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Restored Faith in Humanity

On 26 Jul 2017 at 9:58am notforthelikesofus wrote:
Comments like Trooper's recent post show a bad side of many people; that they are nothing but small minded bigots, racists and misanthropes. Sadly there seem to be many of these types who are too stupid to realise the cause of the issues they struggle with and take the simple option of blaming the foreigner.
Happily, there are those who are prepared to put their lives on the line to fight for a world free from corruption and intolerance in all of its forms.
Good luck to all those fighting for the Rojava Revolution, Hasta La Victoria Siempre!

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On 26 Jul 2017 at 10:12am Devil advocate wrote:
In fairness Trooper said NOTHING that was racist, if you think he did you clearly have no idea what racism means.
He pointed out this country has gone to the dogs with a handful of officials screwing the entire country for there own self serving agenda's.
David Camoron is a fine example of this, giving the average UK resident (mathematically speaking half the country is below average intelligence) a vote on leaving the EU just to satisfy a handful of back benchers.
If you've ever tried to get a straight answer from anyone council based (let alone a politician) you will appreciate his frustration.
Not really sure why you feel the need to start a new thread about this either, why not just comment on that thread?

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