Un-neutered British Blue or Ragdoll cat wanted

On Tue at 05:16pm [email protected] wrote:
My lovely female registered British Blue cat is in season and I would love for her to have some kittens. Are there any un-neutered male cats in the Lewes area that might be up for the job? Maybe a British Blue or Ragdoll. Do email a.s.a.p. if you are interested.

Pells pond fishing

On Mon at 10:56am macdunk1 wrote:
I just wanted to find out some information regarding fishing in Pells pond. I have been made aware that you need to get a ticket to fish there from the town hall. However, this information was from back in 2017 and I didn’t know if this was still the case? Also, if anyone knows the price please let me know.

Over £4 million down the river for nothing

On Sat at 08:31pm Tom Pain wrote:
The Exceat Disney-dream bridge will not be built but some bell and whistle extras will be added for doubtless, a few more million crony-pounds. To add insult to injury- County Council elections have been postponed/ forbidden/or is it curtailed for ever? Useless or corrupt we can't get rid of them. Something's gotta change around here.

blue badge

On Wed at 01:21pm knight temlar wrote:
applying for blue badge is a complete waste of time ,as i got crohn's disease it feels like im being discriminated against ,and dont bother with pips u got be dead to get it these days.

Rent increase

On Wed at 12:58pm knight temlar wrote:
Having to go to food bank .can not afford to eat .thanks Lewes council

Not read: Penalty Charge Notice LW65267773

On Sun at 10:19am IntrepidFox wrote:
It took ESCC only 13yrs.. an amazing speed record!

Your message

To: Parking Penalties
Subject: Penalty Charge Notice LW65267773
Sent: 14 December 2010 16:06:10 (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

was deleted without being read on 01 November 2023 13:40:26 (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.

I’m back !

On Sun at 09:13am IntrepidFox wrote:
What have I missed?
On Thu at 11:52pm Tom Pain wrote:
Dunno, what have you hit?
On Wed at 04:17pm coursefpx wrote:

means tested

On Tue at 05:56pm knight temlar wrote:
government are up to something as there trying to force people who are on universal credit to up there hours,maybe cos the amount of money we given away to ukraine again and not looking after our own ,nothing odd about that as this government likes to give lots of money to other countries


On Wed at 08:52pm knight temlar wrote:
Lewes is entrapment.its gotten worse ,the little Hitler's don't put tickets on your car anymore,you end up paying a bigger fine .even when your actually sitting in car waiting .
On Sat at 11:42pm Frank wrote:
Did you go to school?
On Tue at 02:20pm knight temlar wrote:
Got your IP num ,nice web cam.
On Wed at 07:08pm Knight Templar wrote:
Knight Temlar seems to use the idea that he knows your IP and something about a webcam as some sort of threat.

Tell you what Knight why don't we put you to the test. Shouldn't be too difficult for someone of your dark web skills. I'm behind a fixed IP. I'll be generous. Give me the first couple of octets of my IP and the make of webcam or if there is one.
On Tue at 07:20pm Frank wrote:
I've been sat here sh*tting myself, but so far nothing untoward has happened on my various bits of hardware. I don't have a fixed ip address (phew, eh?) all my webcams are turned off until I need them. I notice knight temlar has not told us whether he went to school or not.


On Mon at 10:48pm Tom Pain wrote:
Are you aware that the forum is mostly unobtainable on Google, I get a message saying it is unsafe and someone might be trying to get my passwords etc. duck duck just ignores it completely.
On Tue at 01:39pm Black Sleeves wrote:
If you mean Google Chrome - I have no problem on Windows or Mac, similarly no problem on DuckDuck - maybe it's your computer?
On Thu at 09:41am Amber wrote:
I had the same message.
Through Firefox and searched on Google.
On Thu at 11:02am Green Sleeves wrote:
It's a bit spammy and buggy is the old forum, but broadly speaking it still just about works.

Good to see brother sleeves here. I think we need a whole reservoir dogs style sleeves crew on this forum to liven things up. We have green and black so far, maybe we need a pink sleeves next.
On Thu at 04:48pm Black Sleeves wrote:
Just now got my first warning about site not being secure - it's because lewes.co.uk hasn't got around to making the site https rather than http as it is now. Shame about the bus station decision made today N.Park voted to demolish bus station and replace with six-storey housing and retail complex. Bus stops to go either side of Phoenix Causeway instead.