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lewes homeless

On 24 Jul 2017 at 11:18am fed wrote:
whats going on in more and more down and outs . I was on the Brighton train Saturday .And about 4 more of them heading into Lewes from Brighton .
On 24 Jul 2017 at 12:23pm Fricking Muppets wrote:
Beggars are increasing as:
1. Lewes residents and tourists are giving them a nice income
2. Although it's the headquarters of Sussex Police we don't actually seem to have any officers
On 24 Jul 2017 at 12:37pm Pedro wrote:
3. Benefits have been cut.
4. Funding has decreased for treating mental health problems and drug/alcohol addictions.
5. Economy not booming, wages stagnating and living costs rising
6. Uncertain times with brexit looming and companies being more cautious and/or less optimistic

All of these factors have contributed towards homelessness rising by 60% since 2010.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 12:40pm Real wrote:
7. They are idle drug addicts
8. Pedo is their friend
On 24 Jul 2017 at 12:44pm Pedro wrote:
@ real. Point 7 may be true, they may be addicted to hard drugs like alcohol or heroin, but that is not helped by point 4.

As for me being their friends. I'm everyones friend.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:19pm Sapho wrote:
He who is a friend of everyone is a friend to no one.
Friendship is discrimination or its meaningless.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:24pm @Pedro wrote:
Dude it's nothing to do with benefit cuts, it's to do with Police cuts.
Stop banging on with your sanctimonious cr@p.
"I was on the Brighton train Saturday .And about 4 more of them heading into Lewes from Brighton" - WHICH PART OF THIS IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND?
They are primarily professional beggars, they should be rounded up and locked up, begging is a criminal offence for a reason.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:26pm Guy Spencer wrote:
Flipping heck give it a rest @Sapho what meaningless hyperbole!
On 24 Jul 2017 at 2:16pm Billy wrote:
What is the link between homelessness and drugs? Is it homeless first, leading to drugs, or the other way round?
I can't understand why anyone would want to even try drugs, although I guess others might consider that boring.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 2:31pm @Billy wrote:
So you never tried drinking then Billy?
On 24 Jul 2017 at 3:02pm Passing Thru wrote:
I'm an occasional visitor and was shocked on my last visit. I actually felt slightly unsafe walking from Waitrose carpark to the precinct. Really hard looking people acting oddly and looking like they could kick off.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 3:03pm Billy wrote:
Tea and coffee if that counts?
On 24 Jul 2017 at 3:17pm @Billy wrote:
Of course it counts, caffeine is stimulant drug that gets you physically addicted (I'm guessing you don't drink caffeine free).
It's unlikely to make you homeless (but then neither is cannabis), although £3 for a takeaway coffee (I drink roughly 5 cups a day), equals £5.5k a year.
The effects are very similar to nicotine (mild physical stimulus).
On 24 Jul 2017 at 3:29pm Plebian wrote:
Are you spending £15 a day on takeaway coffee? That's insane isn't it? Are are you a millionaire?
I was too poor to acquire spendy habits like drug taking or smoking when I was young. Maybe it saved me or maybe it made my life boring. Very troubling.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 4:11pm Billy wrote:
Usual smartarse responses that fail to answer my question. How many of the Lewes homeless are there because of a series of genuine unfortunate events and how many are there because of a lifestyle choice that started when they decided to start using drugs other than caffeine?
On 24 Jul 2017 at 4:32pm Grf wrote:
@billy is pedo...he is always boring on about hard drugs such as caffeine...sigh
On 24 Jul 2017 at 4:42pm Pedro wrote:
@ Billy. You can see the link below for some of the main causes of homelessness in this country. Drugs (including alcohol) don't appear to be the main culprit, although I'm sure if you're an alcoholic or addicted to heroin (two of the most destructive drugs with very high physical dependence), it may be difficult to function properly in society, and aren't overly cheap habits.

You can also ask these beggars individually as to why they are there....I'm pretty sure you're not going to find many though who have found themselves homeless due to an excessive and relentless urges for MDMA, LSD or magic mushrooms. IF its drug related, its almost inevitably going to be hard, addictive illegal drugs like heroin or its the bottle. Which is why you should always choose your drugs wisely, do some research and apply some common sense.

Check it out here »
On 24 Jul 2017 at 4:43pm Pedro wrote:
@ grf, I can assure you I only post with my registered name....plus, I rather enjoy coffee.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 4:49pm @Billy wrote:
I doubt if any of the Lewes Beggars are homeless (maybe the one that pimps his girlfriend out).
The ones that live in Lewes are certainly housed (they beg to get drug and alcohol money as it's easier than working), the rest seem to commute in for the easy pickings (made even easier as Lewes seems devoid of any police presence).
On 24 Jul 2017 at 4:53pm Dr wrote:
It is the apparently harmless people like pedr0 that are the most dangerous types when it comes to drug taking and it's effects on young people.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 4:57pm Billy wrote:
Call me old fashioned but is this possibly also a result of the modern liberal society? What happened to the institution of marriage, 2 parents taking responsibility for their children and making sure they only had children when they could afford to? Are some of these homeless today the result of 15 year old parents who had kids for the fun of it?
On 24 Jul 2017 at 5:10pm Pedro wrote:
@billy I'm pretty sure the "institution of marriage" still exists, perhaps you are against divorce though? This country has had homeless people throughout its history (including in unenlightened times)....we could always bring the "workhouses" back again.

@ dr - yes, I am an immense danger to society with my liberal pacifist views.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 5:32pm Prt gy wrote:
All hard drug addicts start on "soft" drugs
On 24 Jul 2017 at 5:44pm Pedro wrote:
@ prt gy - yea, those "soft" drugs would include alcohol and tobacco as well.

Its worth noting though that the vast majority of people that start on "soft drugs" don't do anything more than just that as well (judging by statistics). Amsterdam does not have a specific heroin or meth problem, and in Portugal where all drugs are de-criminalised since 2001 have far lower hard drug usage and overdoses.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 6:48pm The blind beggar wrote:
People are begging on the streets of Lewes because other people are giving them money. It's as simple as that. If nobody gave them anything then they wouldn't do it.
What brings them to beg at all is a much more complex question and they'll each have a story to tell.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 7:12pm Jack the Hat wrote:
Don't mention the blind beggar.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 8:25am Mark wrote:
Leaves don't fall from trees because people sweep up leaves.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 9:45am @Mark wrote:
Is that supposed to be an insightful statement Mark?
"Trees don't grow leaves if there is no sun and soil to feed and nourish them"
"beggars don't beg if no members of the public give them money"
On 25 Jul 2017 at 12:46pm Sensible wrote:
The response of my family is strictly Christian and will benefit our society when it is applied to all who dirty our streets by their decisions and laziness. "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." This is written in God's word and carries the full authority of Holy Scripture. 2 Thessalonians 3:10
On 25 Jul 2017 at 1:01pm @Sensible wrote:
You say you are a Christian, and therefore believe that God created everything in this world. Why then did he create drugs and beggars? Also aren't you supposed to 'do unto others as you would have done to yourself'? So how does your post fit in with that?
It's a bit like all these people praying to God to help Charlie Gard. Have they thought of asking him why he made the poor little lad suffer in the first place?
How can you call yourself Sensible when you believe this rubbish. It's non more real than the tooth fairy or Father Christmas.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 1:47pm Religion wrote:
I don't trust anyone who lives by a fairytale book. Come on its 2017.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 2:10pm True believer wrote:
Religion my backside, more like aliens.

Check it out here »
On 25 Jul 2017 at 4:44pm Sojourner wrote:
I think if I was a shopkeeper and someone started begging outside my shop I would encourage them to go elsewhere.
I might also consider visiting local councillors at inconvenient (for them) times and suggesting they might do something about it or organizing a business rate strike until they do.
I might put their responses on this forum and remind people
who said what.
Lewes has no no need to compete with Brighton in the degeneracy Olympics.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 8:22pm Guy wrote:
The tall large dirty blonde hair one who plays radio loud, often walking round with his jeans handing below his arse, with everything on show has a flat in Southover but chooses to spend his time on benches intimidating people. Heard him giving racist chants at a women minding her own buisness on her.lunch break in town not.to long ago.
On 27 Jul 2017 at 10:13pm Rose wrote:
A local community police officer took a statement from me after an unpleasant incident with one of the 'homeless' men - the bearded one who has various aliases including Prince or Sam, who is extremely volatile. The officer enlightened me about these 'homeless' people who are suddenly causing serious issues in Lewes. There have been four burglaries close to where I live off Cliffe High St in as many weeks. They urinate under the overhang and in doorways, where cushions, sleeping bags and cardboard are just left. Sometimes they fight or shout drunkenly in the middle of the night and as another comment here has mentioned they can be very aggressive. The officer told me Prince has been kicked out of Brighton and has just come out of jail, that they come from Croydon and Brighton to beg and that the 4 known ones on her files all have homes. There are plenty of charities and bodies to help the homeless and those with addictions but these guys choose to beg as it's lucrative. All such charities say the same thing - give donations to them and NOT the beggars as by doing such you are perpetuating the problem, keeping them on the streets of Lewes and providing money for their drug and alcohol habits.
On 27 Jul 2017 at 10:20pm Flanagan + Alan wrote:
Underneath the arches we'll take the p*** all day.

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