On 28 Apr 2015 at 8:59pm Jo wrote:
Hi, I'm moving to the area in a couple of months and would like to know about the traffic situation on the A27. How long do you reckon it would take to get from Sussex University on the edge of Brighton to Lewes on the A27 at about 7.15/7.30am? Also, how long would the reverse journey take at around 5pm/6pm?
On 28 Apr 2015 at 9:06pm Border Control wrote:
I've just Googled it for you, it's about 1 hours 28 minutes if you're walking. Welcome to Lewes !
On 28 Apr 2015 at 9:34pm lewes born and bred wrote:
about 10 mins each way....it might be slightly busier going home in the evening
On 28 Apr 2015 at 9:38pm Botherednot wrote:
As you're asking about traffic I take it you mean driving, I did that journey every weekday for thirteen years. Leaving at 07.30 I could be on campus and in the office for 8 o/clock start easy. Return journey will take you longer due to the roundabout at the top of campus and the traffic queued up at the prison crossroads. Probably 30 - 40 minutes. Much longer when there's roadworks on the A27!! Hope you're aware how much it costs to park on campus nowadays, bus is a good bet and journey time the same. good luck.
On 28 Apr 2015 at 9:44pm cycleman wrote:
Get a bike. Cycle path along the road or several off superb off road routes.
On 28 Apr 2015 at 10:11pm Jo wrote:
Sorry will definitely be driving, didn't explain that my actual destination is a small village some miles north of Lewes (if I were just going between the two I would probably go by train or cycle). I was going to move to Lewes itself, but have now found accommodation very close to Sussex Uni so wanted to know how much time living there instead of Lewes would add to my overall journey. Thanks for your replies though, bit unsure about the variety in answers though - 30-40 mins out of Brighton to Lewes at 7.15am? Really?
On 28 Apr 2015 at 10:24pm Botherednot wrote:
Return journey (Brighton to Lewes) 30-40 mins really!
On 29 Apr 2015 at 6:00am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
The traffic lights at the prison crossroads are something of a bottleneck. They're 3-phase for traffic, plus a pedestrian phase at each junction, so traffic backs up really quickly on the approach roads.
It's not uncommon for it to take 15-20 minutes just to get from the A27 to beyond the crossroads. With the queue to get on to the A27 from the university, 30-40 minutes is entirely plausible.
On 29 Apr 2015 at 6:50am Motoring in Sussex since wrote:
1970 and watched it turn into a bloody nightmare - so if you're out of county be warned.
On 29 Apr 2015 at 10:04am Belladonna wrote:
Could you go over the downs via Ditchling rd to get to the village destination ? You might be able to avoid the A27 traffic for most of your journey.
On 29 Apr 2015 at 10:11am Cav wrote:
I agree with @cycleman, try cycling it. It is quicker than driving for the evening journey. Even if you are working a few miles out of Lewes, maybe consider it?
On 29 Apr 2015 at 10:36am Lewes Resident wrote:
Hi Jo - Belladonna's suggestion might not be such a bad idea, take the road from Hollingbury Asda over Ditchling beacon, down into Ditchling village, then take the road heading East past Plumpton College across the back of the Downs to join A275 just north of Offham. Probably a longer distance, but no slower, and definitely much more scenic! Might not be much fun in the winter ice though...
Yes, as others have said, it can easily take 15 - 20mins plus to queue from A27 roundabout up to the Lewes Prison crossroads during rush hour, so may well take 30mins to get to Prison crossroads from Sussex Uni every day :-(.... Reverse journey may not be quite so bad, but traffic does definitely queue to get onto the westbound A27 at same roundabout every evening.
On 29 Apr 2015 at 10:42am Mark wrote:
If you're a young or youngish student, I hope that you've been warned that nothing moves in this town after 1930 apart from a handful of scruffy elderly blokes shuffling to an from real ale pubs. No offence intended to them. I'm a fairly elderly, scruffy bloke myself.
On 29 Apr 2015 at 10:44am Mark wrote:
Oh. I've just re-read. You can't possibly be a student. Not if you're commuting at 0730 and 1900!!
On 29 Apr 2015 at 6:53pm Pearliegirliestar wrote:
Why go through Lewes to get to Lewes? Skip to the next roundabout and double back through Lewes. Sometimes a bit of traffic but quicker than going past the prison. Simples. Do it every day.
On 29 Apr 2015 at 6:53pm Pearliegirliestar wrote:
Why go through Lewes to get to Lewes? Skip to the next roundabout and double back through Lewes. Sometimes a bit of traffic but quicker than going past the prison. Simples. Do it every day.
On 29 Apr 2015 at 6:56pm Pearliegirliestar wrote:
Or in reverse..go through the cuilfail tunnel and join the 27 there. I get to work in Shoreham/ Southwick in 30 minutes or less, every day. Can't understand what everyone is going on about. I leave 7.30ish arrive at 8am.
On 29 Apr 2015 at 7:25pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Jo; you seem to want to commute from west of Lewes, east.
Most of the traffic in the morning is going west, towards Brighton and beyond. Similarly, it all travels east in the evening.
As you wish to travel "against the flow" you should have a relatively easy journey.