will via increased charges for pupils).
All the Labour and Liberal Democrat hypocrites will be paying those increased charges seeing as they all love private education for their sprogs whilst telling us the opposite is best. Diane (the awful) Abbot anyone?
Instead of engaging in his class warfare the chinless wonder Hunt should leave private schools alone and concentrate on how to get state education up to the same very high standard that we would all wish for all children.
On 26 Nov 2014 at 2:27pm notforthelikesofus wrote:
LibLabCon are all part of the problem but Farage and UKIP are nothing more than a far right hate group and shouldn't even be permitted to form a political party, they are not the answer.
The only options for me are the Greens and Socialists.
On 26 Nov 2014 at 2:57pm Old Bloke wrote:
Well done notforthelikesofus the words of a Thought Nazi.
Mad, hate filled and inadequate
On 26 Nov 2014 at 3:04pm bastian wrote:
It all makes you sick to the back teeth-problem is, how do we fix it. I know what has happened in the past when this stuff had arisen, it was bloody and destructive-those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. All the [so called] rights you have now arose out of this kind of injustice. It's a two tier system where even those earning £100,000 a year are amoungst the dispised poor. Meanwhile they are keeping us at each others throats so we don't notice what they are really up to-see Mark's article.
We need an "Honesty Partry", who stand for just that-open government, no statistcs just factual figures, no cover ups, no devious dealings behind office doors-financial or sexual, and 99% of the population first, not the 1%. Voting is a sham when the financiers own the country and influence government- a governor is soemone who runs things smoothly, smoothly for who? We didn't elect them to run things smoothly for their rich mates.
On 26 Nov 2014 at 3:33pm bastian wrote:
The contempt for the electorate in this is extrordinary!
when can we call for a vote of no confidence in our government (not that I would know who to put in their place). We can't go on like this.
On 26 Nov 2014 at 6:22pm Mark wrote:
I don't know what the answer is. I just think I have firm opinions about the problem is - vested interests.
On 26 Nov 2014 at 6:41pm bastian wrote:
all this talk of immigration and the real problem is oligarchs.
On 27 Nov 2014 at 10:12am SHS wrote:
The Guardian. Dated 2011. As soon as I read 'the poor' and 'the rich' I knew not to waste any more time reading.
On 27 Nov 2014 at 12:34pm Mark wrote:
Why bless my soul, you're quite correct SHS. A friend emailed it to me in an "Isn't this outrageous" sort of way and I trusted him on the date. Didn't read the date. I don't think it makes it irrelevant - almost worse in a way because those were in the days when the Tory Bullingtons were being particulary strident about the desperate need for austerity. The austere measures being year after year of pay freezes for all frontline staff involved in Public service and freezes for basic level civil servants. But a 11% rise for them "cause that's clearly a different kettle of fish and very different criteria apply, clearly." All of this was much needed in order to support the poor struggling banks along with the bedroom tax which forced on people the need to move to one room flats (which barely exist) or have their benefits slashed so that their benefits would be slashed. Just out of curiosity, SHS, do you immediately glaze and blank out anything that discusses wealth distribution? Seems out to me. Lots of people I knew were rather angry when Oxfam showed that 84 individual people held more wealthy than the entire poorest half of the world's population. I suspect that we'll be looking a your type in local zoos eventually. I'll try to remember to bring you a slice of Beef Wellington and a profitorole.
On 27 Nov 2014 at 1:12pm Taff wrote:
I am so pleased I didnt vote for these blatant robbing to$$ers. Diverting the money to the few. However I am in a quandry about which robbing to$$ers to vote come May.
On 27 Nov 2014 at 2:25pm bastian wrote:
Well I think we should play by their rules-demand that only a party that obtains more than 50% of the vote from a turn of more than 50% of the nation for it to count at all.
Then they'll be b*gger*d.
They' re all bent, money talks, and they all seem happy for it to be that way. New Labour are a lie set up by that turd Tony B-lier who was a close friend of Maggies ( in her pocket doing her bidding like releasing banks from their duty to be sensible with our money). Any memeber of the labour party who still clings onto that New Labour idea is of no use to anyone but the chattering middle classes with kids at prep school who are "feeling squeezed"(becuase they have a concience and do pay tax but it's just killing them) and all the while forgetting that if Real labour and the chartists before them had not formed they would not be in their position today, and that by allowing abour to pander to their needs they are squatting on the next geberation who cannot move for poverty whether working or not.
On 27 Nov 2014 at 2:55pm SHS wrote:
Mark: " I suspect that we'll be looking a your type in local zoos eventually. I'll try to remember to bring you a slice of Beef Wellington and a profitorole."
- thanks for offering to visit, bring a bottle of Gigondas too, tx.
By the way, if you look at the stats.... actually we could argue until the cows come home, pointless. The fact is, work hard and hopefully you'll earn some money and own some assets, even employ people. Let's not penalise such people.
On 27 Nov 2014 at 3:13pm belladonna wrote:
Speaking of 11 percent pay rises - did our local MP Norman accept his ? And is he supporting that nasty HUnt in trying to diddle the NHS out of their 1 pc rise ? (Both rises recommended by 'independent' pay reviews bodies). How do we find out about Norman's voting record in parliament ?
On 27 Nov 2014 at 7:59pm Mark wrote:
That's a bit of a facile argument isn't it SHS? About on par with saying, "Oh look at you. You're a champagne socialist - which makes your opinions invalid."
On 28 Nov 2014 at 3:49pm bastian wrote:
shs, I am confused by your lack of understanding of the article- you cannot have a system where evryone goes out and successfully works their b*ll*cks off to become rich, because by the very nature of the plan, someone has to make the product, and they are poorly paid or the capital fails. The least the capital can do is pay tax so that their underpaid (keeping the company afloat) employee can have medical care and schooling , a fire engine when they need it and a doctor at hand. Or we just spiral back into teh pre war, dickensian slime that we (the employees) faught to get out of. As for being arm chair socialists, you may ahve to understand where the chartists started-they were the middle income ,shop floor chaps who mediated with management-eventually forming the labour party. Just because you are bright doesn'y mean you swig champagne, that's a kind of reverse snobbery(only bright people are rich-I don't think so)
On 28 Nov 2014 at 6:02pm Clifford wrote:
Bastian, I learnt years ago that explaining how capitalism functions to its more dense supporters - particularly the concept of surplus value - is like nailing jelly to the wall. But a good try.
On 28 Nov 2014 at 7:18pm bastian wrote:
I'm just invisaging the attempt to nail jelly to a wall, I like it, it works for me. However, I have long since realised that the definition of a conservitive voter is someone who doesn't want to know anything, they just want an undying belief in the powers who be.
Think for yourself and question authority has taken me many years to unpick-I was brought up on it, but only now do I truely understand what it means. It doesn't mean screw everyone, it means think about what others are saying, and decide for yourself what to think, question authority does not mean break the law-it means don't just blindly take what others say to be the only way. And who is authority, I used to think it was the police, the government-but actually it is many things, including your facebook account, the internet, your news paper, your friends, advertisers, news readers the list is endless.
On 29 Nov 2014 at 2:30am Mark wrote:
Well done Bastian. I like how SHS got a little bit along the way towards explaining his point of view, "Look at the stats..." and then the kettle must have boiled or something. He just had to dash off.
On 29 Nov 2014 at 2:31am Mark wrote:
Or "she" of course, he added hastily.