On 24 Sep 2009 at 7:44am Spongebob wrote:
I've heard a very good rumour that stormin Norman Baker will be standing down before the next election and will not be contesting his seat.
You can thank me later.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 8:14am Jardinier wrote:
I've heard the same
On 24 Sep 2009 at 8:35am Jardinier wrote:
Message to Ruth ... Just say NO.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 8:36am Ann de V wrote:
Good. He's obviously standing aside for a better woman.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 8:48am Spongebob wrote:
Let's just hope he's standing down because of some massive scandal....children smuggling, drug dealing, money laundering that sort of thing.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 11:31am In The Know wrote:
I've heard that this muck is being spread by Norman's great enemy Peter Jones - who's the Tory leader of the County Council.
Cllr Jones' wife is Jacqui Lait MP who has been up to her neck in the expenses scandal thanks in no small part to Norman's tireless work to expose abuses to the system. Just 4 days ago she announces that she's not standing at the next election no doubt due to new revelations about a freebie trip to Australia she's taken at taxpayers' expense.
All of a sudden there is a malicious and baseless rumour that Norman is not standing again. Coincidence? I think Lewesians are a bit too smart to fall for that. Looks like the Tories are still the nasty party after all.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 11:42am Spongebob wrote:
Or maybe people have just had enough of him now. I think Labour should get in Lewes in the next election.....that'll stir 50% of the Lewes residents up a bit
On 24 Sep 2009 at 12:34pm Sherlock wrote:
Labour in 2010? They've got a ruddy great hill to climb:
Norman Baker, Liberal Democrat 24,376 (52.4%)
Rory Love, Conservative 15,902 (34.2%)
Richard Black, Labour 4,169 (9.0%)
On 24 Sep 2009 at 2:11pm Cameron wrote:
He knows he's got no chance of retaining his seat so he's getting out before he gets kicked out in the inevitable Tory landslide.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 2:18pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
Based on what Clegg has been saying this week the Libs have turned into the Tories anyhow. I'm with you Spongebob - Vote Labour.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 2:25pm Lib Supporter wrote:
I've checked this out. Its nonsense. Tories playing dirty early. Desperate.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 2:59pm Toque wrote:
Don't vote for any of them, it only encourages them.
On 24 Sep 2009 at 4:06pm Peter Jones wrote:
Not me Gov but Oh how I hope this rumour is true. Norman has done lettle of value for the people of Lewes and cost the County Council thousands of pounds on spurious challenges to our accounts etc; money which could have been spent on services to the people of the County. Peter Jones
On 24 Sep 2009 at 4:30pm God wrote:
Sweet spelling Cllr. E and I are not even close on the keyboard!
On 25 Sep 2009 at 12:25am Blue Vinny wrote:
Although I like to consider myself a tory through and through, I do vote for Norman as I believe he is a really sound gentleman with decent morals and values. However, his councillors let him down BIG time.
On 25 Sep 2009 at 10:56am Independent thinker wrote:
Today's Sussex Express tried some real journalism by investigating the rumour and found there's apparently no basis to it. Baker blames smear tactics. Given the party I used to support, Labour, has lost the plot, and the Tories are by definition evil, I'm happy that we have Baker in town to vote for. Even a UKIP friend of mine said he'd vote for him if he lived here as Baker is widely considered in Westminster to be one of the best parliamentarians. And if he's upsetting the ESCC Tories all the better. They've been upsetting us for years
On 25 Sep 2009 at 12:07pm sashimi wrote:
This is going to be a very odd general election if Tories and UKIP as well as tactical Labour voters are going to support Norman. If he gets 100% won't that look a bit fishy?
On 25 Sep 2009 at 1:11pm Lusty Lady wrote:
I'd vote for him any day....phhhhroooarrrr...what a dish
On 25 Sep 2009 at 9:50pm Honest Ron wrote:
absolutely the greatest "local" MP of any party, any constituency in recent memory - don't agree with all of his policies - but he is outspoken and honest - guaranteed my vote - and all my lads too
On 27 Sep 2009 at 8:36pm i dont live in lewes... wrote:
An important reason that we need Norman Baker is because of the likes of Cllr Peter Jones. Mr Peter Jones, leader of ESCC also chairman of the cabinet of course knows nothing about wasting tax payers money. Better to blame Noman Eh?
That really is an amazingly stupid thing to do... even by your standards.
How on earth are the public meant to trust someone like you or the Con party that you represent?