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Burglary In Offham

On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:17pm Guy Spencer wrote:
I wanted to post to let the community know that last Friday during the small hours we had a burglary in Offham from our summerhouse. Two mountain bikes were stolen, one a dark green Kona and a very identifiable bright orange full suspension downhill bike by Commencal. If anyone sees the Commencal bike I'd appreciate being notified, it is quite distinctive.
It was obviously premeditated as they had tools to open the locked summerhouse and bolt cutters to snip off the bike lock.
I want to be clear I'm not posting for sympathy, rather to let people know to be vigilant and to lock up outbuildings and keep valuables safe. At present Lewes Police have not yet responded to our initial contact on Saturday afternoon would you believe!
Stay safe and happy.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:27pm Deja Vu wrote:
The thing I find hardest to believe is that you managed to get hold of any Police in Lewes...
However (judging by their response times) I am reassured in my belief that there aren't any left.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:33pm Guy Spencer wrote:
Thanks Deja Vu, we're resigned to the fact that the bikes are gone most likely to another region but getting a crime number from the Police would be nice so that we can process the insurance.
Not too much to ask for the eye-watering council tax we pay, right?
On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:52pm Sargeant Dixon wrote:
Don't want to worry you....but I've been told by (a serving policeman),. that cuts to policing are going to get a whole lot worse. At present, when you ring the control centre after hours because the police stations are all shut, there are several people on duty to answer your call and prioritise it.......very shortly there will only be one person on duty on a rolling rota so try not to get burgled, robbed or stabbed when they're taking a "comfort break" otherwise you'll just get the answerphone.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:56pm Deja Vu wrote:
I'm actually still trying to work out where our council tax goes, I moved from the Henfield area a few years ago, council tax was £600 lower and covered a lot more for the money.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 1:58pm Farmer Giles of Hamsey wrote:
To be fair the local Police have a lot on their plate investigating people who have said mean things on the Lewes Forum.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 4:54pm Zebedee wrote:
Thanks very much Guy.
There's been a small spate of no-hope chancer robberies in Barcombe and nearby by two men in a white car-based van. They target outhouses and steal anything they can carry. They really are useless though and have been disturbed and thwarted a number of times... but as far as I know they still haven 't been caught.
On 24 Jul 2017 at 5:08pm Another one wrote:
Think my neighbours bikes next door were pinched a week or so a go as well
On 24 Jul 2017 at 7:36pm Lewes lad wrote:
What's a policeman?
On 24 Jul 2017 at 8:28pm Plod wrote:
Lewes Lad, ask Theresa May, she made them an endangered species!
On 24 Jul 2017 at 9:22pm Oldbutintouch wrote:
Don't panic! You can usually get a response from Sussex Police during traditional shop hours- 9.00 am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Closed for lunch 12.00pm to 2.00pm, and, of course, closed at weekends. Unfortunately, they may not be available at these opening times due to absence on a course, whilst off "sick", or gone for good due to early retirement. It's a hard life in the Police Service!
On 25 Jul 2017 at 6:46am @oldbutintouch wrote:
Maybe you need to spend a week in the Police pal. Spat at, verbally and physically abused, your family threatened, the threat of knives being pulled on you, crooks getting let off on technicalities after spending ages trying to nail them.........i could go on. The police earn every penny of their crap wages. Try it next time before you start whingeing.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 8:47am @@oldbutintouch wrote:
And maybe you should try having your property stolen and then you contact the police and get totally ignored.
The difference between the police and the public is something happens when a member of the public does this to you: "Spat at, verbally and physically abused, your family threatened", whereas when it happens to us we're lucky if the police even turn up.
"crooks getting let off on technicalities after spending ages trying to nail them", boohoo that's your job.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 9:28am Plod wrote:
Sadly there are just not enough officers to go around, and the forensic department that could investigate crimes is so depleted in numbers that there are currently less serving Sussex AND Surrey than used to serve Sussex a few years ago! This could get even worse with further merges in the future to save more money. Officers and staff do their best, but there is a limit to what they can do with the resources they have. They are not superhuman!
On 25 Jul 2017 at 9:31am Earl of Lewesss wrote:
With reduced funding, the police have to prioritise and sadly, bikes are pretty low down the list. It's quite wrong that it should be like this - it's been shown time and time again that if you take the minor crimes seriously, it reduces the more important ones too.
The Government reduced police funding because crime levels had fallen. Now they're rising again - surprise surprise! We need more police and on the streets where they're needed, not waiting to nick someone who's doing 76mph on the M23. Re: the last point, it's the police's job to bring someone to court, but it's not necessarily their fault if a prosecution fails on a technicality. The CPS are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the evidence will secure a conviction and presenting this to the court.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 9:36am Deja Vu wrote:
A cheap solar security light is around £20-£30, no wiring required (just a couple of drill holes to mount it) and is probably enough to scare off the average opportunistic burglar.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 12:59pm Farmer Piles not Offham wrote:
Rig the lock to a electric fence power pack. Battery inside the shed with a secret off switch hidden outside.
On 25 Jul 2017 at 8:17pm Heh wrote:
Then add bomb.

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