On 15 Jun 2015 at 7:54am Fortune wrote:
Hi, begging in lewes has become more "popular". Or though it seems. However, I have seen a young lady begging, she usually wears a headscarf/bandanna type thing, she reminds me of a Romany/gypsy type of person. She sits up by nationwide and the white hart. She has a sign saying homeless and hungry. However this is not so. I have been told many a times that she has got a 2 bedroom house and is on benefits. She is far from homeless, please be careful whom you choose to donate money to
On 15 Jun 2015 at 8:25am Friend wrote:
Who has told you she has a house and is on benefits ? Have you actually stopped to talk to her about her situation and why she is begging ? Find out the truth for yourself before relying on rumours. And what relevance is the supposition that she 'reminds' you of a 'Romany/gypsy type of person'? What 'type' of person are you ??
Some people told me you are a nasty small minded unempathetic Nazi type of person who is far from caring - be careful everyone!!
On 15 Jun 2015 at 9:32am Decent Citizen wrote:
Like the youngish lad who sits in alleyway off Cliffs or up towards post office.Not homeless,has a flat on Landport,FACT.
On 15 Jun 2015 at 10:52am Old Bloke wrote:
Might be the same person that sits (or used to) in the alley between Smiths and Specsavers
Every time I walk past she's chatting on her mobile phone
She must be on a very cheap tariff
As for the assumption she is receiving benefits that is a reasonable one. Most people in her situation do have benefits available quite freely and I would dearly love to know the situation that denied her that access
On 15 Jun 2015 at 10:59am Beggars belief wrote:
She used to sleep in what was the lloyds bank cashpoint room I'd see her asleep on the windowsill every morning when id walk past on my way to work...seems a bit desperate for someone with a 2 bedroom house?
On 15 Jun 2015 at 11:03am Me wrote:
Her name is jade and she is absolutely not homeless. She has a 2 bedroomed house in kiln Wood Lane in chailey
On 15 Jun 2015 at 11:04am In the know wrote:
I know the girl you are talking about. She does have a house and claims benifits. I went to scholl with this girl, very sad, she has gone down the drugs route which is why she has taken to begging as her benifits do not stretch to hers and her boyfriends drug habbit.
On 15 Jun 2015 at 12:58pm p.c wrote:
Begging is defined in section 3 of the vagrancy act 1824 .It is a offence to beg in a public place .And you can be arrested for it.
so ring the ploice
On 15 Jun 2015 at 1:16pm Beggar me wrote:
Drugs again - what a damned social evil it is. There but for the grace......I suppose begging is a better option for her than the other one
On 15 Jun 2015 at 3:30pm bastian wrote:
Her boyfriend is a nasty piece of work, I saw himwalloping her once in the street.
As for theother chap, he does have a home, drinks alot but is genuinely crazy, care in the community.
On 15 Jun 2015 at 4:01pm Hmmm wrote:
There goes 'Friend' taking offence on behalf of others... Why is it so offensive to describe somebody by what they look/dress like? Would a Romany/Gipsy really be worried about looking like a Romany/Gipsy? I'm guessing not. Likewise, if someone described you as 'wearing a tweed jacket, reminds me of an English type of person', would you be offended? Would it warrant you calling them a nazi?
On 15 Jun 2015 at 4:27pm Auntie Aviator wrote:
On a slightly different topic, who is that poor misguided soul who walks around the precinct feeding pigeons (AKA rats with wings) by allowing them to sit on his hand - he looks VERY proud of himself. He's often there for hours at a time. Does he realise it's possibly extremely unhygienic and, if nothing else, ensures that they will be more and more pigeons (and their excrement) in the precinct as a result of this behaviour?
On 15 Jun 2015 at 4:58pm Cuckoo wrote:
@ Auntie, i know who your talking about. Birds gives me the creeps. He gets them to sit all up his arms. Minging
On 15 Jun 2015 at 6:11pm Old Bloke wrote:
@Auntie Aviator - perhaps you should look in to a person's history and even try to understand the reason for their eccentric yet harmless behaviour
Before you come on here slagging them off
I so hope one of his pigeons sh*ts on your head
On 15 Jun 2015 at 7:52pm Country Boy wrote:
I blame the Tories.
On 15 Jun 2015 at 8:12pm Auntie Aviator wrote:
Old bloke. Dear oh dear, you are an angry man. I was criticizing the sin, not the sinner. And feeding pigeons is not harmless.
On 15 Jun 2015 at 11:28pm Glynding wrote:
He'd be less angry if he spent less time in crap pubs.
On 16 Jun 2015 at 10:34am Old Bloke wrote:
@Auntie Aviator - I'm not at all angry
You seem to have the issues - first by being rather pompous about Lewes architecture and then with your capital letter dig at a harmless bloke with a few pigeons. Is feeding pigeons dangerous then - it's been going on for donkeys years without outbreaks of pestilence, plague ands famine
Must be very dark being so far up yourself
@Glynding - perhaps you need to learn to speak in sense - seeing as I said I can't abide Lewes pubs it would be evident to anyone but a fool that I wouldn't be sending any time in them
On 17 Jun 2015 at 5:23pm Glynding to a halt wrote:
I wish that stupid wind turbine there would stop - what a flippin eyesore.
On 18 Jun 2015 at 6:38pm jude wrote:
@Auntie Aviator the gentleman that feeds the pigeons you are referring to has from what I was told be his neighbour has brain damage to what degree I don't know but heard it was caused by a severe beating he received many years ago. So he has developer behavioural issues
On 19 Jun 2015 at 11:57am pixie on a leaf wrote:
re. Jade, I have just been talking to my Daughter who does actually know her. Apparently she 'lost' her house in Chailey a while ago now, (how you 'lose' a house I do not know, but that is obviously another story). Yes she does have a drug problem, but from what I gather she is doing her best to seek help, lets just hope this is sooner rather than later!
On 19 Jun 2015 at 12:14pm A N Other wrote:
Unfortunately Jade lost the house in Chailey well over six months ago. She has been homeless since then. Perhaps this young woman needs help, or at least a little empathy, rather than your damning judgement.
On 19 Jun 2015 at 10:32pm Hm wrote:
Actually she was evicted a few months ago due to the state of her house and out of control rent arrears. Yes jade is her name. She is a drug addict and has no intention to try to improve her life, she is a pathetic excuse of a human being, begging for money to buy her drugs. She is classed as a vulnerable lady so she would not have been left homeless she would have temporarily accommodation somewhere. Bed sit for example. She is begging for money to buy drugs, she has a daughter whome she lost custody of about 5 years ago due to her drugs habits, oh and the many men that she sleeps with!
On 21 Jun 2015 at 10:44pm A N Other wrote:
Dear Hm, of course I am not saying that Jade has made the best choices in life, however things are always more complicated behind closed doors. Speaking of 'behind closed doors', I would love to know how you know so much about someone else's sex life, unless of course you yourself are one of those supposed 'many men'!
On 23 Jun 2015 at 12:13am IMEYOU wrote:
Each To Their Own, Live Your Own Life How You Choose, Let Others Live Their Life As They Wish. Just Make Your Choice and Embrace It.
On 5 Mar 2016 at 11:02pm Kitty wrote:
We wish we'd seen this forum sooner. Someone we know has given a substantial amount of money to a girl in Lewes who sits up the top of the town and she's still there. Rumour has it that she's not homeless and this really annoys us because that money could have gone to someone in desperate need. Be careful who you give your donations too.
On 31 Aug 2016 at 9:29pm james wrote:
Does anyone know what jade is doing now
On 29 Sep 2016 at 2:32pm D wrote:
Judge not lest ye b judged!!
On 29 Sep 2016 at 3:31pm Dj wrote:
U all think u know her, Iknow better. Stop being so judgemental and worry about urself! Like a bad program on tv, u can always ignore it, instead of wasting time being bitches!!!