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On 25 Jul 2017 at 4:56pm TROOPER wrote:
Greetings all. I have, as I said some time ago returned from a world singlehanded cruise,as I also said I propose to spend all I have and I shall soon be off again, once I my boat fully eqipped and provisioned,if nothing else to get away from this God awful country.The bitching, backbiting politicos. the moaning complaining population,a police service et al that is a bad joke, civil servants that are anything but, civil,local authoriies that are a disaster, which appear to be run by the bleeding hearts, Do gooders and God wallopers This is not the country I was born into and have served faithfully for many many years, I do not wish to offend but this is not England any more it is a strange land with no national identity and every language under the sun.Am I unhappy, of course I am, I am devastated. I give you fair warning people it is set to get a lot lot worse.
In the immortal words of an American President "You aint seen nothing yet"
I am of course expecting a mighty storm of "thumbs down" but who cares !!!
On 25 Jul 2017 at 5:06pm You do realise wrote:
That by going abroad you're only going to expose yourself to a lot more foreigners and "every language under the sun", right? Your posting on here in the past would suggest you're a massive racist so I'm not sure going abroad is really the best thing for you.

Unless you're going to the Costa Del Expat in which case you'll probably fit right in and you can sit in the British theme pub complaining about foreigners all day long with a bunch of other old, white racists who are completely blind to the irony.

Either way, good luck to you fella, I suspect you won't be missed here.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 7:02pm Rupert wrote:
Did you sell your truck business to an Englishman?
On 25 Jul 2017 at 7:45pm Nevillman wrote:
Sadly it was people with this ridiculous mythical view of an england past who voted brexit which will ensure that the future does get worse. Good riddance trooper.
On 26 Jul 2017 at 4:56am @Trooper wrote:
You are spot on pal. For some reason, everyone seems to have become so much more sensitive over the past 10 years. Everyone seems to be "offended" by whatever other people say or do, no matter how trivial. It'll be on the national curriculum soon.
On 26 Jul 2017 at 8:33am expat. wrote:
well you get a thumbs up from me trooper. went back for a 5 week holiday. and the place I lived is unrecognisable as England. the do gooders have let it be ruined, women walking round with full face masks on. don't speak English, eastern European men throwing rubbish in the streets, and beer cans all along the canal. it must be what the population want? went to a rare pub that was open, about a dozen people in total sat in the rain outside, nobody inside! wtf is that all about? talking to strangers at the pub. everyone was of the same opinion. send them all back.
On 26 Jul 2017 at 12:51pm Clifford wrote:
I love satirical posts like Trooper's. Obviously a reasonable left-wing person coming here to draw out the racist and sexist xenophobes. And look how successful he has been. It's a great technique and often works.
On 26 Jul 2017 at 1:05pm @expat wrote:
Oh, the irony of the Mensa Trust rascist.
I do hope though that the country that you now reside in isn't full of narrow minded, bigoted rascists as yourself or god forbid you might find yourself back in this terrible country ruined by Tories. Alternatively you can crawl back under your rock to whichever your new chosen country of residence is and we can all hope that your lovely hosts won't be too bothered that you can't speak a word of the lingo; that you're none to keen to integrate with the locals and ultimately are in no rush to send you home.
As for which town you are describing in your post, would you care to tell us where the 'canal' is?
Are you on the correct forum?
On 26 Jul 2017 at 1:34pm Near Canal ? wrote:
or Far Canal ?
On 26 Jul 2017 at 1:41pm Pedro wrote:
Yeah, it must be a satirical post. Nobody can use the term "do-gooders" and keep a straight face, surely.
On 28 Jul 2017 at 11:10pm Little Green Racist wrote:
Mars has canals.

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