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Hamsey and Barcombe school

On 20 Jul 2017 at 7:29pm Danni F. wrote:
We are trying to decide on which primary school to go for for our 3 year old boy. We live in Barcombe area and like the Barcombe school but have heard the classes are smaller in Hamsey School in Cooksbridge and our friend's child loves it there. Any thoughts?
On 20 Jul 2017 at 7:56pm MotherLove wrote:
Honestly, I really don't think you can take people's opinion from a forum as an influence in your decision making process about where to send your child to school. You don't know the type of people who will give you answers on here, and by that I mean that every individual is so different and has such different views and opinions and seek different things for their own child that it is risky to take on other people's advice on such an important decision. All children are different and have different needs, as are/do all parents. A school that suits 1 child may not suit another child or another parent. A parent may love a school that another parent found problems with. A child may love attending a school that another child feels unhappy at. And so on.
My child attends our local school and it is nothing short of amazing. The grounds, the building, the truly amazing teachers and the inspirational and compassionate head teacher make for a happy and safe learning environment that my child thrives at and loves going to, yet my neighbour drives their child out to a different school in a different area every day because they didn't feel the local school was right for them. It is so subjective that you really do need to visit both schools at least a couple of times, speak to the head, ask to speak to the reception teacher, and get your own feel for them. You are allowed to make personal appointments to look round schools, you aren't just restricted to open days.
Good luck!x
On 20 Jul 2017 at 8:57pm Bored wrote:
Barcombe results this year make it the second best primary school in East Sussex! They are an outstanding school and the headteacher there is now also head of Hamsey and Plumpton schools to bring them to the same level. I agree with the post from above, you need to see which school is right for you.
On 20 Jul 2017 at 9:34pm Lisa Sander wrote:
Ny children are at Barcombe and we are happy there.
On 20 Jul 2017 at 10:14pm old councillor wrote:
Where do you live? Both Barcombe and Hamsey are village schools and that means that they serve the local community. If you are driving miles, arriving just before school starts and picking up minutes after the children leave, then you will miss the very environment you hope for. As schools such as Rodmell and Pells close, then more children are crammed into the Lewes schools and that drives parents to look outside the town. But are the classes actually smaller? Are the children taught in "mobile" classrooms? How much time is spent in travel?
Both Barcombe and Hamsey are good schools but they are good because of community support and active and engaged parents. Remember children only spend a third of their time in school the rest is down to the support you give them!
On 21 Jul 2017 at 7:18am Mamia wrote:
Being at primary school is about a lot more than being at school Mon - Fri 9 - 3. It is about being part of the school community, about your child making friends with children who live in the very same area that they do because this builds a strong sense of community for the child. Seeing other school children they know around their own community counts for such a lot as part of the child's development, feeling a sense of belonging to where they actually live. Satelliting children out to schools in different communities does not work for the child, trust me.
School life means after school play dates, meeting up with other families in the school hols, Christmas plays, after school activities, sports day, May day, mum's night out, dad's night out, after school discos, and you will be permanently driving in to s different village to try and join in with a different community if you opt out of going to your own local and closest school.
On 21 Jul 2017 at 7:25am do the right thing wrote:
If you can drive to school.Its better for child and planet .....
On 21 Jul 2017 at 10:54pm Fair Meadow wrote:
You live in Barcombe? Send your children to Barcombe school and make your family part of the village community. Most parents in rural Sussex do that, and that is why we have such good rural schools. If for some reason you or your child can't cope there, then try somewhere else. But if you/he can't thrive at Barcombe, he probably isn't going to thrive anywhere. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
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