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Today's Sussex Express

On 21 Jul 2017 at 9:21am Hatters wrote:
Well, hilarious typo of typos on the front cover of the Express. Believe it or not, they've put the price up to 95p at the tills. But they've mistakenly left the old price of 85p on the front cover. Hmm, not sure how that works with Trading Standards!
On 21 Jul 2017 at 10:26am Horseman7 wrote:
It means you don't pay 95p. If the shop won't accept 85p, then don't buy it.
On 21 Jul 2017 at 11:31am Deja Vu wrote:
Sadly it doesn't mean much,
1. If you haven't bought it, you don't have the right to buy it at the lower price.
2. If you have bought it at the lower price, the shop can't ask for the difference (they have to honour the sale)
2b. Unless they told you it cost more and then made a mistake ringing it up (they can ask for the difference)
3. If you bought it at a higher than advertised price you can ask the retailer for a refund of the difference
If it doesn't say 95p anywhere I would think they will have a difficult time not refunding the difference.
But a lot of shops have their own T&C's, for example if you bought it in Tesco, they should honour the face value.

Check it out here »
On 22 Jul 2017 at 4:13pm Earl of Lewess wrote:
Raising the cover price is a ticket to ovlivion.
On 22 Jul 2017 at 10:03pm Peasant wrote:
Got my copy for 85p at McColls, Ringmer, after pointing out the advertised price. Had to wait 10p's worth of time while the assistant explained to the till why the price didn't match the bar code though!

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